4 research outputs found
Kvantitativna analiza rezultata dobijenih funkcionalnim ispitivanjem uz pomoć Swayᵀᴹ aplikacije za procenu ravnoteže u odnosu na norme prema odgovarajućem polu i godinama života
The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) is a common balance test relying on assessment tools such as the Sway TM Balance application for IOS mobile, encompassing the tri-axial accelerometers and movement sensors to measure bodily sway. Given that age and gender are important factors when using this methodology, suitable normative score sets were determined. The main aim of this study was a quantitative analysis of the ability of healthy, 21-year-old participants of both genders to maintain postural balance using the aforementioned normative values. The postural balance scoring was done by the co-application of the modified BESS test and Sway TM Balance software during a protocol organized in three-week double-scoring sessions. In order to assess the participants' age-and gender-dependent abilities, the average balance score medians were contextualized with the appropriate normative values. All of the participants showed average results, with scores ameliorating during the procedure, and the female participants showed generally better results than the males. Focusing solely on the first-session scores revealed, however, that men had scored at the low average cutoff point, while women scored below average age-and sex-dependent cutoff points. However, in the last session both genders scored deeply within the average. This study showed average abilities of the studied participants according to the normative values, as well as a generally better performance of the women compared to the men, but it has also pointed out that, due to subject adaptation, the chosen combination of protocol and technology is of limited usefulness for balance assessment in the general population, indicating the need for protocol adjustments in future studies.Sistem za ocenjivanje grešaka u ravnoteži (prema engl. Balance Error Scoring System-BESS) je uobičajen test ravnoteže koji se zasniva na alatima za procenu poput Swayᵀᴹ Balance aplikacije za IOS mobilne operativne sisteme, koja obuhvata triosne akcelerometre i senzore kretanja za merenje njihanja tela. S obzirom da su uzrast i pol važni faktori prilikom primene ove metodologije utvrđeni su odgovarajući setovi normativnih skorova. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je kvantitativna analiza sposobnosti zdravih 21-godišnjih učesnika oba pola da održe posturalnu ravnotežu koristeći gore navedene normativne vrednosti. Ocenjivanje posturalne ravnoteže izvršeno je primenom modifikovanog BESS testa i Swayᵀᴹ Balance softvera tokom protokola organizovanog u tronedeljnim sesijama i sa dvostrukim bodovanjem. Da bi se procenile sposobnosti prema uzrastu i polu prosečni medijani rezultata ravnoteže su kontekstualizovani odgovarajućim normativnim vrednostima. Svi učesnici su pokazali prosečne rezultate sa skorovima koji se poboljšavaju tokom procedure dok su žene pokazale bolje rezultate od muškaraca. Fokusiranjem isključivo na rezultate prve sesije utvrđeno je međutim da su muškarci zabeležili nisku prosečnu tačku prekida (tzv. cut-off point) dok su žene zabeležile ispod prosečne tačke prekida u odnosu na starost i pol. Međutim, tokom poslednje sesije ispitanici oba pola ostvarili su prosečne rezultate. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo prosečne sposobnosti ispitivanih učesnika, u odnosu na normativne vrednosti, kao i uopšteno bolje performanse ispitanica u odnosu na ispitanike. Istraživanje je takođe, ukazalo da je zbog adaptacije ispitanika, izabrana kombinacija protokola i tehnologije bila od ograničene koristi u proceni ravnoteže opšte populacije, što ukazuje na potrebu za prilagođavanjem protokola u budućim istraživanjima
Gait Characteristics during Dual-Task Walking in Elderly Subjects of Different Ages
Background: In older age, walking ability gradually decreases due to factors including impaired balance, reduced muscle strength, and impaired vision and proprioception. Further, cognitive functions play a key role during walking and gradually decline with age. There is greater variability in gait parameters when the demands during walking increase, in dual- and multiple-task situations. The aim of this study was to analyze gait parameters while performing a demanding cognitive and motor dual task in three different age-related healthy elderly subject groups. Method: A total of 132 healthy individuals (54 males, 78 females) were divided into three groups—55 to 65, 66 to 75, and 76 to 85 years. The subjects performed a basic walking task, dual motor task, dual mental task, and combined motor and mental task while walking. The gait parameters cycle time, stride length, swing time, and double support time were noted, as well as the variability of those parameters. Results: Cycle time was longer and stride length was shorter in the >76-year-old group than in the 51–65-year-old group in all test conditions. A comparison of all three groups did not show a significant difference in swing time, while double support time was increased in the same group. Conclusions: Changes are observed when gait is performed simultaneously with an additional motor or cognitive task. Early detection of gait disorders can help identify elderly people at increased risk of falls. Employing a dual-task paradigm during gait assessment in healthy elderly subjects may help identify cognitive impairment early in the course of the disturbance
The effect of falls and older age on balance performance among elderly population
Falls and old age have negative effect on balance. Aim of research is to examine the effect of falls and older age on balance performance among elderly population. The sample comprised 142 individuals (52.8% men and 47.2% women) and the mean age for the participants was 73 years and 11 months (SD = 6 years and two months). To assess static and dynamic balance we use the total of twelve different balance test. Results show a statistically significant main effect of the variable related to fall when standing with feet partly put together, One Leg Stance (p < 0.001), 360 Degree Turn Test (p < 0.05) in mediolateral and anteroposterior direction. Significant main effect of age category on standing with the feet together eyes closed (p < 0.05) in anteroposterior direction and standing with feet partly put together, One Leg Stance (p < 0.001), Four Step Square Test, Time Up and Go Test - Motor/Cognitive (p < 0.05) in mediolateral and anteroposterior direction. Significant effect of the interaction of the factor of fall and the category of age when standing with the feet apart and eyes open (p < 0.05) in mediolateral direction, feet apart and eyes closed (p < 0.05) in anteroposterior direction, feet together and eyes closed in both directions. Conclusion of our study show that elderly people with a positive history of falling manifest significantly poorer balance on some balance tests compared to younger adults who did not experience a fall