8,877 research outputs found

    Nucleate pool boiling investigation on a silicon test section with micro-fabricated cavities

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    The basic mechanisms of nucleate boiling are still not completely understood, in spite of the many numerical and experimental studies dedicated to the topic. The use of a hybrid code allows reasonable computational times for simulations of a solid plate with a large population of artificial micro-cavities with fixed distribution. This paper analyses the guidelines for the design, through numerical simulations, of the location and sizes of micro-fabricated cavities on a new silicon test section immersed in FC-72 at the saturation temperature for different pressures with an imposed heat flux applied at the back of the plate. Particular focus is on variations of wall temperature around nucleation sites

    Steps towards the development of an experimentally verified simulation of pool nucleate boiling on a silicon wafer with artificial sites

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    Nucleate boiling is a very effective heat transfer cooling process, used in numerous industrial applications. Despite intensive research over decades, a reliable model of nucleate pool boiling is still not available. This paper presents a numerical and experimental investigation of nucleate boiling from artificial nucleation sites. The numerical investigation described in the first section of the paper is carried out by a hybrid mechanistic numerical code first developed at the University of Ljubljana to simulate the temperature field in a heated stainless steel plate with a large number of nucleation sites during pool boiling of water at atmospheric pressure. It is now being redeveloped to interpret experiments on pool boiling at artificial sites on a silicon plate and as a design tool to investigate different arrangements of sites to achieve high heat fluxes. The code combines full simulation of the temperature field in the solid wall with simplified models or correlations for processes in the liquid-vapour region. The current capabilities and limitations of the code are reviewed and improvements are discussed. Examples are given of the removal of computational constraints on the activation of sites in close proximity and improvements to the bubble growth model. Preliminary simulations are presented to compare the wall conditions to be used in the experiments on silicon at Edinburgh University with the conditions in current experiments on thin metal foils at Ljubljana. An experimental rig for boiling experiments with artificial cavities on a 0.38 mm thick silicon wafer immersed in FC-72, developed at Edinburgh University, is described in the second part of the paper

    Experimental pool boiling investigations of vertical coalescence for FC-72 on silicon from an isolated artificial cavity

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    In this study bubble growth from an isolated artificial cavity micro-fabricated on a horizontal 380 µm thick silicon wafer was investigated. The horizontally oriented boiling surface was heated by a thin resistance heater integrated on the rear of the silicon test section. The temperature was measured using an integrated micro-sensor situated on the boiling surface with the artificial cavity located in its geometrical centre. A resistive track was used as the sensor, which when calibrated, exhibited a near-linear behaviour with increasing temperature. To conduct pool boiling experiments the test section was immersed in degassed fluorinert FC-72. Bubble nucleation, growth and detachment at different pressures were observed using high-speed imaging. Coalescence was observed at the boundary between the isolated bubble and interference regimes. The occurrence of vertical coalescence was found to be more frequent, with increasing wall superheat and decreasing pressure. The equivalent sphere volumes of two bubbles before and after coalescence were evaluated from area measurements. It was observed that the second nucleated bubble is always smaller than its predecessor. The vapour generation appears not to stop during coalescence as the volume of the merged bubble was typically 5-18% larger than the sum of the bubble volumes just before coalescence

    Simulation and experimental investigation of pool boiling on a silicon wafer with artificial nucleation sites

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    This paper reports progress on a project to develop a design tool for large arrays of nucleation sites at specified locations to achieve high rates of cooling by pool boiling. The tool will be based on an improved version of a hybrid simulation, in which the 3-D temperature field in the wall is solved numerically, along with simple sub-models for bubble-driven heat transfer that require experimental calibration. Improvements to the computer code and progress with the experiments are reported briefly. The paper focuses on the development of a sub-model for the lateral coalescence of bubbles, which is shown to cause irregularity in the bubble production by a regular array of nucleation sites

    A brief introduction to nomography: graphical representation of mathematical relationships

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    © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Nomographs (or nomograms, or alignment charts) are graphical representations of mathematical relationships (extending to empirical relationships of data) which are used by simply applying a straightedge across the plot through points on scales representing independent variables, which then crosses the corresponding datum point for the dependent variable; the choice among independent and dependent variable is arbitrary so that each variable may be determined in terms of the others. Examples of nomographs in common current use compute the lift available for a hot-air balloon, the boiling points of solvents under reduced pressure in the chemistry laboratory, and the relative forces in a centrifuge in a biochemical laboratory. Sundials represent another ancient yet widely familiar example. With the advent and ready accessibility of the computer, printed mathematical tables, slide rules and nomographs became generally redundant. However, nomographs provide insight into mathematical relationships, are useful for rapid and repeated application, even in the absence of calculational facilities, and can reliably be used in the field. Many nomographs for various purposes may be found online. This paper describes the origins and development of nomographs, illustrating their use with some relevant examples. A supplementary interactive Excel file demonstrates their application for some simple mathematical operations

    Visual, Motor and Attentional Influences on Proprioceptive Contributions to Perception of Hand Path Rectilinearity during Reaching

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    We examined how proprioceptive contributions to perception of hand path straightness are influenced by visual, motor and attentional sources of performance variability during horizontal planar reaching. Subjects held the handle of a robot that constrained goal-directed movements of the hand to the paths of controlled curvature. Subjects attempted to detect the presence of hand path curvature during both active (subject driven) and passive (robot driven) movements that either required active muscle force production or not. Subjects were less able to discriminate curved from straight paths when actively reaching for a target versus when the robot moved their hand through the same curved paths. This effect was especially evident during robot-driven movements requiring concurrent activation of lengthening but not shortening muscles. Subjects were less likely to report curvature and were more variable in reporting when movements appeared straight in a novel “visual channel” condition previously shown to block adaptive updating of motor commands in response to deviations from a straight-line hand path. Similarly, compromised performance was obtained when subjects simultaneously performed a distracting secondary task (key pressing with the contralateral hand). The effects compounded when these last two treatments were combined. It is concluded that environmental, intrinsic and attentional factors all impact the ability to detect deviations from a rectilinear hand path during goal-directed movement by decreasing proprioceptive contributions to limb state estimation. In contrast, response variability increased only in experimental conditions thought to impose additional attentional demands on the observer. Implications of these results for perception and other sensorimotor behaviors are discussed

    A constitutive model for cytoskeletal contractility of smooth muscle cells

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    The constitutive model presented in this article aims to describe the main bio-chemo-mechanical features involved in the contractile response of smooth muscle cells, in which the biochemical response is modelled by extending the four-state Hai–Murphy model to isotonic contraction of the cells and the mechanical response is mainly modelled based on the phosphorylation-dependent hyperbolic relation between isotonic shortening strain rate and tension. The one-dimensional version of the model is used to simulate shortening-induced deactivation with good agreement with selected experimental measurements. The results suggest that the Hai–Murphy biochemical model neglects the strain rate effect on the kinetics of cross-bridge interactions with actin filaments in the isotonic contractions. The two-dimensional version and three-dimensional versions of the model are developed using the homogenization method under finite strain continuum mechanics framework. The two-dimensional constitutive model is used to simulate swine carotid media strips under electrical field stimulation, experimentally investigated by Singer and Murphy, and contraction of a hollow airway and a hollow arteriole buried in a soft matrix subjected to multiple calcium ion stimulations. It is found that the transverse deformation may have significant influence on the response of the swine carotid medium. In both cases, the orientation of the maximal value of attached myosin is aligned with the orientation of maximum principal stress