90 research outputs found

    The Potential of Agent Based Models for Testing City Evacuation Strategies Under a Flood Event

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    AbstractThis paper explores the uses of Agent Based Models (ABM) and its potential to test large scale evacuation strategies in coastal cities under threat of an imminent flooding due to extreme hydro-meteorological events. The first part of the paper is an introduction to the field of complex adaptive systems (CAS) and the principles and uses of ABM in this field. It is also presented the benefits and limitations of such models. The second part of the paper focuses on the theory used to build the ABM. For this study, theories and frameworks of human behaviour and disaster psychology were used. To feed the ABM model qualitative and quantitative attributes or characteristics of human beings are abstracted from literature review, fieldwork and expert's knowledge. The third part of the paper shows the methodology used to build and implement the ABM model using Repast Symphony, a Java based modelling system. The results of the initial experiments implemented in a region of the city of Marbella, southern Spain, are presented and discussed. The preliminary results are promising to further enhance the development of the model and its implementation and testing at full city scale

    The Potential of Agent Based Models for Testing City Evacuation Strategies Under a Flood Event

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    AbstractThis paper explores the uses of Agent Based Models (ABM) and its potential to test large scale evacuation strategies in coastal cities under threat of an imminent flooding due to extreme hydro-meteorological events. The first part of the paper is an introduction to the field of complex adaptive systems (CAS) and the principles and uses of ABM in this field. It is also presented the benefits and limitations of such models. The second part of the paper focuses on the theory used to build the ABM. For this study, theories and frameworks of human behaviour and disaster psychology were used. To feed the ABM model qualitative and quantitative attributes or characteristics of human beings are abstracted from literature review, fieldwork and expert's knowledge. The third part of the paper shows the methodology used to build and implement the ABM model using Repast Symphony, a Java based modelling system. The results of the initial experiments implemented in a region of the city of Marbella, southern Spain, are presented and discussed. The preliminary results are promising to further enhance the development of the model and its implementation and testing at full city scale

    Total Prompt Energy Release in the Neutron-Induced Fission of 235-U, 238-U, and 239-Pu

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    This study addresses, for the first time, the total prompt energy release and its components for the fission of 235-U, 238-U, and 239-Pu as a function of the kinetic energy of the neutron inducing the fission. The components are extracted from experimental measurements, where they exist, together with model-dependent calculation, interpolation, and extrapolation. While the components display clear dependencies upon the incident neutron energy, their sums display only weak, yet definite, energy dependencies. Also addressed is the total prompt energy deposition in fission for the same three systems. Results are presented in equation form. New measurements are recommended as a consequence of this study.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Implementación de tecnología sandbox para proteger de ataques ransomware en una red informática local de una entidad financiera

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    América Latina sufrió más de 41 billones de intentos de ciberataques en el año 2020, de ellos, Perú sufrió 2,6 billones, esto se debe a que la pandemia del COVID19 aperturó el trabajo remoto, generando condiciones para que los ciberdelincuentes se aprovechen de las vulnerabilidades de las redes empresariales y de usuarios comunes a través de sus conexiones a internet, en este aspecto tanto las entidades estatales como privadas quedaron expuestas, porque no contaban con una protección perimetral robusta en sus redes informáticas, en ese sentido los Ransomware que más vulneraron son: Maze, Doppelpaymer, Netwalker, Conti y Revil/Sodinokibi, aumentando sus ganancias en un máximo del 300% con relación al año 2019 en Latinoamérica. Las empresas de ciberseguridad como: Cisco, Eset, Kaspersky y otros, han implementado soluciones tecnológicas para mitigar estas amenazas, los cuales se adquieren mediante licencias de uso limitado sujetas a previo pago para su actualización, generando un costo adicional a las entidades, de lo contrario quedarían expuestas a todo tipo de ataques cibernéticos. Es por ello que en esta investigación se propuso la implementación de Cuckoo Sandbox que es de código abierto para el análisis de Ransomware, el cual se implementó en Ubuntu 20.04 LTS sobre un servidor torre Core i5 con 16 gb de RAM, se configuró el archivo cuckoo.conf donde se asignó el IP de servidor, VirtualBox.conf para la asignación del IP y nombre del cliente, reporting.conf para los reportes en HTML, posteriormente se instaló el laboratorio de pruebas virtualizado con 5 equipos Windows 10 y se configuró como escenario similar a la red informática local de la Coopac Norandino Ltda., para la ejecución de las pruebas se inyectó un Ransomware por cada máquina virtual y los resultados arrojaron que de los 5 Ransomware inyectados el 100% fueron detectados y aislados satisfactoriamente, utilizando en promedio 0.89 Gb de memoria RAM y con un tiempo promedio de 123.6 segundos, lo que demuestra que Cuckoo Sandbox es efectivo, contribuyendo en la seguridad perimetral de la red informática.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient

    Holistic Flood Risk Assessment In Coastal Areas - The PEARL Approach

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    Coastal floods are one of the most dangerous and harmful natural hazards affecting urban areas adjacent to shorelines. The present paper discusses the FP7-ENV-2013 EU funded PEARL (Preparing for Extreme And Rare events in coastaL regions) project which brings together world leading expertise in both the domain of hydro-engineering and risk reduction and management services to pool knowledge and practical experience in order to develop more sustainable risk management solutions for coastal communities focusing on present and projected extreme hydro-meteorological events. The PEARL approach draws upon the complexity theory and the use of complex adaptive system (CAS) models as tools to identify root causes of vulnerabilities and their multi-stressors and to analyze risk and the behavior of key actors

    El desconocimiento y su incidencia en la baja recaudación de los tributos municipales en Cutervo 2016

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    TesisLa presente investigación denominada EL DESCONOCIMIENTO Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA BAJA RECAUDACIÓN DE LOS TRIBUTOS MUNICIPALES EN CUTERVO 2016, tiene como objetivo diagnosticar y comprender el desconocimiento y su incidencia en la baja recaudación de los tributos municipales en Cutervo 2016. El tipo de estudio de este trabajo de investigación es descriptivo y tiene un diseño no experimental. La población estuvo conformada por 800 habitantes de la ciudad de Cutervo. Teniendo en cuenta que estos sean personas naturales o jurídicas que tengan propiedades y/o negocios. En la muestra se tuvo en cuenta criterios propios de inclusión y exclusión para la aplicación de la encuesta. En este estudio se consideró una muestra de 40 encuestados que equivale al 5% de la población. Los instrumentos utilizados fue la encuesta y el grupo de discusión que nos permitieron conocer la problemática de este estudio para luego discutirlo, analizarlo e interpretarlo; asimismo en las conclusiones podemos observar que hay un alto índice de desconocimiento de los tributos municipales por parte de la población de Cutervo debido a la falta de comunicación e interés tanto del municipio como del contribuyente para informar e informarse de la existencia de varios tributos municipales

    Adaptive disaster risk assessment : Combining multi-hazards with socioeconomic vulnerability and dynamic exposure

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    Climate change, combined with the rapid and often unplanned urbanisation trends, is associated with a rising trend in the frequency and severity of disasters triggered by natural hazards. Among the weather-related disasters, floods and storms (i.e. hurricanes) account for the costliest and deadliest in the last decades. The situation is of particular importance in Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) because their relative higher vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, due to their location, fragile economies, limited resources, and more vulnerable habitats. Therefore, SIDS must implement adaptation measures to face the impacts of climate change and those of the urbanisation growth; for which is necessary to have an appropriate Disaster Risk Assessment (DRA), which should include the hazard itself, the intrinsic socio-economic vulnerability of the system and the exposure of infrastructure and humans to the hazard. Traditional DRA approaches for disaster risk reduction (DRR) have focused mainly on the natural and technical roots of risk, this is the modelling of the hazard and implementation of physical and structural defences, for which the hazard component is the centre. Traditional DRA methods pay no or little attention to the other dimensions of disaster risk, and do not often investigate the spatial and temporal relationships between the hazard, the vulnerability and the exposure components. A better alternative when dealing with DRA is a holistic risk assessment, which looks at risk as a whole, looking into the components and seeking to understand the interactions, interrelatedness and interdependences between different processes and parts of the whole