411 research outputs found

    An electronic apparatus for early detection of changes in red cell content of blood during anaesthesia

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    An electronic apparatus was developed for anaesthetists to use to detect changes in red cell concentration during surgery. The mechanism is based on the relationship between the red cell content and the electrical conductivity of blood. In a pilot study of 170 blood samples, a correlation coefficient of 0,9806 was obtained between haematocrit and the instrument readings. To evaluate the instrument's performance in practice, and factors that might influence its readings, a series of 10 cases of aortic surgery were investigated. It is concluded that, although changes in electrolyte concentration, pH and temperature do affect the instrument's readings, these are insignificant compared with those of red cell content, and that the device can be used to indicate a drop in red cell concentration.S Afr Med J 1989; 76: 148-15

    Impact of the application of humic acid and sodium nitroprusside on nickel toxicity: Analysis of relative gene expression

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    Nickel (Ni) is an essential micronutrient for plants but in high concentrations may turn toxic. This paper discusses the potential role of humic acid (HA) and sodium  nitroprusside in modulating or preventing oxidative stress in rice plants. Three genes [superoxide dismutase (SOD) glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate  peroxidase (APx) were selected for an expression study using a real time PCR technique. Three different treatments (T1 = nickel [nickel chloride (NiCl2·6H2O)] 300 mg L-1, T2 = nickel-humic acid, T3 = nickel-sodium nitroprusside) were used to determine the effect of humic acid and sodium nitroprusside on nickel toxicity in  rice plants. Rice plants grown in T2 appeared green and well developed. In leaves and roots, the expression of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase was higher in T3 (nickel-sodium nitroprusside); glutathione reductase expression in roots was lower in T1 (sand with Ni solution) compared to T2 (nickel 300 mg L-1 and HA) where the expression was higher; significant differences were found between both treatments. In leaves, the behavior of this gene was similar in all   treatments. This research suggests that nickel toxicity cannot be diminished when HA or SNP are used, and they induce oxidative stress in rice plants.Key words: Nickel toxicity, heavy metals, gene expression, oxidative stress


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    In 1997/98, breeding at subantarctic Marion Island was exceptionally good for five species of seabirds capable of foraging over wide areas and for a tern. The number of king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus chicks surviving to the start of spring in 1997 was considerably more than previously recorded. Greater numbers of wandering Diomedea exulans and grey-headed Thalassarche chrysostoma albatrosses, northern giant petrels Macronectes halli and Kerguelen terns Sterna virgata bred than previously recorded, and more southern giant petrels M. giganteus did so than in any other year since 1994. For southern giant petrels, reproductive success was higher than in any other year, as was survival of chicks of northern giant petrels. Conversely, for two seabirds that feed close to the island, gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua and Crozet shag Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis, 1997/98 was a particularly poor breeding season. Gentoo penguins initiated breeding later than usual and fledged few chicks. The number of Crozet shags that bred decreased; probably about 25% of the adult population did not breed. For two species with an intermediate foraging range that eat mainly crustaceans, macaroni Eudyptes chrysolophus and eastern rockhopper E. chrysocome filholi penguins, breeding was not noticeably different from normal except that chicks of rockhopper penguins fledged with a slightly heavier mass than in other years. However, for both these penguins, the mass of adults on arrival at colonies decreased substantially in the following (1998/99) breeding season. The unusual breeding by most of the seabirds coincided with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event of 1997/98. This synchrony contrasts with lagged responses to ENSO events of seabirds that breed farther south in the Southern Ocean. Continued monitoring of seabirds over well-separated sites in the Southern Ocean may elucidate how climatic perturbations operating at a global scale impact seabirds in the region.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 453–46


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    The number of eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi breeding at subantarctic Marion Island decreased from about 173 000 pairs in 1994/95 to about 67 000 pairs in 2001/02. During 1994/95–2002/03 pairs fledged on average 0.40 chicks per year, an amount thought insufficient to balance mortality of breeding adults, and there was a decrease in the mass at arrival at breeding colonies of both males and females. Except in 1997/98, the mass of chicks at fledging was less than that recorded at two other localities. These factors suggest an inadequate supply of food for rockhopper penguins at Marion Island. Decreases of rockhopper penguins at several other localities also have been attributed to inadequate food. Rockhopper penguins at Marion Island continued to feed mainly on crustaceans during chick rearing. There was a marked increase in the contribution of fish to the diet in 1999/00 that coincided with an increase in mass at arrival at colonies of both males and females. Trends in numbers of pairs breeding in different sections of Marion Island were not always consistent, indicating the need for island-wide monitoring to establish the overall trend. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 487–49

    A study of the T2 defect and the emission properties of the E3 deep level in annealed melt grown ZnO single crystals

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    The numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua breeding at subantarctic Marion Island fell by 40&#37 from 1994/95 to 2002/03, from 1 352 pairs to 806 pairs. Apart from a slight increase in 1998/99, there was a steady decrease in numbers breeding between 1995/96 and 2000/01, when the population stabilized. There is indication that in some years not all breeders nested and that some birds relocated to another colony after disturbance. From first clutches, pairs on average fledged between 0.01 chicks in 1997/98 and 0.58 chicks in 2002/03 (mean 0.38 &#177 0.21). In 1994/95, replacement clutches increased the overall production of fledged chicks by 11&#37. Based on demographic parameters measured at other localities, the production of chicks at Marion Island was inadequate to maintain the population during the period 1995/96–2000/01. Consistency in trends in breeding success at five colonies suggests that factors operating at a mesoscale, rather than those specific to particular colonies, often influenced breeding success. Laying was later than normal in 1997/98, when there was almost total breeding failure with large losses of eggs and small chicks to returning Subantarctic skuas Catharacta antarctica. Future research on this Near Threatened species at Marion Island must take full account of its susceptibility to human disturbance.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 463–47


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    The number of Crozet shags or cormorants Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis breeding at subantarctic Marion Island decreased by 68&#37 from 841 pairs in 1994/95 to 272 pairs in 2002/03. The mean number of pairs at colonies also decreased and was significantly related to the overall number of birds breeding in any given season. The decreases coincided with a period of warming and reduced precipitation at Marion Island and with a decrease in the number of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua breeding there. Both these seabird species forage inshore and there is considerable overlap in their diets. Nototheniid fish and the decapod Nauticaris marionis continued to be important in the diet of Crozet shags, but a change in dominance among nototheniid prey suggests availability of prey to shags changed after the mid 1980s. Crozet shags breed for the first time when aged three years. It is probable that about 25&#37 of the mature population did not breed in 1997/98, coincident with a strong El Niño Southern Oscillation event. In four seasons, breeding pairs on average fledged 0.30 chicks from first clutches, an amount thought inadequate to sustain the population. Crozet shags at the Prince Edward Islands should now be regarded as Endangered. Placing breeding colonies in the most highly protected zone on Marion Island, considering the establishment of an ex situ population and undertaking a genetic study of the specific status of the Crozet shag are recommended conservation measures.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 537–54

    Increased Oxidative Burden Associated with Traffic Component of Ambient Particulate Matter at Roadside and Urban Background Schools Sites in London

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    As the incidence of respiratory and allergic symptoms has been reported to be increased in children attending schools in close proximity to busy roads, it was hypothesised that PM from roadside schools would display enhanced oxidative potential (OP). Two consecutive one-week air quality monitoring campaigns were conducted at seven school sampling sites, reflecting roadside and urban background in London. Chemical characteristics of size fractionated particulate matter (PM) samples were related to the capacity to drive biological oxidation reactions in a synthetic respiratory tract lining fluid. Contrary to hypothesised contrasts in particulate OP between school site types, no robust size-fractionated differences in OP were identified due high temporal variability in concentrations of PM components over the one-week sampling campaigns. For OP assessed both by ascorbate (OPAA m−3) and glutathione (OPGSH m−3) depletion, the highest OP per cubic metre of air was in the largest size fraction, PM1.9–10.2. However, when expressed per unit mass of particles OPAA µg−1 showed no significant dependence upon particle size, while OPGSH µg−1 had a tendency to increase with increasing particle size, paralleling increased concentrations of Fe, Ba and Cu. The two OP metrics were not significantly correlated with one another, suggesting that the glutathione and ascorbate depletion assays respond to different components of the particles. Ascorbate depletion per unit mass did not show the same dependence as for GSH and it is possible that other trace metals (Zn, Ni, V) or organic components which are enriched in the finer particle fractions, or the greater surface area of smaller particles, counter-balance the redox activity of Fe, Ba and Cu in the coarse particles. Further work with longer-term sampling and a larger suite of analytes is advised in order to better elucidate the determinants of oxidative potential, and to fuller explore the contrasts between site types.\ud \u

    Multifrequency Strategies for the Identification of Gamma-Ray Sources

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    More than half the sources in the Third EGRET (3EG) catalog have no firmly established counterparts at other wavelengths and are unidentified. Some of these unidentified sources have remained a mystery since the first surveys of the gamma-ray sky with the COS-B satellite. The unidentified sources generally have large error circles, and finding counterparts has often been a challenging job. A multiwavelength approach, using X-ray, optical, and radio data, is often needed to understand the nature of these sources. This chapter reviews the technique of identification of EGRET sources using multiwavelength studies of the gamma-ray fields.Comment: 35 pages, 22 figures. Chapter prepared for the book "Cosmic Gamma-ray Sources", edited by K.S. Cheng and G.E. Romero, to be published by Kluwer Academic Press, 2004. For complete article and higher resolution figures, go to: http://www.astro.columbia.edu/~muk/mukherjee_multiwave.pd

    Quality of Life in Oncological Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Version of the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory and the Deglutition Handicap Index

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    Quality of life is an important outcome measurement in objectifying the current health status or therapy effects in patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. In this study, the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the Deglutition Handicap Index (DHI) and the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI) have been determined for oncological patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. At Maastricht University Medical Center, 76 consecutive patients were selected and asked to fill in three questionnaires on quality of life related to oropharyngeal dysphagia (the SWAL-QOL, the MDADI, and the DHI) as well as a simple one-item visual analog Dysphagia Severity Scale. None of the quality-of-life questionnaires showed any floor or ceiling effect. The test-retest reliability of the MDADI and the Dysphagia Severity Scale proved to be good. The test-retest reliability of the DHI could not be determined because of insufficient data, but the intraclass correlation coefficients were rather high. The internal consistency proved to be good. However, confirmatory factor analysis could not distinguish the underlying constructs as defined by the subscales per questionnaire. When assessing criterion validity, both the MDADI and the DHI showed satisfactory associations with the SWAL-QOL (reference or gold standard) after having removed the less relevant subscales of the SWAL-QOL. In conclusion, when assessing the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the DHI or the MDADI, not all psychometric properties have been adequately met. In general, because of difficulties in the interpretation of study results when using questionnaires lacking sufficient psychometric quality, it is recommended that researchers strive to use questionnaires with the most optimal psychometric properties