52,715 research outputs found

    Atmospheric composition affects heat- and mass-transfer processes

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    For environmental control system functions sensitive to atmospheric composition, components are test-operated in helium-oxygen and nitrogen-oxygen mixtures, pure oxygen, and air. Transient heat- and mass-transfer tests are conducted for carbon dioxide adsorption on molecular sieve and for water vapor adsorption on silica gel

    Located horizon variation study Final report, 20 May 1968 - 13 Jan. 1969

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    Meteorological data interpolation techniques for computing horizon radiance profiles evaluated for possible error introduction

    Current Classification of the Families of Coleoptera

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    (excerpt) Several works on the order Coleoptera have appeared in recent years, some of them creating new superfamilies, others modifying the constitution of these or creating new families, finally others are genera1 revisions of the order. The authors believe that the current classification of this order, incorporating these changes would prove useful. The following outline is based mainly on Crowson (1960, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1973) and Crowson and Viedma (1964). For characters used on classification see Viedma (1972) and for family synonyms Abdullah (1969). Major features of this conspectus are the rejection of the two sections of Adephaga (Geadephaga and Hydradephaga), based on Bell (1966) and the new sequence of Heteromera, based mainly on Crowson (1966), with adaptations

    Notes on Insect Injection, Anesthetization, and Bleeding.

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    (excerpt) In recent years there has been a burgeoning interest in insect cytogenetics, sometimes involving in vivo cultures of haematocytes for chromosomal analysis. Mitotic poisons, such as colchicine (Tyrkus, 1971), are commonly injected to produce metaphase plates. Likewise, injection of toxins is now common-place in applied insect research. However, surprisingly little general information on injection is available in the literature. The dictates of morphology determine the gross procedure to be used. The kind of needle and syringe, the amount of fluid to be administered, and the necessity of optical aids are a function of the size of the insect recipient. Once these decisions are made, other considerations must still be weighed, including comparative exoskeletal toughness and the insect\u27s stage of development, which are important in determining possible areas for needle penetration

    The preparation and evaluation of high-purity, fine-grained tungsten and tungsten alloy castings summary report

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    High purity, cylindrical castings of high melting point materials such as tungsten and tungsten alloy

    Study made of resistance of stainless steels to zinc-vapor corrosion

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    Study of the corrosion resistance of several stainless steels to zinc vapor revealed that some stainless steels could be employed for use in zinc processing equipment housings or vapor lines

    Use of steel and tantalum apparatus for molten Cd-Mg-Zn alloys

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    Steel and tantalum apparatus contains various ternary alloys of cadmium, zinc, and magnesium used in pyrochemical processes for the recovery of uranium-base reactor fuels. These materials exhibit good corrosion resistance at the high temperatures necessary for fuel separation in liquid metal-molten salt solvents

    Clearigate ® Treatments for Control of Giant Salvinia

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    Results of recent field trials using the chelated copper formulation Clearigate® 4 showed that applying a 20% solution by volume was effective for controlling populations of giant salvinia in irrigation canals. 5 Lower rates may be efficacious, thereby reducing chemical use and cost; however, little is known about the dose-response effects of Clearigate® against giant salvinia. The objective of this study was to determine the effective rate range of chelated copper applied as Clearigate® for control of giant salvinia