615 research outputs found

    Different meanings for cummingtonite-hornblende association in plutonic rocks (Iberian Massif, Portugal)

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    Cummingtonite-grunerite series is frequently related with metamorphism or volcanic environments but rarely described as belonging to a plutonic assemblage [1]. Recently, in Iberian Massif (Portugal), there have been several references [2,3,4,5] of this Fe-Mg amphibole intimately associated with Ca amphiboles (mainly hornblende) on plutonic rocks. Different textural relations between two amphibole types have been argued to for a primary (igneous) or subsolidus metamorphic origin for Fe-Mg amphibole. Cummingtonite-grunerite (Cum, hereafter all abbreviation from [6]) from gabbros and diorites Carrascal Massif (Central Iberian Zone) occurs as tiny exsolution lamellae within a dominant hornblende (Hbl) crystal. Their textural occurrence agrees with the subsolidus growth of the Fe-Mg amphibole reflecting the equation Hbl+ Qtz= Cum + An + H2O [7]. Nevertheless, on Hospitais tonalite (Ossa-Morena Zone) Cum occur as euhedral to subhedral cores usually mantled by Hbl. Although seldom described in literature, Cum on Hospitais tonalite was interpreted as an igneous crystallizing early phase. As a consequence of the high water content of calc-alkaline magmas, the Fe-Mg amphibole should reflect the equation Opx+H2O = Cum+Mag+SiO2+H2 [8]. The similarity between Mg # on Cum and Hbl from tonalitic rocks suggests an equilibrium crystallizing assemblage as pointed by Wones and Gilbert [9] for a hypabyssal igneous suite. Considering that the Cum spectrum analyses from both occurrences exhibited a clear overlap; Carrascal gabbro-dorites (Mg#: 0.49-0.64; Al2O3: 0.7-2.37%; TiO2: 0.01-0.37%) and Hospitais tonalite (Mg#: 0.43-0.53; Al2O3: 1.22-2.44 %; TiO2; 0.05-0.27%), textural relations should be the main (only?) tool to decipher between igneous vs metamorphic growth. More detailed petrographic studies on plutonic rocks from Iberian Massif are needed to ascertain the petrogenetic significance of the association Cum-Hbl

    Aspectos comportamentais e desempenho produtivo de ovinos mantidos em pastagens de capim-tanzânia manejado sob lotação intermitente.

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    O trabalho foi desenvolvido objetivando avaliar o comportamento e desempenho produtivo de ovinos mantidos em pastagens de capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum) manejadas sob períodos de descanso (PD ) correspondentes aos tempos necessários para expansão de 1,5 (1,5F), 2,5 (2,5F) ou 3,5 (3,5F) novas folhas/perfilho. Foram avaliados aspectos comportamentais como o tempo em que os animais se mantinham sob a sombra e o tempo despendido para pastejo, ruminação e em ócio, além do número de defecações, urinação, ingestão de água e sal e a taxa de bocados (TXB). Para avaliação do desempenho produtivo, avaliaram-se o ganho de peso médio diário (GMD) e a taxa de lotação expressa em número de animais por hectare (TLA), além da produção por hectare, expressa em kg de peso vivo (PPVH ). Os animais mantidos em pastagens manejadas sob PD de 3,5F permaneceram 21% do tempo compreendido de 5 às 18 horas sob a sombra. Os animais mantidos nos piquetes com PD de 2,5F despenderam menor porcentagem de tempo pastejando, indicando que, nessa condição, os animais conseguiram ingerir maior quantidade de forragem num menor intervalo de tempo. Quanto às TXB, observou-se que nos períodos de 8 às 11 horas e 17 às 18 horas elas foram semelhantes para todos os PD s adotados. Para o PD de 2,5F as taxas de bocados não diferiram entre os intervalos de tempo avaliados, enquanto no PD de 3,5F as taxas de bocados foram menores em todos os períodos analisados. Quanto ao desempenho produtivo, observou-se que os animais mantidos em piquetes sob PD de 1,5F apresentaram maior GMD, porém as TLA e TLUA foram menores que as observadas nos piquetes mantidos sob PD de 3,5F. Já as PPVH das pastagens mantidas sob PD s de 1,5F e 2,5F foram semelhantes e superiores às pastagens mantidas sob PD de 3,5F. Conclui-se que as pastagens de capim-tanzânia devem ser manejadas sob PDs de 2,5 folhas, pois apresentam boa PPVH e permitem aos animais consumirem mais forragem em menor intervalo de tempo

    Idade, origem e protólitos de granitos variscos de três áreas portuguesas

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    Publicação digital - Online em 5 Fev. 201

    Geochemistry of the Rio Espinharas hybrid complex, northeastern Brazil

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    The Rio Espinharas pluton, northeastern Brazil, belongs to the shoshonitic series and consists mainly of syenogranite, quartz-monzonite and porphyritic quartz-monzonite, but diorite, quartz-monzodiorite, quartz-syenite and microsyenogranite also occur containing microgranular enclaves, except for the diorite. Most variation diagrams of rocks, amphiboles, biotites and allanites show linear trends, but K, Zr, Sr and Ba of rocks display curved scattered trends. The rocks ranging from diorite to syenogranite define a pseudo-errorchron and have similar REE patterns. Syenogranite and microsyenogranite are derived from two distinct pulses of granite magma with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7083±0.0003 and 0.7104±0.0007, respectively. Modelling of major and trace elements shows that the syenogranite evolved by fractional crystallization of plagioclase, microcline, edenite, biotite and titanite, whereas quartz-monzonite, porphyritic quartz-monzonite, quartz-monzodiorite and quartz-syenite resulted from simple mixing between an upper mantle-derived dioritic magma and the upper crust-derived syenogranite magma. Dioritic enclaves are globules of a mafic magma from the upper mantle.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V6J-46X86NR-5/1/0e5ce1dcc0c8fe91ebd680e6f2ac523

    Utilização de subprodutos da indústria frutífera na alimentação de caprinos e ovinos.

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    Subprodutos da indústria frutífera; Rendimentos médios de subprodutos do processamento de frutas; Valor nutricional dos subprodutos; Desempenho animal.bitstream/item/36517/1/DOC-42.pd

    β2-adrenergic agonists do not improve physical performance in healthy individuals

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    All beta-2 agonists are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, www.wada-ama.org). However, its use may be permitted in athletes who are granted a therapeutic use exemption (TUE). [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensitive areas under radium/uranium mine drainage - the Picoto mine case study, central Portugal

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    A zona mineira de Picoto está localizada próximo de Vilar Seco (Viseu, Centro de Portugal). Ocorre numa área de declive suave, altitude variando entre 360-380 m, incluída na bacia do rio Cagavaio, com drenagem dominante NE-SW. A mineralização ocorre em veios de quartzo, que intersectam o granito Varisco, porfiróide de duas micas. Os filões de quartzo preenchem falhas N37°-45°E e N50°-70°E, localmente brechificadas. Estes filões contêm meta-torbernite e uranófano, e alguns minerais portadores de U, como clorite e hidróxidos de Fe e Mn. A exploração ocorreu em duas fases, entre 1917 e 1953. Após cessada a exploração, permaneceram as escombreiras resultantes da exploração e a área nunca foi reabilitada. Neste momento, está ocupada por culturas locais, principalmente vinhas e produtos agrícolas. Vinte amostras de águas superficiais e subterrâneas foram colhidas entre 2008 e 2009. Em geral, as águas apresentam valores de pH entre 4.7 a 6.3 e são pouco mineralizadas (CE = 44-190 μS/cm; TDS = 49-137 mg/L). Contudo, algumas águas estão contaminadas em NO2, Fe, Mn, Cu, As e U, e não devem ser utilizadas para consumo humano nem em atividades agrícolas. A contaminação da água está associada principalmente à antiga mina de rádio/urânio e atividades humanas desenvolvidas.The Picoto mine area is located at Vilar Seco village (Viseu, central Portugal), in a soft slope area with altitudes ranging from 360 to 380 m, included in the Cagavaio river catchment, with a dominant NE-SW drainage. The mineralization occurs mainly in quartz veins, which intersect a Variscan porphyritic two-mica granite. The quartz veins fill N37°-45°E and N50°-70°E faults, locally brecciated. The quartz veins contain meta-torbernite and uranophane, and some U-bearing minerals, such as chlorite and Fe- and Mn-hydroxides. The exploitation was carried out in two stages, between 1917 and 1953. Since closure, the area contains mine rejected materials and has never been restored. Therefore, a local cultivated area, mainly for vines and domestic consumption agricultural products, is now deployed. A total of twenty surface and groundwater samples were collected between 2008 and 2009. In general, the waters yield pH values ranging from 4,4 to 6,3 and are poorly mineralized (EC=44-190 µS/cm; TDS= 49-137 mg/L). However, some waters are contaminated with NO₂, Fe, Mn, Cu, As and U and must not be used neither for human consumption nor in agricultural activities. The water contamination is mainly associated with the old radium/uranium mine and subsequent human activities developed in the area.Este trabalho teve suporte financeiro através do ICT e do projeto UID/GEO/04035/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    β2-adrenergic agonists and doping: Where do we stand?

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    Hostrup et al1 kindly commented on our previous paper related to the enhancement of physical performance by β2-agonists.2 First, we would like to thank the authors for their review and acknowledge that our title and conclusions may have been misleading because, in fact, they only refer to endurance/aerobic-dominated performances [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of the Ages of Parasitoid and Host Eggs on Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) Parasitism.

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    This study investigates the influence of parasitoid age and egg age of the hosts Euschistus heros (Fabricius) and Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas) on parasitism of Telenomus podisi Ashmead. Six separate bioassays were conducted: parasitism on eggs of E. heros (bioassay 1) and D. melacanthus (bioassay 2) by T. podisi females of different age (1, 5, and 10 days old); parasitism by T. podisi on eggs of different age (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days of embryonic development) of the hosts E. heros (bioassay 3) and D. melacanthus (bioassay 4); preference of T. podisi females for eggs at different embryonic developmental stages (eggs of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days) of the hosts E. heros (bioassay 5) and D. melacanthus (bioassay 6). The age of T. podisi females and their hosts affected parasitism on both E. heros and D. melacanthus eggs. Overall, the parasitism rate was higher in older than younger parasitoids, independent of the tested host species, and host eggs between 1 and 3 days old were similarly parasitized. Thus, in T. podisi mass rearing facilities, it is recommended to use older adults (5 to 10 days old) as mother wasps to increase parasitism on the offered eggs. In addition, when hosts are completely absent in the field, or climatic conditions are unfavorable for release, mass-reared adults can be kept in the laboratory (25°C) for up to 10 days for later release in the field without any impairment of their subsequent parasitism performance