12 research outputs found

    Geological and paleontological records on Osijek and its surroundings

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    The earliest geological and paleontological notes about Osijek and its surrounding originate from the 19th century. Geology of this part of our country has for the first time been presented on the Revised Geological Map of Austria-Hungary Monarchy, by Ritter von Hauer, published in Vienna (1867-1871). As in those days researchers could study only surface layers with mostly loess, that is why those layers were the main topic of the earliest geological works. One of the first authors who dealt with that topic was Pilar (1875) whereas thirty years later the Commission for Scientific research of Syrmia initiated research of loess areas in Slavonia. The founder of the Commission, Gorjanovic-Kramberger (1912, 1914, 1914a, 1921 ,1922) published many works with detailed reviews of morphological and hydrographic features of loess in Slavonia. Taksic (1947) summarized all known facts about loess and compared stratigraphy and origins of our loess to other from similar areas in Europe. The material for loess had been brought form the Alps, according to Tajder (1942)and that theory was confirmed Taksic (1947) and Mutic (1975) as well. Beginning from the middle of the last century, geologists deal with the earlier layers. Modern methods of research made it easier for them to be more thorough. Such researches contributed forming of more complete geological picture of this area. Jagacic (1963) describe a sequence of sedimentation of the earliest archaic and Paleozoic rocks, from cretaceous, tortonic, pannonic to pontic layers. In the 70s and 80s of the 20th century the researches were rather intensive what can be proved by numerous works of many experts in applied geology. For example, Kranjec and others (1969, 1970, 1972, 1976) studied stratigraphic-tectonic relations and Simon (1973)divided tertiary layers into lithostratigra-phic units. Detailed paleontological analyses of the samples from the boreholes were done by Sokac (1971, 1982) whereas Hernitz (1983) in his monograph comprised all facts about geology of this area. Malez (1970) gave a thorough review of Vertebrata in Drava river basin and Rukavina dealt with Pleistocene (1983). The most extensive researches were done when making The Basic Geological Map - Leaf Osijek, scale 1:100000, The Map and the enclosed legend (Magas, 1987,1987a) represent a basic source of information on geology of this region. Aggression on Croatia and the war as well as postwar conditions prevented further research in the whole of Slavonia.As a consequence there aren\u27t recent works that would prove the already known facts or give additional explanations to geology in this region

    Geological and paleontological records on Osijek and its surroundings

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    The earliest geological and paleontological notes about Osijek and its surrounding originate from the 19th century. Geology of this part of our country has for the first time been presented on the Revised Geological Map of Austria-Hungary Monarchy, by Ritter von Hauer, published in Vienna (1867-1871). As in those days researchers could study only surface layers with mostly loess, that is why those layers were the main topic of the earliest geological works. One of the first authors who dealt with that topic was Pilar (1875) whereas thirty years later the Commission for Scientific research of Syrmia initiated research of loess areas in Slavonia. The founder of the Commission, Gorjanovic-Kramberger (1912, 1914, 1914a, 1921 ,1922) published many works with detailed reviews of morphological and hydrographic features of loess in Slavonia. Taksic (1947) summarized all known facts about loess and compared stratigraphy and origins of our loess to other from similar areas in Europe. The material for loess had been brought form the Alps, according to Tajder (1942)and that theory was confirmed Taksic (1947) and Mutic (1975) as well. Beginning from the middle of the last century, geologists deal with the earlier layers. Modern methods of research made it easier for them to be more thorough. Such researches contributed forming of more complete geological picture of this area. Jagacic (1963) describe a sequence of sedimentation of the earliest archaic and Paleozoic rocks, from cretaceous, tortonic, pannonic to pontic layers. In the 70s and 80s of the 20th century the researches were rather intensive what can be proved by numerous works of many experts in applied geology. For example, Kranjec and others (1969, 1970, 1972, 1976) studied stratigraphic-tectonic relations and Simon (1973)divided tertiary layers into lithostratigra-phic units. Detailed paleontological analyses of the samples from the boreholes were done by Sokac (1971, 1982) whereas Hernitz (1983) in his monograph comprised all facts about geology of this area. Malez (1970) gave a thorough review of Vertebrata in Drava river basin and Rukavina dealt with Pleistocene (1983). The most extensive researches were done when making The Basic Geological Map - Leaf Osijek, scale 1:100000, The Map and the enclosed legend (Magas, 1987,1987a) represent a basic source of information on geology of this region. Aggression on Croatia and the war as well as postwar conditions prevented further research in the whole of Slavonia.As a consequence there aren\u27t recent works that would prove the already known facts or give additional explanations to geology in this region

    Muzejska manifestacija "Muzeji izvan muzeja - MiM"

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    Muzejska manifestacija Muzeji izvan muzeja (MIM) proslavila je u svibnju 2019. drugu godiÅ”njicu svog postojanja. S obzirom na velik broj sudionika i otvoreni prostor na kojemu se održava, organizacija MIM-a zahtjevan je i složen posao s mnogo vidljivih i manje vidljivih problema koji katkad obeshrabruju. No broj posjetitelja, koji se mjeri desetcima tisuća, zanimanje kolega muzealaca koji se raspituju Å”to će biti na sljedećemu MIM-u, kao i činjenica da su se gotovo svi prolaznici zaustavljali i fotografirali ispred paviljona ili u njemu, a te su fotografije na različite načine putem druÅ”tvenih mreža obiÅ”le velik dio svijeta, daju nam poticaj za nove izazove i na neki način obvezuju

    ZaŔtita i čuvanje geoloŔko-paleontoloŔkog fundusa Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnog muzeja

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    ZaÅ”tita i čuvanje prirodoslovne građe u muzejima, osim Å”to podrazumijeva primjerene uvjete pohrane, osjetljiv je posao koji uključuje stalan i temeljit posao kustosa te pretpostavlja niz postupaka i radnji kako bi se osigurala trajnost predmeta izloženih ili pohranjenih u čuvaonicama. U posljednje vrijeme sve viÅ”e znanstvenika iz cijelog svijeta, u sklopu različitih projekata, dolazi u Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej kako bi proučavalo naÅ”u vrijednu paleontoloÅ”ku građu. To se posebice odnosi na vrlo važne zbirke koje su svojedobno imale status zbirki tzv. nulte kategorije spomeničke vrijednosti, a to su Zbirka krapinskog pleistocena i Zbirka holotipov


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    Middle Triassic deposits in the Karst Dinarides (south Lika area, near Gračac) were investigated for petrological, sedimentological and biostratigraphic determinations. Within two continuously recorded sections of sedimentary carbonates and interlayered pyroclastic rocks (Mali Kunovac and Kunovac sections) reflecting variable sedimentary-magmatic environments, valuable cephalopod fauna ranging from the middle Illyrian to the upper Illyrian age was found. The most significant was the recovery of the ammonoids Asseretoceras sp., indicating the upper part of the Illyrian Paraceratites trinodosus Zone, and Reitziites reitzi species which marks the upper part of the Illyrian Reitziites reitzi Zone. The discovery of the Reitziites reitzi species was not known from the Karst Dinarides until this finding.Srednjotrijaske naslage u krÅ”kim Dinaridima (okolica Gračaca u južnoj Lici) istraživane su s ciljem njihove petroloÅ”ke i sedimentoloÅ”ke odredbe te odredbe njihove biostratigrafske pripadnosti. Unutar dvaju snimljenih kontinuiranih sljedova koji se sastoje od izmjene karbonatnih sedimentnih stijena i piroklastita (Mali Kunovac i Kunovac), a koji odražavaju varijabilne sedimentacijsko-magmatske okoliÅ”e njihova postanka, prikupljena je relativno malobrojna, ali vrijedna kolekcija cefalopoda srednjoiliričke i gornjoiliričke starosti. Najvažniji su nalazi amonitne vrste Asseretoceras sp. koja upućuje na gornji dio iliričke Paraceratites trinodosus zone te vrste Reitziites reitzi koja označava gornjoiliričku Reitziites zonu. Pronalazak vrste Reitziites reitzi do sada nije bio zabilježen na području krÅ”kih Dinarida

    Muzejska manifestacija "Muzeji izvan muzeja - MiM"

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    Muzejska manifestacija Muzeji izvan muzeja (MIM) proslavila je u svibnju 2019. drugu godiÅ”njicu svog postojanja. S obzirom na velik broj sudionika i otvoreni prostor na kojemu se održava, organizacija MIM-a zahtjevan je i složen posao s mnogo vidljivih i manje vidljivih problema koji katkad obeshrabruju. No broj posjetitelja, koji se mjeri desetcima tisuća, zanimanje kolega muzealaca koji se raspituju Å”to će biti na sljedećemu MIM-u, kao i činjenica da su se gotovo svi prolaznici zaustavljali i fotografirali ispred paviljona ili u njemu, a te su fotografije na različite načine putem druÅ”tvenih mreža obiÅ”le velik dio svijeta, daju nam poticaj za nove izazove i na neki način obvezuju