112 research outputs found
Foreign Aid
Attitudes and behavior of the Dutch to developing countries and foreign aid. Topics: perception of situation and problems of developing countries; judgement on efficiency of various measures for foreign aid; extent to which informed about foreign aid activities and respondents´ sources of information in this area; personal participation in foreign aid activities. Demography: age; sex; marital status; religious denomination; school education; income; membership.Einstellungen und Verhalten der Niederländer gegenüber Entwicklungsländern und Entwicklungshilfe. Themen: Wahrnehmung der Situation und der Probleme der Entwicklungsländer; Beurteilung der Effizienz verschiedener Maßnahmen zur Entwicklungshilfe; Informiertheit über Entwicklungshilfeaktionen und Informationsquellen der Befragten zu diesem Themenkreis; eigene Teilnahme an Entwicklungshilfeaktionen. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Konfession; Schulbildung; Einkommen; Mitgliedschaft
Beyond the merchant and the clergyman: assessing moral claims about development cooperation
This article proposes to move beyond the categories of altruism and self-interest in the analyses of the motives for development cooperation. This opposition ignores the inherently moral nature of development policy. The article illustrates the shortcomings of such a perspective by tracing the metaphor of the merchant and the clergyman as archetypical figures shaping Dutch development policy. Through these images the suggestion of an opposition between moral and amoral motives in the history of development has gained a strong foothold within the interplay of scholars, policy makers and public opinion. We go on to assess claims about economy, security, solidarity, prestige and guilt, and ecology, which have been brought forward to legitimise Dutch foreign aid. This analysis calls for research on the dynamics of the transnational exchanges of ideas, interests and expectations, especially during episodes when the moral validity of policy has been explicitly contested
Ideas About Foreign Countries (Netherlands)
National stereotypes. Topics: The content of the study is largely identical to the content of ZA Study No. 0188. Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; religious denomination; school education; vocational training; occupation; employment; household income; size of household; party preference; refugee status; possession of durable economic goods.Nationale Stereotype. Themen: Stereotype Vorstellungen von Italienern, Belgiern, Holländern, Franzosen und Deutschen; Einstellungen zu einer Vereinigung Westeuropas und Präferenz von militärischer, politischer oder wirtschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit; Sprachkenntnisse; Kontakte zu Ausländern; Auslandsaufenthalte vor bzw. nach dem Kriege; politische Aktivitäten; Mitgliedschaften; Teilnahme am Zweiten Weltkrieg als Soldat; Religiosität. Demographie: Alter (klassiert); Geschlecht; Familienstand; Konfession; Schulbildung; Berufsausbildung; Beruf; Berufstätigkeit; Haushaltseinkommen; Haushaltsgröße; Parteipräferenz; Flüchtlingsstatus; Besitz langlebiger Wirtschaftsgüter
Winkelende huisvrouw 1973
Buying of provisions / retailers / door-to-door deliveries / kind and quantity of provisions / frequency of buying / shopping centre / favourite shop / differences between shops regarding certain articles / relationship with shop or brand / shopping centre / kind of services used / products for making desserts and beautifiers / where to buy them / difference between supermarkets and grocery shops / shopping behaviour / pollution of environment / developing countries. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ consumption of durable
Meningen over gewelddaden die gepaard gaan met bedreiging van onschuldigen 1973
Opinions on acts of violence where innocent people were threatened / safety in general / increase of violence / political versus non political violence / role of government. Background variables: basic characteristic
Meningen over het enquetewerk en het marktonderzoek 1968
Opinions on survey research / practical use / motivations for refusal / personal experiences of being interviewed / preferences regarding subject, time of day and length of interview. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ social class/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur
Effekten van een voorlichtingscampagne onder schoolverlaters, 1980
Determination of the success of an information-campaign among young people leaving school concerning possible activities for finding a job. Preferred profession / activities already undertaken to get job / knowledge of and experience with services offered by employment bureau / familiarity with and knowledge of information campaign on tv, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, booklet. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ educatio
Buitenkerkelijkheid in Nederland 1960
Non-affiliation with churches / family background on religion / attitude towards religious behaviour of children / motives for leaving the church / religious behaviour, church attendance, praying, bible reading, contact with clergy etc.. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur
Bezitsvorming 1961
Attitude and behaviour regarding saving and investments / preferences for shares and bonds / consumer behaviour. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi
Opinions on acts of violence with innocent people threatened 1973
Opinions on acts of violence where innocent people were threatened / safety in general / increase of violence / political versus non political violence / role of government. Background variables: basic characteristic
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