240 research outputs found

    Hypoverbalisation as a Principle of Meaning Construction in Short Literary Texts

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    The article was submitted on 05.03.2018.The authors consider short prose, an intensively developing multifaceted genre of both traditional and digital literature. There are no strict limitations as regards its volume, so it may vary from a number of pages to a sentence. To function, texts with high levels of “hypoverbalisation” (intentional scarcity of verbal representation) rely on the assumption that readers share some common ore knowledge and life experience, including knowledge of other literary texts, with the author and are capable of logical analysis and reflection. Thus, in short prose, the reader in fact becomes a co-author, reconstructing the facts and events of the text, and an interpreter, structuring and shaping the space of the text. The main methods to compress the text are references to the reader’s life experience, background pragmatic and scholarly knowledge, and precedent phenomena. The paper focuses on the particularly interesting phenomenon of discourse transformation. A text created by author-1 as a non-literary text is perceived by reader-1 and identified as a text with literary value; in this case, reader-1 becomes author-2 and presents a text residing on another level to the reader. The public’s attention to this kind of literature has given rise to a number of websites that publish quotes from real emails, text messages, forums, chats, life stories, short philosophic essays, and comments on events. Such quotations often include metalinguistic humour, which may indicate users’ increased interest in transformational processes in the contemporary Russian language. It is also a demonstration of their linguistic creativity, reflected in the coining of new lexical units, providing existing words with new meanings, and the innovative use of graphics.Предметом рассмотрения автора стала короткая, или малая проза – интенсивно развивающееся многоаспектное явление, относящееся как к традиционной, так и к сетевой литературе. Это понятие не имеет строгих количественных характеристик, к нему могут относиться тексты разного объема, от нескольких страниц до одного предложения и даже его части. Тексты с высокой степенью гиповербализации (минимизации вербальной презентации) предполагают наличие у читателя определенного общего с автором фонда знаний, читательского опыта, а также способности к логическому мышлению и рефлексии. При чтении короткой прозы читатель, по сути, превращается в соавтора, достраивая фактуально-событийную сторону произведения, а затем становится интерпретатором, осваивающим пространство понимания текста и создавая его проекцию. Основными способами, позволяющими автору сократить произведение, являются отсылки к жизненному опыту читателя, фоновым знаниям прагматического и научного характера, прецедентным феноменам. Особый интерес представляет процесс дискурсивной трансформации, заключающийся в том, что текст, создающийся автором-1 как нелитературный, может быть воспринят читателем как достойный преобразования в литературное произведение; в этом случае читатель-1 превращается в автора-2 и представляет текст читателям второго уровня. Внимание публики к подобного рода литературе стало причиной появления в интернет-пространстве многочисленных развлекательных сайтов, на которых публикуются цитаты из реальных электронных писем, СМС, с форумов, из чатов, а также «истории из жизни», короткие философские рассуждения, комментарии каких-либо событий и т. д. Отмечается появление особого «металингвистического юмора» как свидетельства интереса авторов и читателей к процессам, происходящим в русском языке на современном этапе, и стремление к лингвокреативности, проявляющейся в создании новых лексических единиц, переосмыслении значений, инновационном применении графических средств.Статья подготовлена в рамках выполнения государственного задания МОиН РФ по проекту № 34.6111.2017/БЧ

    Innovative development of higher educational institutions of Ukraine as the factor to increase competitiveness

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    В статті розглянуто проблеми інноваційного розвитку вищих навчальних закладів України, систематизовано чинники формування стратегії інноваційного розвитку ВНЗ в контексті забезпечення їх конкурентоспроможності. Визначено основні форми переходу ВНЗ до інноваційної моделі сучасного університету – інноваційну матричну структуру та створення відокремленого підрозділу управління інноваціями.В статье рассмотрены проблемы инновационного развития высших учебных заведений Украины, систематизированы факторы формирования стратегии инновационного развития вуза в контексте обеспечения их конкурентоспособности. Определены основные формы перехода вузов к инновационной модели современного университета - инновационную матричную структуру и создание обособленного подразделения управления инновациями.The article considers problems of innovative development of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, systemises factors of strategy formation of innovative development at the University in the context of ensuring its competitiveness. There have been defined the basic forms of the universities transition to the innovation model of university - innovative matrix structure and creation of a separate division for managing innovation

    Study of antimicrobial activity and technology optimization of Calendulae flos galenicals

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    The article presents materials on optimization of manufacture technology for Calendulae flos galenicals with medium level of antibacterial activity. For antibacterial study of extracts, we used agar well diffusion method. In our research, we utilized six test-strain microorganisms: E. coli ATCC 25922, S. aureus ATCC 25923, P. vulgaris ATCC 4636, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, C. albicans ATCC 885/653, and B. subtilis ATCC 6633. We have found that the maximum level of extracts’ antimicrobial activity is achieved in the range of ethanol content in the extractant from 70 to 97 % v/

    Debye Temperature and Quantum Diffusion of Hydrogen in Body-Centered Cubic Metals

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    Diffusion of deuterium in potassium is studied herein. Mass transfer is controlled predominantly by the mechanism of overbarrier atomic jumps at temperatures 120-260 K and by the tunneling mechanism at 90-120 K. These results together with literature data allowed us to determine conditions under which the quantum diffusion of hydrogen in metals can be observed, which is a fundamental problem. It is established that in metals with a body-centered cubic lattice tunneling can be observed only at temperatures below the Debye temperature θD solely for metals with θD < 350 K. Predictions are made for metals in which quantum diffusion of hydrogen can be experimentally registered. Metals for which such results cannot be obtained are specified as well. Among them are important engineering materials such as α-Fe, W, Mo, V, and Cr. © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: AAAA-A19-119012990095-0The research was carried out within the state assignment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (theme “Function” no. AAAA-A19-119012990095-0)

    El modelo de optimización de inversiones para mejorar el potencial económico de la universidad

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    The question of ensuring the efficiency of the functioning of Ukrainian universities, increasing their economic potential becomes a priority for the state, as the higher education system serves as a supplier of highly qualified personnel necessary for ensuring socio-economic progress. This article substantiates the necessity and proposes a sequence of construction of an economic and mathematical model for investment optimization in the development of Ukrainian universities, which has been approved at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.La cuestión asociada con la garantía del funcionamiento efectivo de las universidades ucranianas, el aumento del potencial económico se convierte en una prioridad para el estado. El motivo es que el sistema de educación superior actúa como un proveedor de personal altamente calificado necesario para garantizar el progreso socioeconómico. El artículo argumenta la necesidad y sugiere una secuencia de construcción de un modelo económico-matemático para optimizar las inversiones en el desarrollo de las universidades ucranianas, aprobado en la Universidad Nacional de Tecnologías y Diseño de Kiev

    The Induction of APC with a Distinct Tolerogenic Phenotype via Contact-Dependent STAT3 Activation

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    BACKGROUND: Activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) within antigen presenting cells (APCs) is linked to abnormal APCs differentiation and function. We have previously shown that STAT3 is activated within APC by a novel contact-dependent mechanism, which plays a key role in mediating the immunomodulatory effects of hMSC. In order to better understand the underlying mechanisms that control APC maturation in a contact dependent manner, we extended our observation to tumor cells. Tumors were shown to secrete a variety of tumor-derived factors that activate STAT3 within infiltrating APCs. We now tested whether tumor cells can activate STAT3 within APC using the contact-dependent mechanism, in addition to soluble factors, and compared these two STAT3 activating pathways. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate that in addition to tumor-derived secreted factors tumor cells activate STAT3 by a mechanism that is based on cell-cell interaction. We further demonstrate that these two STAT3 activating mechanisms differ in their JAK usage and their susceptibility to JSI-124 inhibition thereby representing two distinct pathways. Significantly, although both pathways activate STAT3, they modulate DCs maturation in a different manner that results in disparate phenotypic outcomes. Whereas the soluble-dependent pathway results in an immature phenotype, the contact-dependent pathway results in an apparently mature phenotype. Albeit their mature-like phenotype these latter cells express the tolerogenic markers ILT3 and ILT4 and possess T cell inhibitory activity. SIGNIFICANCE: This data suggests that, in at least certain cellular microenvironments, cell:cell interactions represent a novel way to activate STAT3 signaling, uncouple APC activation events and consequently regulate immunity and tolerance. Significantly, we have now demonstrated that this contact-dependent signaling pathway differs from that mediated by soluble factors and cytokines, inducing disparate phenotypic outcome, suggesting these two mechanisms have different and possibly complementary biological functions

    Antimicrobial activity ofspices

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    The purpose of the study - to analyze the literature data in the field of antimicrobial activity of spices.Цель исследования –проанализировать данные литературы в области антимикробной активности специй