15 research outputs found

    Innovative Dressing Kit “PLEMODS” in the Training System of Security Formation and Public Order

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    Konsorcjum naukowo-przemysłowe, którego liderem jest Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie, realizuje projekt pn. „Zestaw opatrunkowy zabezpieczający urazy powstałe w trakcie pełnienia obowiązków służbowych przez służby mundurowe (PLEMODS)” Nr DOB-BIO6/19/98/2014, współfinansowany ze środków finansowych Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju. W ramach projektu zostanie wykonany zestaw opatrunkowy zabezpieczający urazy powstałe w trakcie pełnienia obowiązków służbowych przez funkcjonariuszy formacji mundurowych, w tym propozycja systemu szkolenia zapewniająca nabycie umiejętności zastosowania zestawu opatrunkowego, a także jego płynnego wdrożenia do codziennej służby. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań, które uwzględniają analizę istniejących systemów kształcenia w formacjach bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego, wraz z propozycją zmian, które będą warunkowały skuteczne zastosowanie omawianego zestawu opatrunkowego w służbie.The scientific-industrial consortium, the leader of which is Police Academy in Szczytno (Poland), has been implementing the project ”Protective dressing kit for injuries sustained by the uniformed services during duty” No. DOB-BIO6/19/98/2014. The project is co-financed by The National Centre for Research and Development. The grant for project’s realization was obtained within call for proposals No. 6/2014 for execution of projects in the scope of research and development for national defence and security. Within the project, the dressing kit protecting injuries sustained during the performance of official duties by uniformed services will be developed. It will also include prototype of the training system providing the skills acquisition of the dressing kit application and its smooth implementation into the daily service. The purpose of the article is to present the research results which take into account analysis of training systems in security formations and public order with proposition about the changes which will determine effective application of this dressing kit into duty

    7 ways to boost digital innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe

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    This report attempts to summarise findings and conclusions of over 30 studies published within the EURIPIDIS project (European Innovation Policies for the Digital Shift). The objective of EURIPIDIS was to better understand how digital innovation and entrepreneurship work; to assess the EU's digital innovation and entrepreneurship performance; and to suggest how policy makers could make digital innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU work better. Because digital technologies facilitate the modernization of firms and economies, digital innovation and entrepreneurship requires a comprehensive policy response. The current report focuses on 7 issues. (1) Digital innovation and entrepreneurship require skills and capabilities ranging from technical, managerial and financial; entrepreneurial culture; failure acceptance; large funding and innovation-friendly regulatory environment. Capacity building and specific policies are needed in all those fields. (2) Resisting digital disruption and protecting the status quo is likely to be a short-term strategy. Negative social and economic effects need to be mitigated. (3) The ecosystem of digital innovation and entrepreneurship consists of a wide range of different players. Policy responses need to address this heterogeneity. (4) Digital innovation and entrepreneurship takes place through collaborative interactions between various players. To facilitate collaboration, knowledge flow and spillovers need to become a more central focus of public policies. (5) In addition to increasing funding for innovation, closer attention needs to be paid to the availability of funding for scaling-up of digital enterprises. (6) To guarantee technological interoperability and create technology-related network effects, coordination between various players to, for example, set technological standards is needed. (7) Technological complexity combined with the cumulativeness of digital innovation requires a balance between two conflicting goals: the provision of incentives to create new products and the stimulation of knowledge dissemination.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom