3,269 research outputs found

    Orthodox Social Institutions and russian Civil Society at the Turn of the 20th Century

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    The article was submitted on 11.06.2014.The article explores the peculiarities of creation and function of Russian Orthodox social institutions of the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries in the relation to church reforms that were part of the modernization social life process. The author’s research focuses on whether it is possible to consider organizations created “from above” civil social institutions, and refers to the all-Russian, regional and local organizations. The author analyzes the correspondence and interaction of initiatives put forward by the authorities and the public during the establishment of the aforementioned organizations, as well as whether the regional peculiarities were taken into consideration during the process, as well as the public’s reaction to their activity. Using the historical-typological, structural-functional, and comparative approaches, the author concludes that church organizations should be regarded more as a means of learning the fundamentals of civil values and social initiative than as established social institutions as such.Рассматриваются особенности создания и функционирования российских православных общественных организаций второй половины XIX –начала ХХ в. в контексте церковных реформ, происходивших в русле модернизации общественной жизни. Основная научная проблема — можно ли считать создаваемые «сверху» организации институтом гражданского общества — изучается на материалах всероссийских, региональных и местных организаций. Анализируются соотношение и взаимодействие властных и общественных инициатив в процессе становления и развития этих организаций, учет региональной специфики, общественные отзывы о их деятельности. На основе применения историко-типологического, структурно-функционального, сравнительно-исторического подходов автор приходит к выводу, что существовавшие православные общественные организации целесообразно оценивать скорее как «школу гражданственности и общественной инициативы», чем как сложившиеся общественные организации в классическом понимании этого термина.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 14-18-01625)

    Development of Inhibition Control in Children during the Transition from Kindergarten to School during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Study

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic is a unique situation in the global community which emerged for the first time. Research shows that the pandemic may have a long-term effect on children's development. Inhibition control is one of the main components of executive functioning and a predictor to a child's further academic success. However, there are few works devoted to the study of the impact of the pandemic on inhibition control in preschoolers. The objective of the study was to identify dynamics of the development of inhibition control in children aged 5-7 years (from senior preschool to primary school age) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Indicators of the development of inhibition control in first-graders before and during the pandemic were compared. Methods. Inhibition control was assessed three times (at 5, 6, and then at 7 years of age) with the NEPSY-II Inhibition subtest. Sample. This longitudinal study involved children aged 5 to 8 years at the time of follow-up from 2019 to 2021 (N=101). Additionally, the sample included first-grade children who were trained in kindergarten and first grade before the pandemic (March 2019, N=84). Results. The results of the analysis indicate that inhibition control successfully developed in children from the senior kindergarten group to the first grade of school during the pandemic. At the same time, the level of development of inhibition control in girls after the pandemic is higher than in girls before the pandemic, while no significant differences were found for boys. Conclusion. The level of inhibitory control in preschoolers, whose education in the preparatory group of the kindergarten took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the restrictions introduced and changes in the usual way of life, corresponds to the norms. It has been shown that the results of the development of inhibitory control in children who were caught up in the pandemic and those who were not caught up in the pandemic differ depending on gender

    Опыт деструктивной терапии аногенитальных бородавок

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    Objective. To assess the efficiency and tolerability of the Mardil Zinc Max, solution for external application, in topical therapy of patients with anogenital warts. Materials and methods. The study involved 58 women and 12 men at the age of 18 to 57 years old, suffering from anogenital warts. the diagnosis was confirmed by identification of human papillomavirus by the polymerase chain reaction in real time. All the patients were treated by the chemical destruction of anogenital warts with the 1.5% solution of zinc chloropropionate in 50% 2-chloropropionic acid (Mardil Zinc Max) by a single application of the solution on the pathological eruptions. The results of treatment were assessed in 2 weeks, in 1, 3, 6 and 9 months after the destructive therapy. Results. In 2 weeks 62 (88.6%) patients showed a clinical cure with complete tissue regeneration in the lesions, in 8 (11,4%) cases in areas of the preparation erosions were visualized in the epithelialization phase, and they completely resolved within 1 week. recurrences of anogenital warts were detected in 1 (1,4%) patient in the observation period up to 3 months and in 2 (2,8%) patients during 9 months after carrying out the destruction. Adverse drug events have not been identified in the course of therapy and follow-up. Conclusions. As a result of the treatment of anogenital warts with the Mardil Zinc Max high rate of performance and security was set (100%), as well as the low percentage (4,2%) of development of relapses.Цель исследования. Оценить эффективность и переносимость препарата Мардил Цинк Макс, раствор для наружного применения, в топической терапии больных аногенитальными бородавками. Материал и методы. В исследование включены 58 женщин и 12 мужчин в возрасте от 18 до 57 лет, больных аногенитальными бородавками. Диагноз подтверждался идентификацией вирусов папилломы человека методом полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени. Всем больным проводилась химическая деструкция аногенитальных бородавок 1,5% раствором цинка 2-хлорпропионата в 50% 2-хлорпропионовой кислоте (Мардил Цинк Макс) путем однократного нанесения раствора на патологические высыпания. Результаты лечения оценивались через 2 нед., 1, 3, 6 и 9 мес. после проведенной деструктивной терапии. Результаты. Через 2 нед. у 62 (88,6%) больных наблюдалось клиническое излечение с полной регенерацией тканей в очагах поражения, у 8 (11,4%) больных в зонах нанесения препарата визуализировались эрозии в стадии эпителизации, которые полностью разрешились в течение 1 нед. Рецидивы аногенитальных бородавок регистрировались у 1 (1,4%) пациента в период наблюдения до 3 мес. и у 2 (2,8%) пациентов в течение 9 мес. после проведения деструкции. Нежелательных лекарственных явлений в процессе терапии и последующего наблюдения не выявлено. Заключение. В результате терапии аногенитальных бородавок препаратом Мардил Цинк Макс установлены высокие показатели эффективности (100%) и безопасности, а также низкий процент (4,2%) развития рецидивов заболевания

    Epin Plus and Epin-Extra - effective instruments for spring wheat

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    A comparison experiment was done on the effective of the new organic-mineral fertilizer Epin Plus and the plant growth regulator Epin-Extra. Epin Plus contains: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, fulic acids, 24-epibrassinolide. Epin-Extra contains 24-epibrassinolide. In the field experiment, spring wheat was grown for three years. During the growing season, the plants were sprayed with Epin-Extra and Epin Plus. Field experiment treatment includes: control, with the application of fertilizers and spraying of wheat during the growing season with Epin Plus in dose of 50 ml/ha, 70 ml/ha, 100 ml/ha, with spraying of plants with Epin-Extra at dose of 50 ml/ha. It was found that the maximum grain yield was recorded in the treatment with Epin Plus (70 ml/ha), which was 28.6% more than from control, 21.7% more than the treatment with fertilizer application, 12.2 % compared to the Epin-Extra treatment (50 ml/ha), 22% more than the Epin Plus treatment (50 ml/ha) and 20.2% more than the Epin Plus treatment (100 ml/ha). It was recorded in the control treatment grain protein was 12.9%, and in the Epin Plus treatment (70 ml/ha) – 15.8%. The gluten content of wheat grain in the Epin-Extra (50 ml/ha) and Epin Plus (70 ml/ha) treatment was 33.50 - 35.80%, in other treatment 30.5 - 31.95%

    Opportunities to Use Modern ICT Technologies to Implement the Provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the Level of Basic General Education

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    The article deals with the problem of organizing the modern educational process in accordance with the Convention on the rights of the child. The author made an attempt, based on the analysis of the provisions of an international document, to identify the planned result of training, as well as to suggest mechanisms for achieving it through the use of ICT.В статье рассматривается проблема организации современного образовательного процесса в соответствии с Конвенцией о правах ребенка. Автор предпринял попытку, на основе анализа положений международного документа, выделить планируемый результат обучения, а также предложить механизмы его достижения посредством применения ИКТ-технологий

    Effect of short peptides on seed germination and morphometric parameters of flax seedlings

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    The use of peptide preparations is one of the current trends in modern agriculture. These preparations can be used to increase the efficiency of sowing treatment of agricultural crops seeds. The article presents the results of a laboratory experiment aimed at studying the effect of a complex of short peptides AC-3 (glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine) on seed germination and morphometric parameters of flax seedlings (Linum usitatissimum L.) - Tverskoy variety. The maximum germination energy (68, 68 and 74%, 50% at the control) and seed germination values (95, 95 and 100%, 75% at the control) were obtained in variants with seed treatment with a complex of short peptides at concentrations of 1*10-12, 1*10-13, and 1*10-15 g/l, respectively. According to the totality of the maximum values of seed quality indicators and morphometric characteristics of flax seedlings, the Tverskoy variety (the length of roots and sprouts, the yield of raw and dry biomass of seedlings), the optimal concentration of a complex of short peptides for pre-sowing seed treatment is 1*10-15 g/l