67 research outputs found

    Vikingatidens djurornamentik som materiellt ankare?

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    Konferensanförande, motsvarande 2 hp. Konferensanförande, motsvarande 1 hp. PopulÀrvetenskaplig publicering, motsvarande 1 hp : Avrapportering av fristÄende doktorandkurser i enlighet med Dnr Arkeologi 2016/18

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    Examinator: Christoph Kilger Doktorandkursernas titlar:1) Konferensanförande/Conference paper 2 hp (HT 2016).2) Konferensanförande/Conference paper 1 hp (HT 2016.)3) PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig publicering/Popular scientific publication 1 hp (VT 2016). Bilagor:1) Anförande: SĂžren SindbĂŠk &amp; Michael Neiß (CoföredragshĂ„llare): “Craftspeople in emporia: the original cast” (EAA congress 2016, Vilnius universitet).2) Anförande: Michael Neiß: ”3D-laserskanning pĂ„ gjuttekniskt material frĂ„n Ribe, Danmarks första stad” ( “CAA workshop 2016” Uppsala universitet).3) PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig artikel: Mette HĂžjmark SĂžvsĂž &amp; Michael Neiß: ”Pilgrimssouvenir”. I: Skalk: Nyt om gammelt 2016:1, 9–15 7. Kontaktpersoner som intygar att föredrag har Ă€gt rum1) Sven Kalmring (Arkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet vid Stockholms universitet, [email protected]): sittningsorganisatör vid ”EAA congress 2016”.2) SĂžren M. SindbĂŠk (Institut for Kultur og Samfund - Middelalder- og RenĂŠssancearkĂŠologi [email protected]): Co-föredragshĂ„llare.3) Daniel Löwenborg (Institutionen för arkeologi vid Uppsala universitet, [email protected]): workshoporganisatör för ” CAA workshop 2016”.</p

    Fixeringsbilder inom en vikingatida spÀnneserie

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    The purpose of this article is to map the treatment process of imagery within a specific workshop tradition. In an oral culture, it would have been wasteful not to take advantage of the iconographic potential of high-quality brooches. Therefore, it must be allowed to propose that Viking Age ornament has a deeper meaning. The tendency to let studies of Animal Art deal with shape rather than content has weakened considerably since the days of Sophus MĂŒller. Nowadays there is a greater openness toward iconographic interpretations of Animal Art. The investigation is iconographic in the sense that it aims to determine how motifs are used and what they might represent. However, the question about the meaning of abstract shapes is not raised. According to an eternally current hypothesis within research history, the Animal Art shows analogies with skaldic poetry. Furthermore, a survey of the production conditions shows that poetry and Animal Art both were commissioned by the leading class. Hence, the investigation is focused on the stately objects of the upper class, and their specific ornament. A suitable group of artefacts are the so-called “baroque” silver brooches from mid Viking Age. By linking them as puzzle pictures, the silver caster has managed to combine several motifs on a limited image surface. Here, six brooches are examined thoroughly: After having shown that they originate from the same workshop, the brooches are organized typologically. This is done based on the production technique, technology, and ornaments. To make this easier to grasp, the descriptions of the history of the finding, utilization and restoration of the artefacts are reviewed in a catalogue. Once established, this typological order forms the backbone of a puzzle picture typology. In the examination process, a number of interesting analogies between poetry and imagery emerge: The composition conditions for puzzle pictures and poetic metaphors (kenningar) show some parallels. Within both arts, the hallmark of a true proficient is the ability to fit several motifs (= kenningar/puzzle pictures) within a narrow frame (= metre/artefact structure) without breaking it. Just like a poet, a silver caster understood the art of borrowing motifs from other fields of the contemporary art and bringing them together into a new composition. Just like the poet’s audience, the beholders of ornamentry must sharpen their senses to solve the riddles. The intellectual challenge lays in puzzling together figures of increasing complexity. Another hint of a connection between imagery and poetry is given by a couple of ekphraseis, composed by various skalds. The production conditions of poetry and silver brooches were similar: Skalds as well as silver casters depended on a patron. The material value of the silver brooches, as well as the names of some of the finding sites, indicate that the commissions may have come from an Óðinn-worshipping upper class, which also supported poetry. Due to these similarities, an attempt is made to interpret the puzzle-picture motifs on the baroque brooches using skaldic metaphors for Óðinn (óðinsheiti). For the time being, any further interpretation is obstructed by the question of semiotics. One the one hand, semioticians seem to offer a variety of hypotheses that could explain the analogies between poetry and silver casting. On the other hand, a wider consensus regarding the teachings and fundamental theories of semiotics has not yet been established. Therefore, I will be cautious in forming overly liberal analogies between different cultural spheres. It remains to be seen, whether the kenning-analogy works as a master key to Viking Age culture. The goal of the paper is to map the image treatment within a specific workshop tradition. Therefore, the results of this case study should only be seen as one among many possible scenarios within the complex reality of the Viking Age. The iconographic interpretations of this paper are also mere suggestions, intended to stimulate further discussion

    Birka Àr ingen ö : om bÄtgravar, barockspÀnnen och laserskanning

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    NĂ€r vikingatiden kommer pĂ„ tal, leds tankarna ofta osökt till Birka. För Ă€ven om Birka lĂ„g pĂ„ en ö i MĂ€laren, sĂ„ var det allt annat Ă€n isolerat. IstĂ€llet ingick Birka i ett komplext nĂ€tverk som tĂ€ckte sĂ„vĂ€l nĂ€ra bygder som fjĂ€rran strĂ€nder. DĂ€rav följer att nyckeln till vĂ„r förstĂ„else av MĂ€lardalens vikingatid ofta finns i Birka. Men Ă€ven det motsatta gĂ€ller, och ibland behöver arkeologer titta Ă„t andra hĂ„ll för att uppnĂ„ en bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else av Birka. Detta ömsesidiga förhĂ„llande ska illustreras med hjĂ€lp av ett bĂ„tgravsfynd frĂ„n Turinge i Södermanland.     Övriga forskningsfinansiĂ€rer:Berit Wallenbergs stiftelse ("Transformationer inom vikingatidens djurornamentik"), Helge Ax:son Jonsons stiftelse ("3D-laserskanning som verktyg vid vikingatidsstudier")En förlorad vĂ€rld? - Turinge re-visited3D-laserskanning som verktyg vid vikingatidsstudierTransformationer inom vikingatidens djurornamenti

    Digital artefacts : Three research projects based on 3D laser scanning &amp; modeling

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    Data science has brought an exciting new range of methods to humanities research that seem to be superseded with betterones at an accelerating speed. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult for archaeologists to monitor currenttechnological trends, as well as to integrate the ever increasing amount of 'big data' into the theoretical framework of ourdiscipline. Therefore, it seems more than natural to collaborate with digital experts from other disciplines. My passion forViking art and crafts has led me into an artefact-oriented line of research, including 3D laser scanning and databasedevelopment. Preliminary results are published continuously, and I participate in various research projects as well as publicoutreaches that often connect to digital archaeology. This poster presents three collaborative projects based on 3D laserscanning &amp; modeling.A digital poster with dynamic 3D models. Illustrations &amp; 3D models © Michael Neiß</p

    Konferensanförande, motsvarande 2 hp. Konferensanförande, motsvarande 1 hp. PopulÀrvetenskaplig publicering, motsvarande 1 hp : Avrapportering av fristÄende doktorandkurser i enlighet med Dnr Arkeologi 2016/18

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    Examinator: Christoph Kilger Doktorandkursernas titlar:1) Konferensanförande/Conference paper 2 hp (HT 2016).2) Konferensanförande/Conference paper 1 hp (HT 2016.)3) PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig publicering/Popular scientific publication 1 hp (VT 2016). Bilagor:1) Anförande: SĂžren SindbĂŠk &amp; Michael Neiß (CoföredragshĂ„llare): “Craftspeople in emporia: the original cast” (EAA congress 2016, Vilnius universitet).2) Anförande: Michael Neiß: ”3D-laserskanning pĂ„ gjuttekniskt material frĂ„n Ribe, Danmarks första stad” ( “CAA workshop 2016” Uppsala universitet).3) PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig artikel: Mette HĂžjmark SĂžvsĂž &amp; Michael Neiß: ”Pilgrimssouvenir”. I: Skalk: Nyt om gammelt 2016:1, 9–15 7. Kontaktpersoner som intygar att föredrag har Ă€gt rum1) Sven Kalmring (Arkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet vid Stockholms universitet, [email protected]): sittningsorganisatör vid ”EAA congress 2016”.2) SĂžren M. SindbĂŠk (Institut for Kultur og Samfund - Middelalder- og RenĂŠssancearkĂŠologi [email protected]): Co-föredragshĂ„llare.3) Daniel Löwenborg (Institutionen för arkeologi vid Uppsala universitet, [email protected]): workshoporganisatör för ” CAA workshop 2016”.</p

    Forskningsprojekt med studentarbete : Potentiella mÄlkonflikter och förebyggande ÄtgÀrder

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    År 2019 tillsatte Hum-Sam:s KVALITETSUTSKOTT FÖR UTBILDNING PÅ GRUND- OCH AVANCERAD NIVÅ (KUGA) en bedömarpanel som skulle utvĂ€rdera arkeologiutbildningen vid INSTITUTIONEN FÖR ARKEOLOGI OCH ANTIKENS HISTORIA. Bedömarnas rapport innehĂ„ller en rad Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag och föresprĂ„kar att handledarna styr studenterna in i sina pĂ„gĂ„ende forskningsprojekt för att skapa synergieffekter. Samtidigt avstĂ„r man frĂ„n att vĂ€ga upplĂ€ggets potentiella fördelar mot möjliga risker. Det Ă€r anmĂ€rkningsvĂ€rt eftersom den tilltĂ€nkta konstellationen bĂ€ddar för mĂ„lkonflikter pĂ„ olika nivĂ„er. DĂ€rför Ă€r det motiverat att vi vidtar grundlĂ€ggande sĂ€kerhetsĂ„tgĂ€rder för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att Institutionen lever upp till sina uppdrag gentemot studenterna och samhĂ€llet i stort.Slutuppgift inom kursen "Handledning av studenter" som anordnades under VT 2020 av UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, Avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling, Enheten för universitetspedagogik. Handledare &amp; examinator: Therese Hartman  (FD), [email protected]</p
