11 research outputs found

    Post-Reformation reformed sources and children

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    This article suggests that the topic "children" received considerable attention in the post-Reformation era - the period of CA 1565-1725. In particular, the author argues that the post-Reformation Reformed sources attest of a significant interest in the education and parenting of children. This interest not only continued, but intensified during the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation when much thought was given to the subject matter. This article attempts to appraise the aim of post-Reformation Reformed sources on the topic "children.

    A major new standard work on post-reformation reformed studies

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    This study is an advancement of previous scholarship that has assessed the Post-Reformation reformed sources as ‘dead orthodoxy’, ‘dry’, ‘ridged’, and theologically diverted from the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. Muller attempts to show continuity and discontinuity of intellectual scholastic thought, particularly on the theological prolegomena, the doctrine of Scripture and doctrine of God, from the Medieval time, through the Protestant Reformation to the post-Reformation Reformed period (approximately 1565-1725)

    Post-Reformation Reformed sources and children

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    Finding compact proofs for infinite-data parameterised Boolean equation systems

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    Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (PBESs) can be used to represent many different kinds of decision problems. Most notably, model checking and equivalence problems can be encoded in a PBES. Traditional techniques to solve PBESs, such as instantiation techniques, cannot deal with PBESs with an infinite data domain. We propose an approach that can solve PBESs with infinite data by computing the bisimulation quotient of the underlying graph structure. Furthermore, we show how this technique can be improved by repeatedly searching for finite proofs. We also apply knowledge of intermediate solutions in an early termination heuristic. Unlike existing approaches, our technique is not restricted to subfragments of PBESs. Compared to similar procedures that operate on behavioural models, our technique is also more general: it is not restricted to model checking with finite action sets. Experimental results show that our ideas work well in practice and support a wider range of models and properties than state-of-the-art techniques


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    Partial-Order Reduction for Parity Games with an Application on Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems

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    Partial-order reduction (POR) is a well-established technique to combat the problem of state-space explosion. We propose POR techniques that are sound for parity games, a well-established formalism for solving a variety of decision problems. As a consequence, we obtain the first POR method that is sound for model checking for the full modal μ-calculus. Our technique is applied to, and implemented for the fixed point logic called parameterised Boolean equation systems, which provides a high-level representation of parity games. Experiments indicate that substantial reductions can be achieved

    The Inconsistent Labelling Problem of Stutter-Preserving Partial-Order Reduction

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    In model checking, partial-order reduction (POR) is an effective technique to reduce the size of the state space. Stubborn sets are an established variant of POR and have seen many applications over the past 31 years. One of the early works on stubborn sets shows that a combination of several conditions on the reduction is sufficient to preserve stutter-trace equivalence, making stubborn sets suitable for model checking of linear-time properties. In this paper, we identify a flaw in the reasoning and show with a counter-example that stutter-trace equivalence is not necessarily preserved. We propose a solution together with an updated correctness proof. Furthermore, we analyse in which formalisms this problem may occur. The impact on practical implementations is limited, since they all compute a correct approximation of the theory

    Solving parameterised boolean equation systems with infinite data through quotienting

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    Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (PBESs) can be used to represent many different kinds of decision problems. Most notably, model checking and equivalence problems can be encoded in a PBES. Traditional instantiation techniques cannot deal with PBESs with an infinite data domain. We propose an approach that can solve PBESs with infinite data by computing the bisimulation quotient of the underlying graph structure. Furthermore, we show how this technique can be improved by repeatedly searching for finite proofs. Unlike existing approaches, our technique is not restricted to subfragments of PBESs. Experimental results show that our ideas work well in practice and support a wider range of models and properties than state-of-the-art techniques

    Dataset with experiments for 'Partial-Order Reduction for Parity Games with an Application on Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems'

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    This archive contains the experiments that were performed as part of the publication Thomas Neele, Tim A. C. Willemse, Wieger Wesselink: Partial-Order Reduction for Parity Games with an Application on Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. TACAS 2020 (accepted for publication)

    Infinite-data PBES Quotienting with the mCRL2 toolset

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    This folder contains the benchmarks that were performed as part of the publications Thomas Neele, Tim A. C. Willemse, Jan Friso Groote: Solving Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems with Infinite Data Through Quotienting. FACS 2018. LNCS 11222, pp. 216-236. and Thomas Neele, Tim A. C. Willemse, Jan Friso Groote: Finding Compact Proofs for Infinite-Data Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. Science of Computer Programming (FACS 2018 special issue), vol. 188, 102389, 2020