14 research outputs found

    Physiotherapeutic competencies in the process of rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients

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    U procesu kardiološke rehabilitacije, fizikalna terapija primjenjuje se za postizanje što boljeg fizičkog, psihičkog i socijalnog stanja bolesnika te njegova povratka aktivnostima svakodnevnoga života u obitelji i zajednici. U tom procesu, koji provodi interdisciplinarni tim, fizioterapeuti i njihove kompetencije imaju bitnu ulogu. Proces fizikalne terapije i rehabilitacije obuhvaća procjenu, intervenciju i evaluaciju u svim fazama, od koronarne jedinice pa do završne faze rehabilitacije. Fizioterapeutska procjena bolesnika sastoji se od subjektivnog i objektivnog pregleda, analize medicinske dokumentacije, fizioterapeutske anamneze, plana intervencija, postupaka mjerenja i testova. U procesu kardiološke rehabilitacije, posebne kompetencije fizioterapeuta potrebne su u dijagnostičkim pretragama (ergometrijsko testiranje, spirometrija, kontinuirano snimanje 24-satnog elektrokardiograma, kontinuirano snimanje 24-satnog krvnog tlaka, EKG, TCD i ehokardiografija), kojima se evaluiraju rezultati intervencija i opseg koronarnih bolesti. Kardiološka rehabilitacija dijeli se u tri međusobno povezane faze. Prva faza obuhvaća akutno i rano postakutno liječenje nakon akutnog koronarnog sindroma ili kardiokirurške operacije u koronarnim jedinicama i kardiološkim odjelima. Druga faza obuhvaća kasno postakutno liječenje, a obavlja se stacionarno, u specijaliziranim ustanovama za rehabilitaciju. Treća je faza doživotna, a obuhvaća trajno praćenje i skrb za bolesnike, što se provodi periodički, ambulantno te u bolničkoj ili izvanbolničkoj službi. Bitnu ulogu ima i prevencija kardiovaskularnih bolesti, kroz kontrolu čimbenika rizika, tjelesnu aktivnost, odnosno provođenje strategija djelovanja na razini pojedinca i cijele populacije. U radu su detaljno opisane fizioterapeutske kompetencije u procesu rehabilitacije kardioloških bolesnika.During cardiac rehabilitation, the aim of physical therapy is to achieve the best possible physical, psychological and social state of the patient and his return to daily activities within his family and the community. The rehabilitation of cardiac patients is a process conducted by an interdisciplinary team. In this team, physical therapists, with their competences, play an important role. Physical rehabilitation encompasses assessment, intervention and evaluation, from its beginning at the coronary unit to the end phase of rehabilitation. Physiotherapeutic assessment of the patient consists of subjective and objective examination, the analysis of medical documentation, patient physical therapy history, intervention plan, measurement procedures and tests. In cardiac rehabilitation, physiotherapy competences are important in diagnostic procedures (ergometry, spirometry, continuous 24-hour EKG, continuous 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, TCD and echocardiography) and are used to evaluate the results of interventions as well as the extent of coronary disease. Cardiac rehabilitation consists of 3 phases: 1) the phase of acute and early post-acute treatment, after the acute coronary syndrome or cardiac surgery (i.e., in coronary units and cardiology wards); 2) the phase of later (postacute) treatment, in specialized rehabilitation institutions; 3) the phase of continuing (lifetime) follow-up and patient care, with periodic visits to health care institutions. The prevention of cardiovascular diseases is very important and is implemented through the control of risk factors and regular physical activity, at the level of individual patients and the entire population. In this paper, we describe physiotherapeutic competences required for the successful rehabilitation of cardiac patients

    Termička relaksacija i kvantno tuneliranje magnetizacije u Mn12-acetatu

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    The dependence of the magnetic moment m on the temperature T and the magnetic field H in a synthesized molecular magnet Mn12-acetate has been measured using a SQUID magnetometer. The splitting of zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) m(T) curves below the so-called blocking temperature TB (≈ 3.6 K at H = 0) was observed. By measuring the time relaxation of m, it was found that it tended to the same value with the same relaxation time (≈ 560 s at 3 K) for both ZFC and FC processes. This indicates spin freezing below TB and the single molecule process in the explored temperature range (2 K <T < 4 K). The dependence of TB on applied H was also investigated. The decreasing of TB with increasing H can be explained in the frame of barrier reduction in the applied field.Mjerili smo ovisnost magnetskog momenta m sintetiziranog molekulskog magneta Mn12-acetat o temperaturi T i magnetskom polju H pomoću SQUID magnetometra. Ispod tzv. temperature kočenja TB (≈ 3.6 K pri H = 0) primijetili smo razdvajanje krivulja m(T) za uzorak hlađen bez polja (ZFC) i hlađen u polju (FC). Mjerenja vremenske relaksacije m pokazuju da m teži istim vrijednostima s jednakim relaksacijskim vremenima (≈ 560 s na 3 K) za oba procesa, ZFC i FC. Narečeno ukazuje na zamrzavanje spinova ispod temperature kočenja TB (≈ 3.5 K) i jednočestičnu prirodu procesa u istraživanom temperaturnom području (2 K <T < 4 K). Istraživali smo i ovisnost TB o primijenjenom polju H. Pad TB s povećanjem H objašnjavamo sniženjem bedema u primijenjenom polju

    Thermal relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in Mn_12-acetate

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    The dependence of the magnetic moment m on the temperature T and the magnetic field H in a synthesized molecular magnet Mn_12-acetate has been measured using a SQUID magnetometer. The splitting of zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) m(T) curves below the so-called blocking temperature TB ( ≈ 3.6 K at H = 0) was observed. By measuring the time relaxation of m, it was found that it tended to the same value with the same relaxation time ( ≈ 560 s at 3 K) for both ZFC and FC processes. This indicates spin freezing below TB and the single molecule process in the explored temperature range (2 K < T < 4 K). The dependence of TB on applied H was also investigated. The decreasing of TB with increasing H can be explained in the frame of barrier reduction in the applied field

    Propane-2,2-diyl di-p-phenyl­ene dibenzoate

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    The V-shaped propeller-like mol­ecule of the title compound, C29H24O4, does not exhibit crystallographic twofold symmetry as the two benzene rings are twisted asymmetrically with respect to both the central propyl plane and the benzo­yloxy groups [4.6 (2), 43.6 (2)° and 45.07 (8), 69.50 (8)°]. In the crystal structure, centrosymmetrically related mol­ecules form a dimer through C—H⋯π inter­molecular inter­actions

    Thermal relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in Mn_12-acetate

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    The dependence of the magnetic moment m on the temperature T and the magnetic field H in a synthesized molecular magnet Mn_12-acetate has been measured using a SQUID magnetometer. The splitting of zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) m(T) curves below the so-called blocking temperature TB ( ≈ 3.6 K at H = 0) was observed. By measuring the time relaxation of m, it was found that it tended to the same value with the same relaxation time ( ≈ 560 s at 3 K) for both ZFC and FC processes. This indicates spin freezing below TB and the single molecule process in the explored temperature range (2 K < T < 4 K). The dependence of TB on applied H was also investigated. The decreasing of TB with increasing H can be explained in the frame of barrier reduction in the applied field

    Dicyclo­hexyl­ammonium 2-methoxy­benzoate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C12H24N+·C8H7O3 −, contains one dicyclo­hexyl­ammonium cation and one 2-methoxy­benzoate anion. Two cations and two anions are linked together to form a four-ion cluster through a set of N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds connect the clusters into chains that are stacked along the crystallographic c axis

    Molybdenum Complexes Derived from 2-Hydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde and Benzhydrazide as Potential Oxidation Catalysts and Semiconductors

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    International audienceThis study aimed to synthesize molybdenum complexes coordinated with an aroyl hydrazone-type ligand (H2L), which was generated through the condensation of 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde with benzhydrazide. The synthesis yielded two types of mononuclear complexes, specifically [MoO2(L)(MeOH)] and [MoO2(L)(H2O)], as well as a bipyridine-bridged dinuclear complex, [(MoO2(L))2(4,4’-bpy)]. Those entities were thoroughly characterized using a suite of analytical techniques, including attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy (IR-ATR), elemental analysis (EA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD). Additionally, solid-state impedance spectroscopy (SS-IS) was employed to investigate the electrical properties of these complexes. The mononuclear complexes were tested as catalysts in the epoxidation of cyclooctene and the oxidation of linalool. Among these, the water-coordinated mononuclear complex, [MoO2(L)(H2O)], demonstrated superior electrical and catalytic properties. A novel contribution of this research lies in establishing a correlation between the electrical properties, structural features, and the catalytic efficiency of the complexes, marking this work as one of the pioneering studies in this area for molybdenum coordination complexes, to the best of our knowledge