3 research outputs found

    Aspecte ale echo-cardiografiei la pacienții cu IRC

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    Summary. Cardiovascular disease is the major cauze of death among patients with end-stage renal disease, accounting for almost half of all fatalities.ln recent years much progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in the uraemic population. Asignificant proportion of patients have established cardiovascular complications on initiation of dialysis, raisingthe possibility of early correction of anemia as a strategy for preventing cardiovascular comorbidities among renal patients

    HDF on-line în tratamentul complicaţiilor dializei

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    Summary. HDF that includes diffusion and convection represents a method for the renal replacement, which maximizes the elimination of the dissolved substances. HDF is convenient while preparing the solution for the replacement by means of on-line. Thus the HDF possesses a strong efficacy that allows to gives to the patient a high dose of dialysis within a relatively short period of time. So, we can conclude that the HDF can serve as a fundamental method for the renal replacement in the new century

    Aspecte ale tratamentului anemiei renale cu eritropoietină

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    Summary. Anaemia is a consistent finding in chronic renal disease, affecting up to 90% of patients, and the central role of anaemia in the development of cardiovascular dysfunction is now well established. Although iron deficiency is probably the most important factor affecting response to recombinant erytropoietin (Epo, epoetin), other factors are of significance, including dialysis adequacy. Additionally, water treatment and distribution, sterilizants and the quality of the dialysate in terms of trace elements (particularly chloramine) are of importance in relation to erythropoiesis inhibition