14 research outputs found

    On the optimality of some multi-point methods for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equation

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    This paper deals with the problem of determining the multiple roots of nonlinear equations, where the multiplicity of the roots is known. The paper contains some remarks on the optimality of the recently published methods [B. Liu, X. Zhou, A new family of fourth-order methods for multiple roots of nonlinear equations, Nonlinear Anal. Model. Control, 18(2):143–152, 2013] and [X. Zhou, X. Chen, Y. Song, Families of third- and fourth-order methods for multiple roots of nonlinear equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 219(11):6030–6038, 2013]. Separate analysis of odd and even multiplicity, has shown the cases where those methods lose their optimal convergence properties. Numerical experiments are made and they support theoretical analysis

    An optimal sixteenth order family of methods for solving nonlinear equations and their basins of attraction

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    We propose a new family of iterative methods for finding the simple roots of nonlinear equation. The proposed method is four-point method with convergence order 16, which consists of four steps: the Newton step, an optional fourth order iteration scheme, an optional eighth order iteration scheme and the step constructed using the divided difference. By reason of the new iteration scheme requiring four function evaluations and one first derivative evaluation per iteration, the method satisfies the optimality criterion in the sense of Kung-Traub\u27s conjecture and achieves a high efficiency index 161/5approx1.741116^{1/5} approx 1.7411. Computational results support theoretical analysis and confirm the efficiency. The basins of attraction of the new presented algorithms are also compared to the existing methods with encouraging results

    A new optimal family of three-step methods for efficient finding of a simple root of a nonlinear equation

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    This study presents a new efficient family of eighth order methods for finding the simple root of nonlinear equation. The new family consists of three steps: the Newton\u27s step, any optimal fourth order iteration scheme and the simply structured third step which improves the convergence order up to at least eight, and ensures the efficiency index 1.6818. For several relevant numerical test functions, the numerical performances confirm the theoretical results

    Multivariate analysis of the contents of metals in urban snow near traffic lanes in Novi Sad, Serbia

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    During December 2009, snow was collected at twenty two locations across the urban area of Novi Sad, directly from roads and from traffic islands near crossroads. The total metal concentration was determined for each of ten metals (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn) using the ICP-OES analytical technique. Ni was found to have the lowest concentration (0.0265 mg dm(-3)). Na was the metal with the highest concentration (10786 mg dm(-3)), which was the consequence of sodium chloride being used as a de-icing salt on the roads. The metal with the second highest concentration at all locations was Ca; this was most likely the result of soil dust. The Spearman rank correlation coefficients between analyzed metals were calculated to determine how the concentrations of the metals were related. Cluster analysis was performed on the obtained data sets, using both the hierarchical and partitioning methods in order to identify associations among metals and/or locations. It was shown that traffic density was not the most important factor that caused the differences between the concentrations of the metals in the samples

    Increasing organizational performance by human resource management

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    Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u praksi (HRM prakse) je bitan organizacijski mehanizam za generiranje, jačanje i podržavanje akcijskih planova u svakoj organizaciji. Kapacitet akcijskog plana ovisi o radnom profilu pojedinaca i timova. Ovaj članak predlaže model HRM prakse, s ciljem povećanja učinkovitosti organizacije kroz razvoj i održavanje tijekom vremena radnog profila pojedinaca i timova. Ovaj rad pokazuje da klasificiranjem aktivnosti modela u dva bloka, rad i učinkovitost pojedinaca i timova mogu se povećati, čime se potom povećava i održava organizacijska uspješnost tijekom vremena.Human Resource Management practices (HRM practices) are essential organizational mechanisms to generate, reinforce and sustain the action plan in every organization. The capacity of an action plan depends on the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper proposes a model of HRM practices, with the aim of increasing organizational performance through the development and maintenance over time of the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper shows that by classifying the activities of the model into two blocks, the work performance of the individuals and teams can increase, which subsequently increases and sustains the organizational performance over time

    Fuzzy methaheuristic model for copy-move forgery detection on images

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    Many methods have been proposed to detect the originality of an image. One of the most commonly used method, the Copy - move forgery detection (CMFD), is considered here. The contribution of this paper is the application of the new fuzzy distances in clustering using metaheuristics. The family of the used fuzzy distances satisfies the axioms of the fuzzy metric. CMFD method, which includes Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) and Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) metaheuristics, has been tested and compared with similar methods. The proposed method with the proposed new metric used in this research gave better results than the existing methods. The proposed fuzzy metrics in this paper as well as the problem of pp-median clustering applied to the problem and compared with existing research in this field give better results

    Morphological and biochemical variability in different populations of wild sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)

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    Three autochthonous populations of wild sweet cherry (P. avium L.) have been collected from Southwest Serbia. Biochemical and morphological variability in these populations were analyzed. Observed zymograms for five enzyme systems did not show patterns different from sweet cherry cultivars already analyzed. The discrimination effect of eight characters was examined with multivariate analysis. The results of classification obtained according to the linear discriminant functions express a very slight difference between the real and evaluated groups. For effective discrimination, these eight characters can be reduced to only five with more than 90% reliability. These five characters are: fruit maturity, juice colour, tree habit, yield and seed germination

    Genetic resources of cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera ehrh.)

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    Investigations were carried out on 63 cherry plum genotypes collected from different autochthonous populations in Serbia. Morphological and biochemical variability of these genotypes was analyzed by multivariate analysis (cluster analysis and discriminant linear analysis). Cluster analysis showed clear differences between cherry plum genotypes and four distinct clusters were identified. Discriminant linear analysis used ripening time to create timed preliminary groups. Most genotypes of the first (82%) and the third (71%) group from the results of discriminant analysis were correctly classified but fewer of the second group (45%). Four fruit characters, ripening time, length, stone weight and total acid content, are sufficient to explain the diversity between the starting groups and to provide a good classification. Multivariate analysis is a useful system for germplasm evaluation in cherry plum allowing a detail characterization of seedlings in terms of adaptation and productivity. The presence of diversity within the germplasm collection is of great interest in providing valuable materials for breeding aimed at cherry plum improvement for different environments

    A biophysical model of how alpha-tubulin carboxy-terminal tails tune kinesin-1 processivity along microtubule

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    It appears that so called post translational modifications of tubulin heterodimers are mostly focussed at positions of amino acid sequences of carboxy terminal tails. These changes have very profound effects on microtubule functions especially in connection with cellular traffic in terms of motor proteins. In this study, we elaborated the biophysical model aimed to explain the strategy governing these subtle interplays between structural and functional properties of microtubules. We relied onto Langevin equations including fluctuation dissipation processes. In that context we found out that small interaction between a charged motor neck domain and oppositely charged carboxy terminal tail of the a tubulin plays the decisive role in tuning kinesin-1 motor processivity along microtubules

    Two-Stage Fuzzy Logic Model for Cloud Service Supplier Selection and Evaluation

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    Dynamicity of the cloud computing system, complexity of real-world decision-making problems, and nontransparent market imply numerous difficulties in finding the corresponding solution for cloud supplier evaluation and selection. Due to that reason, there is a need to develop a model that can contribute to increase of reliability of evaluation and reduction of subjectivity of the decision-maker. Having in mind the aforementioned, the authors proposed a new concept to model a cloud supplier evaluation based on technology perspective. Here, we developed a model that combined fuzzy techniques with implemented simulation of model parameters. The proposed method for cloud supplier evaluation is flexible with an objective evaluation and ensures more precise numerical value. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and pragmatism of the proposed approach