19 research outputs found

    Hybrid system prediction for the stock market: The case of transitional markets

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    Analysis of awareness of electrical energy consumption in companies and households

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    In this paper are shown results of the research about the awareness of the employed persons in Doboj (BiH) about the energy consumption and costs in companies and also in households. Analysis is performed based on the respondent answers and correspondent tests of questionnaires collected among employed persons. Questionnaire is organized in three main topics about other sources of energy, including fossil fuels and renewable energy as a supplementation and\or replacement for the electric energy. In the conducted research 150 fulfilled questionnaires were collected, representing the respondents opinion about the importance of source of energy related to companies’ energy costs. In this paper relation between of awareness about the energy consumption cots in the company and awareness of the consumption of electricity and the possibility to make household savings in electricity costs

    Metal content in the surface soils of industrial areas in Novi Sad

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    The scope of this study was to investigate the heavy metal content in the industrial soils of Novi Sad, Serbia. A total of twenty topsoil samples (0–10 cm depth) were collected. The chemical properties of soil as well as the particle size distribution of soil (<2 mm fraction) were determined. Pseudo-total concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc were measured using the ICP-OES device. Total mercury content in the samples was analysed using a Direct Mercury Analyzer (DMA) 80 Milestone. The results showed that the conc- entrations of Cu and Zn were found to be elevated at two locations. The concentration of Cd was very high at the same locations. Results revealed that no elevated values were detected for Pb at any location; all values were at the level of those in natural, unpolluted soils

    Fuzzy linear programming in investments

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    The possibility of the investment performances assessment is especially important in the dynamic business conditions. Hence, the appropriate methodology enables an optimal investment decision. The main objective of the research is to test and analyse the possibility of fuzzy linear programming application in the investment processes with special attention to the investment performances. The methodology used in the research understands the methods of analyses and synthesis and also application of the fuzzy linear programming. The quantitative and qualitative results of the research imply that the application of fuzzy linear programming provide important information about the effects from the investment activities

    Portfolio optimization in investments : empirical evidence from the Republic of Serbia

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    The main subject in this study is to test and analyze efficient portfolio optimization in investments with focus on the financial market of the Republic of Serbia. The basic objective of the research is to provide quantitative information about specific aspects of portfolio optimization in investments, especially having in mind the specificities of the financial market of the Republic of Serbia. The methodology used in the research includes quantitative methods in area of portfolio optimization. The results of the research point to the necessity of portfolio optimization in function of return maximization from the investment activities

    Efficient management in environmental protection

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    The subject of this study is to research, analyse and assess the causal relations between efficient management as a useful and necessary "tool" in the daily operations and the modern aspects of environmental protection in contemporary business conditions. The research objective is to achieve the concrete, practically confirmed knowledge of practical, actually usable relation between efficient management and modern aspects and trends of environmental protection. The study methodology includes descriptive and exploratory techniques, as well as analysis and synthesis. The main research hypothesis is that without an efficient management, the optimum approach to the environmental protection cannot be expected nor can an adequate relation towards environment be ensured. The research results provide actual information about the place, role and significance of efficient management in the contemporary environmental protection

    Analysis of emloyees awareness of energy costs

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    In this document analysis of employee awareness about energy costs in companies is given trough tests of questionnaire. There was tree main questions observed about other sources of energy, including fossil fuels and renewable energy as a supplementation and\or replacement for the electric energy. In the conducted research 150 respondent (employees) was included with their opinion about the importance of source of energy related to companies’ energy costs. In this paper relation between companies (employees) with higher energy costs and the level of awareness about different energy source is proven

    Efficient Portfolio Selection and Its Applications to Decision Making

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    Abstract—Dynamic nature of investment return requires the application of the appropriate methodology, especially regarding enhanced volatility induced by frequent extreme events occurrence. The subject of the research is to analyze the possibility of efficient portfolio selection on the transitional financial market of the Republic of Serbia.&nbsp; The main objective is to gather empirical evidence about the investment portfolio performance with special attention to the decision making process. The methodology in the research implies the usage of the appropriate portfolio optimization methods. The research results stress the significance of efficient portfolio selection in contemporary business conditions. It can be concluded that it is necessary to examine the volatility of the portfolio assets and thus enabling the efficient portfolio selection, which is especially challenging on transitional markets


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    Background: According to the neurodevelopmental theory, brain structuring early markers could be seen in different body parts as minor physical anomalies. Alongside minor physical anomalies, handedness and index to ring finger ratio are brain development indicators, specifically brain lateralization. Studies are consentient about the association of these findings with schizophrenia, though there is inconsistency about individual anatomical regions\u27 contribution. We proposed that handedness in combination with morphological indicators of early brain development could be sensitive and specific in predicting schizophrenia status. Subjects and methods: Within the list for the assessment of schizophrenia patients and normal controls of the Caucasian race were seven categorical minor physical anomalies of hand and feet, handedness, and index to ring finger ratio. In this cross-sectional study the examinees were recruited from January 2012 to December 2015. Results: Forced-entry binary logistic regression model correctly classified 86.5% of patients and 99.2% of the comparison subjects with a 92.8% overall accuracy. Mixed-handedness, hyperconvex fingernails, big gap between 1st and 2nd toe, and partial syndactyly of 2nd and 3rd toe made a significant independent contribution to the patient-control prediction group status. Furthermore, these items showed a significant correlation with the predictors of the head from the previous study. Conclusion: Briefly, the limb components, assessed independently of other body regions, proved to be worthy as schizophrenia predictors

    Uređenje, korišćenje i zaštita poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine UB

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    The Ub municipality is located in the north-east end of the Podrinjsko- Kolubarski region. The total area of the Ub municipality is 45670 ha or 456.7 km2. The agricultural area takes 35471.55 ha or, approximately, 77.67% of the municipality’s territory. Cultivable agricultural land takes 32955.18 ha, or 71.16%, which is distinguished by relatively large amounts of arable areas, where fields and gardens take 29470.05 ha, or 89.42% of the cultivable areas, which is an indicator that the most common activity in the Ub municipality is grain cultivation (corn and wheat). Fruitgardens and wineyards take an area of 1953.55 ha, or 4.65%. Meadows are on an area of 5.93%. Soils of the Ub municipality, according to existing data, are distinguished by unfavorable physical and mechanical characteristics, with needs for repairs by means of different types of soil reclamation techniques. Analysis of the usable structure of the agricultural lands shows that the estates are small, and the average area of a demesne is 3.4 ha per household. The average parcel size is 0.40 ha per each cultivated crop. There are no commasative areas and no arranged irrigation and drainage systems, according to data gathered by the Regional Unit of Ub, inclusive 31st of April, 2007. Possible positive results of arrangement, exploitation and protections of the agricultural land of the Ub municipality are many, of which the most important are: Switching from a traditional extensive agricultural production to an intense agricultural production; Increase of the number of registered and educated agriculturists, organizing of the business connecting of family households; agricultural products in compliance with high quality and safety standards; a skilled and developed consultative and informative agricultural service, which monitors agriculturist’s work; intensified sustainable development of the rural regions with the development of organic production; a reduced negative trend of the country-side to city migration; a created consciousness about the need for the protection of the environment from harmful effects of the agricultural production.Opština Ub se nalazi na severoistočnim delu Podrinjsko - Kolubarskog regiona. Ukupna površina opštine Ub je 45670 ha ili 456,7 km2. Poljoprivredne površine zauzimaju 35.471,55 ha ili, približno 77,67% teritorije opštine. Obradivog poljoprivrednog zemljišta ima 32955,18 ha ili 72,16%, koje se odlikuje relativno visokom zastupljenošću oraničnih površina, gde njive i vrtovi zauzimaju 29470,05 ha ili 89,42% obradivih površina, što ukazuje da je najzastupljenija delatnost u opštini Ub, ipak gajenje žitarica (kukuruz, pšenica). Voćnjaci i vinogradi su na površini od 1953,55 ha ili 4,65%. Livade se nalaze na površini 5,93%. Zemljišta opštine Ub prema postojećim podacima, odlikuju nepovoljne fizičko-mehaničke osobine, sa velikim potrebama za popravku sa primenom različitih pedo-meliorativnih mera. Analiza upotrebne strukture poljoprivrednog zemljišta daje karakteristike da su zemljišni posedi malih površina, gde je prosečna veličina poseda 3,4 ha po domaćinstvu. Prosečna veličina parcele je 0,40 ha po gajenoj poljoprivrednoj kulturi. Nema komasacionih površina, kao ni uređenih sistema za navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje, prema podacima Područne jedinice Ub, zaključno sa 31. aprilom. 2007. godine. Mogući pozitivni rezultati uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Ub su mnogobrojni, od kojih su najvažniji: Prelazak sa tradicionalne ekstenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, na intenzivnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju; povećanje broja registrovanih i edukovanih poljoprivrednika, organizovanje odgovarajućih načina poslovnog povezivanja porodičnih gazdinstava; poljoprivredni proizvodi u skladu sa visokim standardima kvaliteta i bezbednosti; stručna i razvijena savetodavna i informaciona poljoprivredna služba koja prati rad poljoprivrednika; intenziviran održivi razvoj sela sa razvojem organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje; usporen negativni trend migracije selo – grad; i stvorena svest o potrebi zaštite životne sredine od štetnih efekata poljoprivredne proizvodnje