18 research outputs found
Ageism: Does it Exist Among Children?
Ageism is stereotyping and prejudice against individuals or groups because of their age. Robert Butler first used it in 1969, to express a systematic stereotyping and discrimination against elderly people. Available data appears to confirm that attitudes of children to the old age differ from that of adults. The study population consisted of 162 subjects (56 school children, 48 nurses and 58 elderly patients). Each subject in the survey was asked to respond to the following three questions: Question #1: “Is the old age unattractive ?”; Question #2: “How old is an old man? Question #3: “What should you do to have a long life (what is good for longevity)? The majority of polled children (33) gave positive statements about ageing in their responses to the first item, while most of the nurses gave condition answers, like: “It is not unattractive if you are healthy”. Elderly subjects made up a group with the majority of negative responses (in percentage), as only 33% of them answered that old age is not unattractive. All three groups of subjects demonstrated a good knowledge of what is considered good for longevity, and had a generally positive health attitude. Our results indicate that majority of children have positive perception and attitude about old age, which leads us to conclusion that ageism is adopted later in life
The small hydro power plants – new deal of the Serbian energetic
The influence of organized investment in small hydro power plant building on the development of deregulating electric market in Serbia is presented in this paper. The results of analysis of energetic, economic and ecological benefits that can be derived from the process are also presented. In the process of
initiation, preparation and forming of such approach participants were Ministry of Mining and Energy of Republic of Serbia, Electric Power Industry of Serbia, Energy Efficiency Agency of Republic of Serbia and Energy Regional Euro Efficiency Center Kragujevac. They prepared comprehensive pre-study entitled "The Master Plan for Small Hydro Power Plants Building in Serbia”. The aims of that pre-study were to:
• preliminary investigate the influence of organized investment in small hydro power plants building on the
development of deregulating electric market in Serbia;
• simulate energetic, economic and ecological possibilities of different variants of such approach for the next fifteen years;
• establish the optimal scenario for organized building of small power plants.
All necessary political and administrative decisions related to the future development of Serbian national energetic sector are made and Electric Industry of Serbia had been already restructured. In this work, it has been attempted to identify methods for optimal management of the small power plants building in this new and for Serbian surrounding yet unsatisfactory clear economic conditions. Besides the results of simulation of potential energetic, economic and ecological benefits from the Master plan realization, basic characteristics of original simulated mathematical model and developed software for determination of these characteristics are shown in this work.Publishe
Energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development in Kragujevac (Serbia)
This paper presents a methodology development and the results achieved in the process of establishing energy management system in the City of Kragujevac (Serbia) and in its public services. The paper is an overview of influential factors in the field of energy management, analyzing their impact on raising
the energy efficiency of individual utility service and the city of Kragujevac, as a whole. The paper also presents the most interesting scientific and research projects realized in the cooperation of several actors which were coordinated by Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center Kragujevac. The municipal companies together with the city administration are the direct beneficiaries of the results realized in the following areas:
‐ Development of energy management in municipalities and the establishment of energy planning at the local level; ‐ Improvement of municipal services by applying energy efficiency measures in public enterprises:
‐ “Energetika” (heating), ‐ “Cistoca” (communal waste management), ‐ “Vodovod i kanalizacija” (water and waste water management); Promotion of ideas and projects realized in the field of energy
management, environmental protection and sustainable development at the Festival of energy efficiency (starting from this year) held during the April.Publishe
Istraživanje stanja i mogućnosti za unapređenje toplotno distributivnog sistema grada Kragujevca
Razvoj toplotno‑distributivnog sistema grada Kragujevca (TDS‑K) sledio je urbanističko, populaciono i privredno napredovanje grada i danas predstavlja, zajedno sa svojim toplotnim izvorištem, jedan od najvrednijih komunalnih infrastrukturnih sistema u Srbiji. Pošto je dinamika razvoja grada, istorijski gledano,
bila neujednačena, u današnjoj strukturi TDS‑K uočljive su tehničko‑tehnološke neujednačenosti koje limitiraju dalji razvoj, a ne retko, predstavljaju i smetnju visoko kvalitetnom snabdevanju svih potrošača. Zbog toga su Upravni odbor i poslovodni tim „Energetike“, d.o.o., preduzeća koje brine o razvoju i održavanju TDS‑K, oslanjajući se na snažnu podršku uprave grada Kragujevca, započeli pre dve godine, zajedno sa Regionalnim evrocentrom za energetsku efikasnost Mašinskog fakulteta i preduzećem „Geopremer“ iz Kragujevca, opsežan projekat čiji je cilj da se obezbedi:
– precizna elektronska GIS mapa kompletnog TDS‑K;
– elektronska baza podataka o svim pogonskim podstrukturama, cevovodima, cevnim armaturama i toplotnim podstanicama;
– pouzdan softver za simulaciju ponašanja TDS‑K u različitim režimima eksploatacije, koji se može koristiti i za uvođenje proaktivnog sistema tekućeg i investicionog održavanja, kao i za stvaranje kvalitetnih osnova za dalje širenje i povećanje broja konzumenata usluga „Energetika“ d.o.o.;
– kreiranje internet portala za brzu internu i eksternu komunikaciju sa dispečerskim centrom TDS‑K i – definisanje sistema organizacionih i tehničko‑tehnoloških mera za povećanje energetske efikasnosti TDS‑K i smanjivanje troškova u proizvodnji i distribuciji toplotne energije.
U ovom radu je ukratko prikazan deo do sada ostvarenih rezultata na napred opisanim poslovima.Publishe
The potential energy and environmentalcontribution archived by inplementing strategy of energy development of Republic Serbia in the period of year 2007 to 2010 in the area of renewable energy sources
U radu je izložena analiza mogućih energetsko-ekoloških doprinosa koji se mogu ostvariti kroz implementaciju Strategije razvoja energetike Republike Srbije u periodu od 2007. do 2010. godine u oblasti korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije.Publishe
Difference in apolipoprotein E genotype distribution between dentate and edentulous elderly patients with Alzheimer disease
Association between dementia and tooth loss has been shown although the nature of that association is not clear. It has also been shown that risk of dementia was increased in apolipoprotein E4 allele carriers. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of APOE alleles and their association with the dental status in elderly demented patients. Dental status of 67 patients with dementia was recorded. DNA was isolated from buccal swabs and genotyping was done by PCR-RFLP. The majority of participants had E3/E4 genotype (55.2%) and these heterozygotes were significantly more frequent than any other genotype (p lt 0.001). There was no significant association between dental status and genotype. However, partial edentulousness with very few teeth in both jaws (1-9 teeth) was significantly more frequent among demented patients with E3/E4 genotype (p=0.021). Patients with Alzheimer disease most frequently had E3/E4 genotype and had very few or no teeth