68 research outputs found

    Telomere DNA recognition in Saccharomycotina yeast: potential lessons for the co-evolution of ssDNA and dsDNA-binding proteins and their target sites

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    In principle, alterations in the telomere repeat sequence would be expected to disrupt the protective nucleoprotein complexes that confer stability to chromosome ends, and hence relatively rare events in evolution. Indeed, numerous organisms in diverse phyla share a canonical 6 bp telomere repeat unit (5′-TTAGGG-3′/5′-CCCTAA-3′), suggesting common descent from an ancestor that carries this particular repeat. All the more remarkable, then, are the extraordinarily divergent telomere sequences that populate the Saccharomycotina subphylum of budding yeast. These sequences are distinguished from the canonical telomere repeat in being long, occasionally degenerate, and frequently non-G/C-rich. Despite the divergent telomere repeat sequences, studies to date indicate that the same families of single-strand and double-strand telomere binding proteins (i.e., the Cdc13 and Rap1 families) are responsible for telomere protection in Saccharomycotina yeast. The recognition mechanisms of the protein family members therefore offer an informative paradigm for understanding the co-evolution of DNA-binding proteins and the cognate target sequences. Existing data suggest three potential, inter-related solutions to the DNA recognition problem: (i) duplication of the recognition protein and functional modification; (ii) combinatorial recognition of target site; and (iii) flexibility of the recognition surfaces of the DNA-binding proteins to adopt alternative conformations. Evidence in support of these solutions and the relevance of these solutions to other DNA-protein regulatory systems are discussed

    Combinatorial recognition of a complex telomere repeat sequence by the Candida parapsilosis Cdc13AB heterodimer

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    The telomere repeat units of Candida species are substantially longer and more complex than those in other organisms, raising interesting questions concerning the recognition mechanisms of telomere-binding proteins. Herein we characterized the properties of Candida parapsilosis Cdc13A and Cdc13B, two paralogs that are responsible for binding and protecting the telomere G-strand tails. We found that Cdc13A and Cdc13B can each form complexes with itself and a heterodimeric complex with each other. However, only the heterodimer exhibits high-affinity and sequence-specific binding to the telomere G-tail. EMSA and crosslinking analysis revealed a combinatorial mechanism of DNA recognition, which entails the A and B subunit making contacts to the 3′ and 5′ region of the repeat unit. While both the DBD and OB4 domain of Cdc13A can bind to the equivalent domain in Cdc13B, only the OB4 complex behaves as a stable heterodimer. The unstable Cdc13ABDBD complex binds G-strand with greatly reduced affinity but the same sequence specificity. Thus the OB4 domains evidently contribute to binding by promoting dimerization of the DBDs. Our investigation reveals a rare example of combinatorial recognition of single-stranded DNA and offers insights into the co-evolution of telomere DNA and cognate binding proteins

    Brh2 and Rad51 promote telomere maintenance in Ustilago maydis, a new model system of DNA repair proteins at telomeres

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    Recent studies implicate a number of DNA repair proteins in mammalian telomere maintenance. However, because several key repair proteins in mammals are missing from the well-studied budding and fission yeast, their roles at telomeres cannot be modeled in standard fungi. In this report, we explored the dimorphic fungus Ustilago maydis as an alternative model for telomere research. This fungus, which belongs to the phylum Basidiomycota, has a telomere repeat unit that is identical to the mammalian repeat, as well as a constellation of DNA repair proteins that more closely mimic the mammalian collection. We showed that the two core components of homology-directed repair (HDR) in U. maydis, namely Brh2 and Rad51, both promote telomere maintenance in telomerase positive cells, just like in mammals. In addition, we found that Brh2 is localized to telomeres in vivo, suggesting that it acts directly at chromosome ends. We surveyed a series of mutants with DNA repair defects, and found many of them to have short telomeres. Our results indicate that factors involved in DNA repair are probably also needed for optimal telomere maintenance in U. maydis, and that this fungus is a useful alternative model system for telomere research.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Yu, E. Y., Kojic, M., Holloman, W. K., & Lue, N. F. (2013). Brh2 and Rad51 promote telomere maintenance in Ustilago maydis, a new model system of DNA repair proteins at telomeres. DNA Repair, 12(7), 472–479.[ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dnarep.2013.04.027]Published version: [https://imagine.imgge.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/653

    Mre11 and blm-dependent formation of ALT-like telomeres in ku-deficient Ustilago maydis

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    A subset of human cancer cells uses a specialized, aberrant recombination pathway known as ALT to maintain telomeres, which in these cells are characterized by complex aberrations including length heterogeneity, high levels of unpaired C-strand, and accumulation of extra-chromosomal telomere repeats (ECTR). These phenotypes have not been recapitulated in any standard budding or fission yeast mutant. We found that eliminating Ku70 or Ku80 in the yeast-like fungus Ustilago maydis results initially in all the characteristic telomere aberrations of ALT cancer cells, including C-circles, a highly specific marker of ALT. Subsequently the ku mutants experience permanent G2 cell cycle arrest, accompanied by loss of telomere repeats from chromosome ends and even more drastic accumulation of very short ECTRs (vsECTRs). The deletion of atr1 or chk1 rescued the lethality of the ku mutant, and “trapped” the telomere aberrations in the early ALT-like stage. Telomere abnormalities are telomerase-independent, but dramatically suppressed by deletion of mre11 or blm, suggesting major roles for these factors in the induction of the ALT pathway. In contrast, removal of other DNA damage response and repair factors such as Rad51 has disparate effects on the ALT phenotypes, suggesting that these factors process ALT intermediates or products. Notably, the antagonism of Ku and Mre11 in the induction of ALT is reminiscent of their roles in DSB resection, in which Blm is also known to play a key role. We suggest that an aberrant resection reaction may constitute an early trigger for ALT telomeres, and that the outcomes of ALT are distinct from DSB because of the unique telomere nucleoprotein structure.The authors received funding from the following sources: The Meyer Cancer Center of Weill Cornell Medical College URL:http://meyercancer.weill.cornell.edu/) to NFL and WKH, The Bohmfalk Chritable Trust to NFL, and the Spanish government (BIO2014-55398-R) to JPM.Peer Reviewe

    Single telomere length analysis in Ustilago maydis, a high-resolution tool for examining fungal telomere length distribution and C-strand 5’-end processing

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    Telomeres play important roles in genome stability and cell proliferation. Telomere lengths are heterogeneous and because just a few abnormal telomeres are sufficient to trigger significant cellular response, it is informative to have accurate assays that reveal not only average telomere lengths, but also the distribution of the longest and shortest telomeres in a given sample. Herein we report for the first time, the development of single telomere length analysis (STELA)—a PCR-based assay that amplifies multiple, individual telomeres— for Ustilago maydis, a basidiomycete fungus. Compared to the standard telomere Southern technique, STELA revealed a broader distribution of telomere size as well as the existence of relatively short telomeres in wild type cells. When applied to blm∆, a mutant thought to be defective in telomere replication, STELA revealed preferential loss of long telomeres, whose maintenance may thus be especially dependent upon efficient replication. In comparison to blm∆, the trt1∆ (telomerase null) mutant exhibited greater erosion of short telomeres, consistent with a special role for telomerase in re-lengthening extra-short telomeres. We also used STELA to characterize the 5’ ends of telomere C-strand, and found that in U. maydis, they terminate preferentially at selected nucleotide positions within the telomere repeat. Deleting trt1 altered the 5’-end distributions, suggesting that telomerase may directly or indirectly modulate C-strand 5’ end formation. These findings illustrate the utility of STELA as well as the strengths of U. maydis as a model system for telomere research

    The Telomere Capping Complex CST Has an Unusual Stoichiometry, Makes Multipartite Interaction with G-Tails, and Unfolds Higher-Order G-Tail Structures

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    The telomere-ending binding protein complex CST (Cdc13-Stn1-Ten1) mediates critical functions in both telomere protection and replication. We devised a co-expression and affinity purification strategy for isolating large quantities of the complete Candida glabrata CST complex. The complex was found to exhibit a 2∶4∶2 or 2∶6∶2 stoichiometry as judged by the ratio of the subunits and the native size of the complex. Stn1, but not Ten1 alone, can directly and stably interact with Cdc13. In gel mobility shift assays, both Cdc13 and CST manifested high-affinity and sequence-specific binding to the cognate telomeric repeats. Single molecule FRET-based analysis indicates that Cdc13 and CST can bind and unfold higher order G-tail structures. The protein and the complex can also interact with non-telomeric DNA in the absence of high-affinity target sites. Comparison of the DNA–protein complexes formed by Cdc13 and CST suggests that the latter can occupy a longer DNA target site and that Stn1 and Ten1 may contact DNA directly in the full CST–DNA assembly. Both Stn1 and Ten1 can be cross-linked to photo-reactive telomeric DNA. Mutating residues on the putative DNA–binding surface of Candida albicans Stn1 OB fold domain caused a reduction in its crosslinking efficiency in vitro and engendered long and heterogeneous telomeres in vivo, indicating that the DNA–binding activity of Stn1 is required for telomere protection. Our data provide insights on the assembly and mechanisms of CST, and our robust reconstitution system will facilitate future biochemical analysis of this important complex

    SLX4 Assembles a Telomere Maintenance Toolkit by Bridging Multiple Endonucleases with Telomeres

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    SummarySLX4 interacts with several endonucleases to resolve structural barriers in DNA metabolism. SLX4 also interacts with telomeric protein TRF2 in human cells. The molecular mechanism of these interactions at telomeres remains unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of the TRF2-binding motif of SLX4 (SLX4TBM) in complex with the TRFH domain of TRF2 (TRF2TRFH) and map the interactions of SLX4 with endonucleases SLX1, XPF, and MUS81. TRF2 recognizes a unique HxLxP motif on SLX4 via the peptide-binding site in its TRFH domain. Telomeric localization of SLX4 and associated nucleases depend on the SLX4-endonuclease and SLX4-TRF2 interactions and the protein levels of SLX4 and TRF2. SLX4 assembles an endonuclease toolkit that negatively regulates telomere length via SLX1-catalyzed nucleolytic resolution of telomere DNA structures. We propose that the SLX4-TRF2 complex serves as a double-layer scaffold bridging multiple endonucleases with telomeres for recombination-based telomere maintenance

    Molecular architecture and oligomerization of Candida glabrata Cdc13 underpin its telomeric DNA-binding and unfolding activity

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    The CST complex is a key player in telomere replication and stability, which in yeast comprises Cdc13, Stn1 and Ten1. While Stn1 and Ten1 are very well conserved across species, Cdc13 does not resemble its mammalian counterpart CTC1 either in sequence or domain organization, and Cdc13 but not CTC1 displays functions independently of the rest of CST. Whereas the structures of human CTC1 and CST have been determined, the molecular organization of Cdc13 remains poorly understood. Here, we dissect the molecular architecture of Candida glabrata Cdc13 and show how it regulates binding to telomeric sequences. Cdc13 forms dimers through the interaction between OB-fold 2 (OB2) domains. Dimerization stimulates binding of OB3 to telomeric sequences, resulting in the unfolding of ssDNA secondary structure. Once bound to DNA, Cdc13 prevents the refolding of ssDNA by mechanisms involving all domains. OB1 also oligomerizes, inducing higher-order complexes of Cdc13 in vitro. OB1 truncation disrupts these complexes, affects ssDNA unfolding and reduces telomere length in C. glabrata. Together, our results reveal the molecular organization of C. glabrata Cdc13 and how this regulates the binding and the structure of DNA, and suggest that yeast species evolved distinct architectures of Cdc13 that share some common principles.Agencia Estatal de Investigacion [AEI/10.13039/5011000 ´ 11 033]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, and co-´ funded by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF-UE) [PID2020-114429RB-I00 to O.L., PID2020-112998GB-100 to F.M.-H]; Autonomous Region of Madrid and co-funded by the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund [Y2018/BIO4747 and P2018/NMT4443 to O.L. and F.M.-H.]; National Institute of Health Carlos III to CNIO; J.R.L.O. and O.N. acknowledge support from the Molecular Interactions Facility at the CIB-CSIC; N.G.-R. was supported by a Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD fellowship; N.F.L. is funded by NIH [GM107287]. Funding for open access charge: Agencia Estatal de Investigacion [AEI ´ /10.13039/501100011 033]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, co-funded by the Eu-ropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [PID2020-114429RB-I00].Peer reviewe

    The Candida albicans Ku70 Modulates Telomere Length and Structure by Regulating Both Telomerase and Recombination

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    The heterodimeric Ku complex has been shown to participate in DNA repair and telomere regulation in a variety of organisms. Here we report a detailed characterization of the function of Ku70 in the diploid fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Both ku70 heterozygous and homozygous deletion mutants have a wild-type colony and cellular morphology, and are not sensitive to MMS or UV light. Interestingly, we observed complex effects of KU70 gene dosage on telomere lengths, with the KU70/ku70 heterozygotes exhibiting slightly shorter telomeres, and the ku70 null strain exhibiting long and heterogeneous telomeres. Analysis of combination mutants suggests that the telomere elongation in the ku70 null mutant is due mostly to unregulated telomerase action. In addition, elevated levels of extrachromosomal telomeric circles were detected in the null mutant, consistent with activation of aberrant telomeric recombination. Altogether, our observations point to multiple mechanisms of the Ku complex in telomerase regulation and telomere protection in C. albicans, and reveal interesting similarities and differences in the mechanisms of the Ku complex in disparate systems