392 research outputs found

    NCAA Division I Head Softball Coaches\u27 Confidence, Openness and Stigma Tolerance Toward Sport Psychology Consultants

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    This study used a mixed-method to look at NCAA division I head softball coaches confidence, openness, and stigma tolerance about sport psychology principles and consultants, as well as what sport psychology principles, time of year used, and what a Sport Psychology Consultant (SPC) can do to help division I head softball coaches have more success with their teams. These variables were measured through the use of the Sport Psychology Attitudes - Revised Coaches instrument developed by Zakrajsek and Zizzi (2007). For the qualitative component, the researcher developed five inquiries that allowed for a more in-depth response from the coaches concerning principles used, confidence in using, and when they are implementing the principles. Descriptives of the data show that coaches feel mental skills are important, while descriptives of the independent variables of age gender and years coaching revealed that none of these variables are significantly related to a coach\u27s use of an SPC. A two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze differences in the dependent variables of openness, stigma tolerance, and confidence as a function of gender and the use of sport psychology consultants. The results show that a significant difference based on respondent\u27s use of consultants; however, no significant differences were found for gender. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted as a follow-up. For the factor, use of sport psychology consultants, the ANOVA for stigma tolerance was significant. The ANOVA for confidence and openness was non-significant. The five inquiries revealed five to eight themes per inquiry. Overall, NCAA division I head softball coaches use of sport psychology principles and SPCs falls in line with previous research done by Weinberg & Gould (2007) as to the principles used and when the best time to implement them is

    SASTDes destination tool. Purpose and workings. SASTDes WP7.1-7.4 Report

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    Thrombopoietin: a preclinical evaluation

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    Peripheral blood cells are in majority short lived and exert a whole spectnull of actions, ranging from the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide to the production of highly specific immunoglobulins targeted at antigens. The system is velY adaptive and substantially increased numbers of cells can be produced after, for example, major losses of blood, or in response to infections. Peripheral blood cells originate from a small population of bone marrow progenitor cells, together approximately 1.5 % of all bone marrow cells, which are morphologically nearly identical and share the expression of the CD34 antigen. (I) These cells all derive from an even smaller population of hemopoielic stem cells, which have the potential to self renew and are muliipotent. (2) Most of the slem cells in Ihe bone matTow do not actively participate in blood cell formation but remain in a quiescent state. The process from the hemopoielic stem cell to mature peripheral blood cells and several specific tissue cells, termed hematopoiesis, takes approximately 20 to 30 cell divisions, through which cells become increasingly 1110re specialized. TIlis whole process is tightly controlled by hormone like proteins, the hemopoietic growth factors or cytokines, in combination with envirOllllental influences conducted by stromal cclls and direct cell-cell contact. (2,3) Many cytokines have become known in the last 20 years, and new cytokines and cytokine receptors are still being identified. Immature cells in the bone marrow ,u-e positive for the CD34 antigen

    Optimizing Care for Children With Intestinal Failure: The gut and beyond

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    Intestinal failure (IF) occurs when the small intestine is too short or dysfunctional and cannot absorb enough nutrients and fluids. Since these nutrients and fluids are crucial for children to grow and develop, children with IF are dependent on nutrition directly administered intravenously, called parenteral nutrition (PN). This can be given at home as home PN (HPN). Over the last decades, the survival of patients with IF has improved tremendously, which has made the long-term outcomes and quality of life of patients with IF increasingly important. While complications such as line sepsis and liver failure are less common than before, long-term morbidities of IF such as poor bone health, abnormal body composition and psychosocial problems may arise. These are, however, currently not well explored. Additionally, information on organizational aspects including the current organization and clinical practice of pediatric IF teams, as well as the costs of care for children with IF is lacking. In this thesis we focus on outcomes of IF patients such as growth, body composition, bone health and the gut microbiome, as well as organizational aspects important in the care of these patients

    Zwei verschiedenen Formen von Amyloid im Ringband bei Ringbandstenose: ATTR-Amyloid und lokales AFib-Amyloid

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    Amyloidosen sind auf die Fehlfaltung und dadurch bedingte Ablagerung von Proteinen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Die klinische Manifestation kann lokal oder systemisch sein. In der Diagnostik hat die histologische Beurteilung eine ĂŒbergeordnete Bedeutung. Ein grobes Screening bietet die KongorotfĂ€rbung, durch immunhistochemische FĂ€rbungen kann weiter differenziert werden. Die Therapie orientiert sich stark an der Grunderkrankung und dem Amyloidosetyp. Bei der ATTR-Amyloidose werden eine hereditĂ€re und eine erworbene Form unterschieden. Zu den Manifestationsorten zĂ€hlen Herz, Nervensystem und Bewegungsapparat. Es ist eine medikamentöse Therapie verfĂŒgbar. Lebensbegrenzend ist meistens die Kardiomyopathie. Bei der AFib-Amyloidose war lange Zeit nur eine erbliche Form bekannt. Bei der Ringbandstenose fĂŒhrt eine degenerative Einengung der RingbĂ€nder der am Unterarm befindlichen Fingerbeuger zu einer schmerzhaften Blockade vor allem der Fingerextension. Oft erfolgt eine operative Dekompression mit histologischer Aufarbeitung des resezierten Gewebes. Dabei können unter anderem die ATTR- und ein bislang unbekanntes Amyloid (Amyloid nos) nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Studie wurde der histologische PhĂ€notyp der beiden Amyloidtypen am Ringband detailliert untersucht und mit makroanatomischen und demographischen Patientendaten korreliert. Die Studienkohorte bestand aus PrĂ€paraten, die am Institut fĂŒr Pathologie des UKSH, Campus Kiel konsiliarpathologisch begutachtet, und im Amyloidregister archiviert worden waren. In einem separaten Projekt wurde mittels Proteomanalysen das bisher unbekannte Amyloid des Ringbandes als Fibrinogen identifiziert. Im Rahmen dieser Studie erfolgte eine Nachbegutachtung aller FĂ€lle und Vergabe eines Scores fĂŒr das Ausmaß der Amyloidablagerungen an den unterschiedlichen Lokalisationen des Ringbandes
