17 research outputs found

    Heralded generation of a micro-macro entangled state

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    Using different optical setups based on squeezed state and photon subtraction we show how optical entanglement between a macroscopic and a microscopic state - the so-called Schrodinger cat state or micro-macro state - can be generated. The entangled state is heralded and is thus produced a priori in contrast to previous proposals. We define the macroscopicity of the macroscopic part of the state as their mean distance in phase space and the success rate in discriminating them with homodyne detection, and subsequently, based on these measures we investigate the macroscopicity of different states. Furthermore, we show that the state can be used to map a microscopic qubit onto a macroscopic one thereby linking a qubit processor with a qumode processor

    Increasing the photon collection rate from a single NV center with a silver mirror

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    In the pursuit of realizing quantum optical networks, a large variety of different approaches have been studied to achieve a single photon source on-demand. The common goal for these approaches is to harvest all the emission from a quantum emitter into a single spatial optical mode while maintaining a high signal-to-noise ratio. In this work, we use a single nitrogen vacancy center in diamond as a quantum emitter operating at ambient conditions and we demonstrate an increased photon count rate up to a factor of 1.76 by placing a silver mirror fabricated on the end facet of an optical fiber near the emitter

    Slowing quantum decoherence of oscillators by hybrid processing

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    Quantum information encoded into superposition of coherent states is an illustrative representative of practical applications of macroscopic quantum coherence possessing. However, these states are very sensitive to energy loss, losing their non-classical aspects of coherence very rapidly. An available deterministic strategy to slow down this decoherence process is to apply a Gaussian squeezing transformation prior to the loss as a protective step. Here, we propose a deterministic hybrid protection scheme utilizing strong but feasible interactions with two-level ancillas immune to spontaneous emission. We verify robustness of the scheme against dephasing of qubit ancilla. Our scheme is applicable to complex superpositions of coherent states in many oscillators, and remarkably, the robustness to loss is enhanced with the amplitude of the coherent states. This scheme can be realized in experiments with atoms, solid-state systems and superconducting circuits

    Deterministic generation of a four-component optical cat state

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    The four-component cat state represents a particularly useful quantum state for realizing fault-tolerant continuous variable quantum computing. While such encoding has been experimentally generated and employed in the microwave regime, the states have not yet been produced in the optical regime. Here we propose a simple linear optical circuit combined with photon counters for the generation of such optical four-component cat states. This work might pave the way for the first experimental generation of fault-tolerant optical continuous variable quantum codes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement based photonic quantum computing system

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    The invention regards a measurement based photonic quantum computing system comprising an optical input generator configured for receiving first optical paired inputs, and second optical paired inputs, inducing a first predefined relative time delay into each optical paired inputs for making one mode of the first and one mode of the second optical paired inputs into coexisting optical inputs, representing a logic level of the quantum computing system, a delocalized measurement architecture configured for optically interfering coexisting optical inputs for generating intermediate outputs, optically interfering by first and second variable path-couplers for each intermediate output a first mode of the intermediate outputs to a second mode of first or second neighboring intermediate outputs, respectively, for generating interfered outputs, and detecting by two optical detectors, preferably homodyne optical detectors, each mode of the intermediate outputs and the interfered outputs, such that the delocalized measurement architecture is configured for gate implementation of the quantum computing system.</p