444 research outputs found

    Tourism and Sustainable Development. Implications at Local Community Level

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    Tourism represents an economic activity with a special growth potential and rate that, managed in a proper way, can represent an important means for ensuring a sustainable development and to promote and sustain local communities. During the past period, the development of tourism raised awareness among policy makers, local governments, tourists, etc. about the effect of tourism on the environment, this way the development of a sustainable tourism being a necessity.  The present paper aims to outline a series of implications at communities' level that the relationship between tourism and sustainable development may generate, focusing on one of the most representative and important components of sustainable tourism, respectively ecotourism and its particular forms of rural and agrotourism.&nbsp


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    The Ciric Valley, which is located in the northeastern region of Iași, integrates a considerable variety of habitats. Wetlands are dominant, being partially covered with compact reed beds. The other habitats are the deciduous forest, and meadows located in the northern part of the studied area. These allow the settlement of a diverse bird fauna in the area. Using the method of transects, the fixed-point observation, and sound identification, we identified 84 bird species between March 2020 and February 2021. Most species belong to the order Passeriformes (53 species), the rest of the orders having a significantly lower diversity. With the exception of the 20 sedentary species, Ciric’s avifauna consisted mostly of migratory species (39 summer visitors, 8 winter visitors, 13 vagrant species), and 5 partial migrant species during the research period. Among the identified bird species are 58 breeding species and 5 possible breeding species, representing 75% of the total number of the observed bird species. During the study, we identified 2 vulnerable species (Nycticorax nycticorax - black-crowned night-heron and Streptopelia turtur - european turtle-dove), 2 endangered species (Egretta garzetta - small egret and Ardea alba – great white egret) included in The Red Book of Vertebrates in Romania, and 13 species that require special conservation measures according to the Annex 1 of the Birds’ Directive

    Bivalent Cations in Bipolar Disorders

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    Assessing the Current State of Curl Type Improvement for Karakul of Botoşani Breed in Relation to the Color Variety

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    The curl’s form and type has always been an important objective of improving the Karakul of Botoşani sheep because some traits such as length, degree of closure, width and height are reflected in an original way over the general aspect of the pelt, influencing the aesthetic and commercial value of them. In pelt’s performance-specific control activities, for quality analysis is insisted mainly on the main traits that influence the expression with a certain type or curl form. In order to create conditions for genetic expression of the desired curl shape, it is necessary to follow the improvement of the following parameters: length, height, width, degree of closure, circumferential direction, contour and layout of the pelt surface curls. The used method in the assessment of the objectives was based on the technical norms specified in Section 1.4 and 1.5 of the MADR Order no. 22 / 20.01.2006, and the statistical processing of the data was based on the use of S.A.V.C. The assessment of the type of curls in long and medium tubes shows a considerable improvement in this character since the type was identified in 65.11% of cases in 2005 and increased to 66.66% in 2015. On the respective interval, the proportion of the desired lambs increased by more than 1.5%, the difference being statistically significant for p<0.01. The proportion of lambs where the curl was predominantly of the flattened type and with a low degree of closure, respectively wave or smooth, was kept within relatively constant limits placed around 20%, with relatively reduced variations from one generation to the next

    Towards a circular economy: insights based on the development of the global ENGAGE-materials model and evidence for the iron and steel industry

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    A number of recent economic modelling studies have attempted to analyse resource efficiency and the circular economy. However, modelling analysis in this area is relatively underdeveloped. In particular, many CGE models are unable to provide significant insight given their aggregated sectoral coverage. Here we describe the development of the Environmental Global Applied General Equilibrium (ENGAGEmaterials) model created to consider the economic and sectoral effects of potential policies on a circular economy and resource efficiency, which affect materials and resources at the stages of extraction, production and recycling. Our policy scope is global with a special emphasis on China and Europe, as both regions have dedicated policies in place and indicate their willingness to take the lead. The case of steel is relevant as it is a key material for all economies across the world and offers a range of interesting features for circularity and sustainability. ENGAGE-materials models iron ore mining, primary production of iron and steel, secondary production of iron and steel, and steel scrap recycling at the global level. We utilise this technology rich framework to provide preliminary results on scenarios comprising economic insights into a saturation effect and straightforward policy such as doubling the availability of secondary steel

    La imagen de las mujeres en la publicidad

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    En pleno siglo XXI, vivimos rodeados de publicidad, emitida por televisión, radio, Internet, prensa o vallas publicitarias, en la que se utiliza de forma recurrente la imagen de las mujeres, muchas veces de forma estereotipada o como objeto de deseo sexual. Esta manifestación forma parte del derecho a la libertad de expresión reconocido en la Constitución Española, que puede chocar con el derecho fundamental al honor, intimidad y propia imagen, de modo que dichos derechos deberán ponderarse. La legislación nacional (Ley General de Publicidad y Ley de Competencia Desleal, entre otras leyes), siguiendo lo establecido en la legislación europea e internacional, ha calificado de ilícita y desleal la publicidad discriminatoria de género, recogiendo un elenco de acciones a ejercer contra la misma, otorgando legitimación activa a un amplio número de sujetos, aunque el principal organismo que lucha contra la discriminación de la mujer en la publicidad es el Observatorio de la Imagen de las Mujeres. Dicho organismo, que forma parte del Instituto de la Mujer, se encarga de recoger quejas y presentar demandas, tanto ante los Juzgados como ante el Jurado de Autocontrol. Dicho Jurado se ha pronunciado en numerosas ocasiones, formando una especie de “jurisprudencia”, siguiendo unos criterios que han ido cambiando de conformidad con las reformas legislativas introducidas. A pesar de todo ello, actualmente se siguen emitiendo contenidos discriminatorios hacia las mujeres.In the 21st century, we live surrounded by advertising, broadcast by television, radio, Internet, newspapers or billboards, in which the image of women is used in a recurring way, often in a stereotyped way or as an object of sexual desire. This manifestation is part of the right to freedom of expression recognized in the Spanish Constitution, which may conflict with the fundamental right to honor, privacy and self image, so that these rights must be weighed. The national legislation (General Law on Advertising and Unfair Competition Law, among other laws), following the established in European and 3 international legislation, has described the discriminatory advertising of gender as illegal and disloyal, collecting a list of actions to be exercised against the Itself, granting active legitimacy to a large number of subjects, although the main body that fights against discrimination of women in advertising is the Observatory of the Image of Women. This body, which is part of the Women's Institute, is responsible for collecting complaints and submitting complaints, both before the Courts and before the Jury of Self-Control. This jury has been pronounced on numerous occasions, forming a kind of "jurisprudence", following criteria that have been changing in accordance with the legislative reforms introduced. In spite of all this, discriminatory content continues to be broadcast to women.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155

    Precocious Utilisation at Reproduction of Female Youth Sheep From Ţigaie Breed

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    Ovine rearing represents a domain being in a full development process in Romania. At the base of this tendency are the solicitation of local and external markets for basic production, respectively meat and milk. To record favourable economical results farmers wants to apply the most optimal technologies so, economical efficiency to reach a maximum level for each female which is part of the livestock (Pascal, 2015, Daraban  2006 ). One of those technologies refers also at precocious utilisation at reproduction of a female youth. So, the aim of effectuated research was represented by studying of possibilities for utilization at reproduction of female youth at an age still from the first year of life.Biologic material was represented by domestic ovine, from Ţigaie breed, reared in different farms situated in the North-East part of Romania. Experimental batches were formed by females with different ages, but all of them being utilized for the first time at mating. Respecting those demands were formed three batches differentially by age between them, which had, at the moment of utilization for reproduction, 9 months (L1), 18 months (L2) and 22 months (L3). Control batch was formed by adult females belonging to the same breed (LM). In the current research were tracked more aspects, the most important being the ones in which were analyzed the influence of sheep’ age on specific indexes of reproduction function, on the total duration of gestation and on further corporal development of youth females. The obtained data were statistically processed using ANOVA software, and for determination of differences and their signification were utilized Fisher and Tukey tests. The obtained results allow us to enlightened the fact that even, in case of batches formed by female youth, the mean values for studied parameters were very close to the ones specific to adult sheep, differences are significant in majority of situations for p >0.01