Thrombopoietin: a preclinical evaluation
- Publication date
- 20 November 1998
- Publisher
- Peripheral blood cells are in majority short lived and exert a whole spectnull of actions,
ranging from the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide to the production of highly
specific immunoglobulins targeted at antigens. The system is velY adaptive and
substantially increased numbers of cells can be produced after, for example, major losses
of blood, or in response to infections.
Peripheral blood cells originate from a small population of bone marrow progenitor cells,
together approximately 1.5 % of all bone marrow cells, which are morphologically nearly
identical and share the expression of the CD34 antigen. (I) These cells all derive from an
even smaller population of hemopoielic stem cells, which have the potential to self renew
and are muliipotent. (2) Most of the slem cells in Ihe bone matTow do not actively
participate in blood cell formation but remain in a quiescent state. The process from the
hemopoielic stem cell to mature peripheral blood cells and several specific tissue cells,
termed hematopoiesis, takes approximately 20 to 30 cell divisions, through which cells
become increasingly 1110re specialized. TIlis whole process is tightly controlled by
hormone like proteins, the hemopoietic growth factors or cytokines, in combination with
envirOllllental influences conducted by stromal cclls and direct cell-cell contact. (2,3)
Many cytokines have become known in the last 20 years, and new cytokines and
cytokine receptors are still being identified.
Immature cells in the bone marrow ,u-e positive for the CD34 antigen.