26 research outputs found

    Clinical study on the Rasayana effect of Ashwaganda and Punarnava

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    Background: It has been the desire of mankind to lead a disease free life to its fullest extent. To improve quality and quantum of life ‘Rasayana’ has been explained in Ayurveda. It is not only indicated in the diseased but also in healthy individuals. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal) and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa Linn) are explained by Vagbhata in Rasayana context. Both these can be administered without much restrictions as per Vatatapika mode of administration. Objectives: To study the Rasayana effect of Ashwagandha and Punaranava w.r.s. Ajasrika Rasayana. Materials and Methods: 32 students who fulfill the inclusion criteria were selected from S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Hassan. They were divided in to two groups. Group A – 16 members were given with 2 tablets of Harithaki for 3 days for ‘Koshta Shudhi’, followed by a placebo with warm water before taking food for 40 days and kept as control. Group B – 16 members were given with 2 tablets of Haritaki tablets for ‘Koshta Shudhi’ followed by administration of 12 gm of Ashwagandha and Punarnava granules (equal quantity) twice a day along with warm water before taking food for 40 days. Results: Assessment was done two times in 40 days before and after the administration of Ashwapunarnava compound and were assessed for improvement in terms of subjective and objective parameters. Observations and results were tabulated and statistically analyzed with relevant parameters. Conclusion: Ashwapunarnava compound proved to be cost effective, palatable, safe and better drug for daily administration without much restriction

    Weed control efficiency and weed index as influenced by weed management practices in machine transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Field experiment on effect of different weed management practices in machine transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) was conducted at ARS, Gangavathi, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka during kharif, 2012 and 2013 under irrigated condition in clay soil. Pooled mean indicated that, application of butachlor 50 EC fb passing of power operated low land rice weeder twice at 20 and 30 DAT with hand weeding in intra row space recorded significantly lower grassy weed population and dry weight at 40, 60 DAT and at harvest (1.98, 2.47, 2.97/0.25 m2 and 1.00, 1.20, 1.47 g /0.25 m2, respectively), sedge weed population and dry weight (2.61, 3.21, 3.52 /0.25 m2 and 1.19, 1.48, 1.71 g /0.25 m2, respectively) and broad leaved weed population and dry weight (1.68, 2.10, 2.52 / 0.25 m2 and 0.91, 1.06, 1.28 g /0.25 m2, respectively). Significantly higher WCE (87.53%), lower weed index (3.11 %), grain and straw yield (5160 and 6482 kg ha-1, respectively), gross and net returns (Rs. 92,212 and 50,410 ha-1, respectively), and B:C of 2.22 over unweeded check. Hence, application of butachlor 50 EC fb passing of power operated low land rice weeder at 20 and 30 DAT with hand weeding in intra row space was found to be the best weed control method as it recorded higher B:C. Present conventional manual weeding is which is not advantageous as it is costlier, time consuming and labour may trample and damage rice seedlings. Mechanical weeder and sequential application can overcome the same

    An Observational Study on Urdwaga Amlapitta Nidana w.s.r. to Diet and Lifestyle

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    21st century is the era of competition with full of stress having more speed and accuracy are the prime demand to fulfill their need. The needs of the human being are infinite but the availability is less to fulfill the growing needs. So man is trying to utilize his time in fulfillment of such needs without thinking about his health. He is changing his lifestyle, diet pattern and behavioral pattern and inviting many lifestyle disorders like Amlapitta. Ayurvedic literature mentions about diseases Amlapitta mainly caused because of Ahitakara Ahara, Vihara and Manasika Bhava. So avoiding such Nidana can prevent and control the disease. So in this present study importance has been given for Aharaja and Viharaja Nidana in the manifestation of Urdwaga Amlapitta. As no considerable works were done w.s.r to Nidana, the study was taken up entitled “An Observational Study on Urdwaga Amlapitta Nidana w.s.r to Diet and Lifestyle”

    Combined effect of land preparation methods and planting geometry on the performance of machine transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Field experiment on effect of land preparation methods and planting geometry on growth and yield of machine transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Gangavathi, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka during kharif, 2012 and 2013 in clay soil under irrigated condition.Pooled mean indicated that, among the different land preparation methods and planting geometry puddling with rotovator fb levelling with spike tooth harrow and planting geometry of 30 x 21 cm recorded significantly higher growth parameters viz., Leaf area index ( 2.87 and 1.56, respectively) , dry matter accumulation in leaves (13.44 and 14.43 g plant-1, respectively), dry matter accumulation in stem (26.25 and 29.31 g plant-1 , respectively), dry matter accumulation in panicles ( 37.21 and 41.38 g plant-1 , respectively), total dry matter accumulation in plant (73.82 and 85.12 g plant-1, respectively), thousand grain weight (18.17 and 18.71,g respectively), grain yield (4906 and 5192 kg ha-1 , respectively), straw yield (6247 and 6508 kg ha-1, respectively), gross returns (Rs. 87,733 and 92779 ha-1, respectively), net returns (Rs. 46329 and 50007 ha-1) and benefit cost ratio (2.14 and 2.20 ). Puddling with rotovator fb levelling with spike tooth harrow and 30 x 21 cm spacing were found better for transplanting of rice by self propelled mechanical transplanter. Land preparation would be helpful as one of the important pre requirement in machine transplanting of rice, which in turn will decide the time (time required for settling of soil particle) and type of machine to be used for transplanting of rice

    Critical analysis of dietetics in Ayurveda

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    Dietetics is the science of diet and nutrition. It is the branch of therapeutics concerned with the practical application of diet in relation to health and disease. Diet is prescribed for both health of the individual as well as diseased person. For healthy individual diet depends on Prakriti of the person and for diseased person it depends on the Doshapradhanyata of the disease. The treatment principle in Ayurveda is mainly based on preventive aspect first, rather than curative. Aahara is considered as the first pillar among Ahara,Nidra and Brahmacharya. Many common health problems can be prevented by following Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana, rules of Aharasevana, Patya-Apathya of the disease so on. Food is important as a nutritional source, also with therapeutic value and most importantly it plays an important role during the post treatment period to re-gain the diminished strength due to the harmful effect of the disease.Health is not only depending on the type of food we take, it also depend on the way of Food intake. Healthy and nutritional diet is always advisable in order to prevent the affliction of diseases as it is well known that "prevention is better than cure"

    Role of Rasayana in Geriatric Care - A Review

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    The growth of any country or society depends on the number of youth dwelling in that country but according to recent statistical data we soon will have older people more than children and more people at extreme old age than ever before. The number of people aged 65 or older is projected to grow from an estimated 524 million in 2010 to nearly 1.5 billion in 2050. Geriatrics (Jarachikitsa) is the branch of medicine dealing exclusively with the problems of aging and the diseases of elderly. The term Rasayana (rejuvination) refers to nourishment or nutrition. Rasayana therapy act essentially on nutrition dynamics and rejuvenate the body on both physical and mental levels. The problems of health due to modernization can be solved by increasing resistance against diseases and psychological improvement by implementing Rasayana therapy. Aging (Jara) is one among the Swabhavika Vyadhis. Jara Chikitsa is one among the Astanga of Ayurveda which is specifically dedicated for geriatric care. As per estimation, India currently has around 75 million persons over 65 years. By proper administration of Rasayana therapy as preventive tool one can delay Jara Janita Vyadhis to occur. This paper highlights the role of Rasayana in geriatric care

    Critical analysis of Nitya Sevaniya Ahara Dravya’s - Balanced diet in Ayurveda

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    Acharya Charaka describe that the whole world runs towards food, as complexion, happiness, pleasant voice, life, talent, health and satisfaction, maintenance of body, body strength and even intellectual capacities of the individual depends on food. Since from Vedic period they gave importance to the food. In Upanishad food is considered as Brahma. Food is a substance consumed other than water and drugs for maintenance of the health, well-being and vitality of the individual. Present paper highlights the importance of Ayurvedic nutrition in the form of Nitya Sevaniya Ahara Dravya and critical analyses on the importance of it in day today life

    Duane retraction syndrome: causes, effects and management strategies

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    Ramesh Kekunnaya, Mithila Negalur Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Services, Child Sight Institute, Jasti V Ramannama Children’s Eye Care Center, KAR Campus, Hyderabad, India Abstract: Duane retraction syndrome (DRS) is a congenital eye movement anomaly characterized by variable horizontal duction deficits, with narrowing of the palpebral fissure and globe retraction on attempted adduction, occasionally accompanied by upshoot or downshoot. The etiopathogenesis of this condition can be explained by a spectrum of mechanical, innervational, neurologic and genetic abnormalities occurring independently or which influence each other giving rise to patterns of clinical presentations along with a complex set of ocular and systemic anomalies. Huber type I DRS is the most common form of DRS with an earlier presentation, while Huber type II is the least common presentation. Usually, patients with unilateral type I Duane syndrome have esotropia more frequently than exotropia, those with type II have exotropia and those with type III have esotropia and exotropia occurring equally common. Cases of bilateral DRS may have variable presentation depending upon the type of presentation in each eye. As regards its management, DRS classification based on primary position deviation as esotropic, exotropic or orthotropic is more relevant than Huber’s classification before planning surgery. Surgical approach to these patients is challenging and must be individualized based on the amount of ocular deviation, abnormal head position, associated globe retraction and overshoots. Keywords: Duane syndrome, strabismus surgery, esotropia, overshoot

    Simulation Of 3-Ph To 3-Ph Cycloconverter Fed Variable Speed Drive

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    Abstract-With harmonic distortion becoming an ever increasing concern in Variable Speed Drive (VSD) applications, virtually all Drive, manufacturers now consider limiting the generation of input current harmonics to be an important issue in their designs. This has led us to the introduction of various drives which should give us considerable reduction in the harmonic distortion. In practical application, the three-phase to threephase cycloconverter is commonly required to derive a threephase output from a three-phase input. The most logical method for producing a three-phase output is to use three symmetrical independent dual converters one for each output phase. As in the case of a rectifier or phase controlled converter circuit, from the view point of reducing the external harmonic voltages and current to a minimum, the pulse number of the cycloconverter circuit should be as high as possible. Cycloconverters enable conversion of AC power to AC power without any intermediate DC link. They are suitable for running induction and synchronous motors. Depending on their topologies they can drive both single-phase and three-phase motors. This paper simulates the working of an induction motor drive with a threephase to three-phase Cycloconverter. The simulation was carried out using MATLAB-Simulink.

    Long-term outcomes following primary intraocular lens implantation in infants younger than 6 months

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    Purpose: To study the long-term safety profile and visual outcomes of primary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in infants <6 months of age. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study conducted at a tertiary eye care center in South India. Infants under 6 months meeting the selection criteria who underwent cataract surgery (lens aspiration, primary posterior capsulorhexis, and anterior vitrectomy) with primary IOL implantation between January 2008 and December 2011 and minimum 3-year follow-up were included. Patient demographics, serial refractions, visual acuity, complications, and associated amblyopia/strabismus were reviewed. Visual acuity, myopic shift, and complications were the outcome measures. Results: Sixty-nine eyes of 38 infants (31 bilateral; mean age: 4.6 months) were reviewed. Mean follow-up was 51 months (range: 36–84). Median logMAR best-corrected visual acuity at the final visit was 0.74 (interquartile range [IQR]: 0.50–0.98) in eyes with bilateral cataracts and 0.87 (IQR: 0.60–1.14) in eyes with unilateral cataracts with an average myopic shift of 6.7 diopters over 4.2 years. Most common postoperative complication was visual axis opacification (VAO) (13 eyes, 18%), necessitating membranectomy followed by pigmentary IOL deposits (11 eyes, 15%), and IOL decentration and glaucoma in four eyes each (5.6%). Mixed linear effect model found no significant association of age, gender, laterality, and postoperative complications with final visual acuity (P ≥ 0.05). Eyes with unilateral cataracts had a greater myopic shift than bilateral cases (P = 0.03). Conclusion: Primary IOL implantation in infants <6 months is reasonably safe in appropriately selected infants. VAO was the most common postoperative complication, and a large myopic shift was observed