612 research outputs found
College Students’ Online Speech: Searching for the Appropriate Standards Within First Amendment Case Principles
College student free speech cases, particularly as applied to student online speech challenges, suffer from conflicting legal principles. This paper highlights empirically noted problems in resolving disputes between a college student’s free speech rights and a public college’s authority to maintain order and campus safety. In Part I of this paper, the authors present the established legal principles from two foundational cases addressing issues of student speech in the educational context. In Part II, the authors demonstrate how courts have used PK12 education cases and public employment cases as sources that address legal principles for college student speech cases—particularly to resolve college students’ speech challenges with an online dimension. In Part III, the authors conclude that existing legal principles, ones largely derived from the PK12 education context, are insufficient to analyze some types of student collegiate speech cases. This thesis is supported when examining several cases involving college students, especially cases dealing with college students’ online speech or expression. In resolving the legal framework problem, the authors suggest a modification of existing legal principles that accounts sufficiently for characteristics specific to the collegiate learning space
The effects of spatial resolution and dimensionality on modeling regional-scale hydraulics in a multichannel river
As modeling capabilities at regional and global scales improve, questions remain regarding the appropriate process representation required to accurately simulate multichannel river hydraulics. This study uses the hydrodynamic model LISFLOOD-FP to simulate patterns of water surface elevation (WSE), depth, and inundation extent across a ∼90 km, anabranching reach of the Tanana River, Alaska. To provide boundary conditions, we collected field observations of bathymetry and WSE during a 2 week field campaign in summer 2013. For the first time at this scale, we test a simple, raster-based model's capabilities to simulate 2-D, in-channel patterns of WSE and inundation extent. Additionally, we compare finer resolution (≤25 m) 2-D models to four other models of lower dimensionality and coarser resolution (100–500 m) to determine the effects of simplifying process representation. Results indicate that simple, raster-based models can accurately simulate 2-D, in-channel hydraulics in the Tanana. Also, the fine-resolution, 2-D models produce lower errors in spatiotemporal outputs of WSE and inundation extent compared to coarse-resolution, 1-D models: 22.6 cm versus 56.4 cm RMSE for WSE, and 90% versus 41% Critical Success Index values for simulating inundation extent. Incorporating the anabranching channel network using subgrid representations for smaller channels is important for simulating accurate hydraulics and lowers RMSE in spatially distributed WSE by at least 16%. As a result, better representation of the converging and diverging multichannel network by using subgrid solvers or downscaling techniques in multichannel rivers is needed to improve errors in regional to global-scale models
Perspectives on open access high resolution digital elevation models to produce global flood hazard layers
Global flood hazard models have recently become a reality thanks to the release of open access global digital elevation models, the development of simplified and highly efficient flow algorithms, and the steady increase in computational power. In this commentary we argue that although the availability of open access global terrain data has been critical in enabling the development of such models, the relatively poor resolution and precision of these data now limit significantly our ability to estimate flood inundation and risk for the majority of the planet’s surface. The difficulty of deriving an accurate ‘bare-earth’ terrain model due to the interaction of vegetation and urban structures with the satellite-based remote sensors means that global terrain data are often poorest in the areas where people, property (and thus vulnerability) are most concentrated. Furthermore, the current generation of open access global terrain models are over a decade old and many large floodplains, particularly those in developing countries, have undergone significant change in this time. There is therefore a pressing need for a new generation of high resolution and high vertical precision open access global digital elevation models to allow significantly improved global flood hazard models to be developed
Computational Simulations of a Mach 0.745 Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Design
A joint effort between the NASA Ames and Langley Research Centers was undertaken to analyze the Mach 0.745 variant of the Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) Design. Two different flow solvers, LAVA and USM3D, were used to predict the TTBW flight performance. Sensitivity studies related to mesh resolution and numerical schemes were conducted to define best practices for this type of geometry and flow regime. Validation efforts compared the numerical simulation results of various modeling methods against experimental data taken from the NASA Ames 11-foot Unitary Wind Tunnel experimental data. The fidelity of the computational representation of the wind tunnel experiment, such as utilizing a porous wall boundary condition to model the ventilated test section, was varied to examine how different tunnel effects influence CFD predictions. LAVA and USM3D results both show an approximate 0.5 angle of attack shift from experimental lift curve data. This drove an investigation that revealed that the trailing edge of the experimental model was rounded in comparison to the CAD model, due to manufacturing tolerances, which had not been accounted for in the initial simulations of the experiment. Simulating the TTBW with an approximation of this rounded trailing-edge reduces error by approximately 60%. An accurate representation of the tested TTBW geometry, ideally including any wing twists and deflections experienced during the test under various loading conditions, will be necessary for proper validation of the CFD
A high-resolution global flood hazard model
Floods are a natural hazard that affect communities worldwide, but to date the vast majority of flood hazard research and mapping has been undertaken by wealthy developed nations. As populations and economies have grown across the developing world, so too has demand from governments, businesses, and NGOs for modeled flood hazard data in these data-scarce regions. We identify six key challenges faced when developing a flood hazard model that can be applied globally and present a framework methodology that leverages recent cross-disciplinary advances to tackle each challenge. The model produces return period flood hazard maps at ∼90 m resolution for the whole terrestrial land surface between 56°S and 60°N, and results are validated against high-resolution government flood hazard data sets from the UK and Canada. The global model is shown to capture between two thirds and three quarters of the area determined to be at risk in the benchmark data without generating excessive false positive predictions. When aggregated to ∼1 km, mean absolute error in flooded fraction falls to ∼5%. The full complexity global model contains an automatically parameterized subgrid channel network, and comparison to both a simplified 2-D only variant and an independently developed pan-European model shows the explicit inclusion of channels to be a critical contributor to improved model performance. While careful processing of existing global terrain data sets enables reasonable model performance in urban areas, adoption of forthcoming next-generation global terrain data sets will offer the best prospect for a step-change improvement in model performance.</p
The Population of Damped Lyman-alpha and Lyman Limit Systems in the Cold Dark Matter Model
Lyman limit and damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems probe the distribution
of collapsed, cold gas at high redshift. Numerical simulations that incorporate
gravity and gas dynamics can predict the abundance of such absorbers in
cosmological models. We develop a semi-analytical method to correct the
numerical predictions for the contribution of unresolved low mass halos, and we
apply this method to the Katz et al. (1996) simulation of the standard cold
dark matter model (, , , ). Using
this simulation and higher resolution simulations of individual low mass
systems, we determine the relation between a halo's circular velocity and
its cross section for producing Lyman limit or damped absorption. We combine
this relation with the Press-Schechter formula for the abundance of halos to
compute the number of absorbers per unit redshift. The resolution correction
increases the predicted abundances by about a factor of two at z=2, 3, and 4,
bringing the predicted number of damped absorbers into quite good agreement
with observations. Roughly half of the systems reside in halos with circular
velocities v_c>100\kms and half in halos with 35\kms. Halos
with v_c>150\kms typically harbor two or more systems capable of producing
damped absorption. Even with the resolution correction, the predicted abundance
of Lyman limit systems is a factor of three below observational estimates,
signifying either a failure of standard CDM or a failure of these simulations
to resolve the systems responsible for most Lyman limit absorption. By
comparing simulations with and without star formation, we find that depletion
of the gas supply by star formation affects absorption line statistics at
only for column densities exceeding .Comment: AASlatex, 17 pages w/ 3 embedded ps figures. Submitted to Ap
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