13 research outputs found

    Ispitivanja genotoksičnosti herbicida GAL-57 na Salmonella typhimurium i Escherichia coli

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    Genotoxicity of the herbicide GAL-57, containing two active ingredients, bentazon and dicamba, was investigated using the Ames test. Salmonella typhimurium (tester strains TA98 and TA100) and Escherichia coli (strain WP2uvrA) were used. Nine product concentrations were tested at a range of 19.53-5000 μg/plate and each concentration, as well as the controls, in triplicate. Testing was done with and without metabolic activation (liver microsomal fraction, S-9 mix). The results of our investigation revealed no biological or statistically significant increase in mutagenic factors, and this offered a basis for our conclusion that the herbicide GAL-57 has no genotoxic properties (with or without metabolic activation) under experimental conditions in the Ames test.Genotoksična svojstva herbicida GAL-57, koji u svom sastavu ima dve aktivne materije, bentazon i dikambu, ispitivana su primenom Ames-ovog testa. Korišćene su bakterije Salmonella typhimurium (sojevi TA98 i TA100) i Escherichia coli (WP2uvrA soj). Ispitivano je devet koncentracija preparata u opsegu 19.53-5000 μg/ploča pri čemu je svaka koncentracija, kao i kontrole, testirana po tri puta. Ispitivanje je obavljeno sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije (mikrozomska frakcija jetre, S-9 mix). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da nema ni biološki ni statistički značajnog povećanja faktora mutacije na osnovu čega se zaključuje da herbicid GAL-57, u eksperimentalnim uslovima Ames-ovog testa, ne poseduje genotoksična svojstva (sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije)

    Ispitivanja mutagenih svojstava herbicida GAL-57 (bentazon + dikamba) primenom mikronukleus testa

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    A micronucleus test was run to investigate mutagenic potential of the herbicide GAL-57, a formulated mixture of bentazone and dicamba. The test was applied to mice of both sexes (strain: CRL: NMRI BR) and the herbicide (product) was administered by gavage at 2000 mg/kg rate, twice within 24 hs. Cyclophosphamide (positive control) was administered at 60 mg/kg, while distilled water as a solvent was negative control. The animals were sacrificed 24 hrs after second treatment, their bone marrow cells isolated from femur, and effects evaluated. The data acquired showed that repeated treatment of mice with GAL-57 caused neither biological nor significant statistical increase in the number of micronuclei in treated animals. At the same time, the number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in the bone marrow of animals treated with cyclophosphamide (positive control) showed a significant statistical increase. The results suggest that the herbicide product tested did not show any mutagenic activity under the conditions of mouse micronucleus test.Mutageni potencijal herbicida GAL-57, koji je formulisan kao mešavina bentazona i dikambe, ispitivan je primenom mikronukleus testa. Ispitivanja su rađena na miševima oba pola (soj: CRL: NMRI BR), a ispitivani herbicid (preparat) je doziran oralno (sondom u želudac) u dozi od 2000 mg/kg, dva puta u razmaku od 24 sata. Kao pozitivna kontrola korišćen je ciklofosfamid (60 mg/kg), a kao negativna rastvarač (destilovana voda). Životinje su žrtvovane 24 sata nakon drugog tretiranja, izolovane su ćelije koštane srži (iz femura) i ocenjivan je efekat supstancije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da ponovljen tretman miševa herbicidom GAL-57 ne izaziva ni biološki ni statistički značajno povećanje broja mikronukleusa kod tretiranih životinja. Istovremeno, kod životinja tretiranih ciklofosfamidom (pozitivna kontrola) broj mikronukleusa u polihromatskim eritrocitima koštane srži miševa bio je statistički značajno povećan. Na osnovu ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da ispitivani herbicid (preparat), u uslovima mikronukleus testa, ne ispoljava mutagena svojstva

    Hematološki efekti herbicida Avalon® (bentazon+dikamba) za pacova

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    Hematological effects of the herbicide Avalon (GAL-57), a mixture of bentazon and dicamba, were tested on rats. Avalon was administered by gavage at three and four dose levels (250, 500, 1000 and 1250 mg/kg weight/day) for 28 and 90 days. Hematological parameters, number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (MCV, MCH and MCHC) were monitored. The results showed that the herbicide Avalon caused decrease in the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (both males and females). The changes (mostly) correlated with the doses administered and, in most cases, a lower susceptibility of females than males was observed. The herbicide GAL-57 had no adverse effect on the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (both sexes, all doses tested). The results showed that the herbicide Avalon causes weak anemia to the animals tested. Reversibility was apparent during the recovery period of 28 days.U radu su ispitivani hematološki efekti herbicida Avalon (GAL-57), koji je mešavina bentazona i dikambe kao aktivnih materija, na pacovima. Preparat je doziran oralnim putem (sondom u želudac) u više nivoa doza (250, 500, 1000 i 1250 mg/kg/telesne mase/dan) tokom 28 i 90 dana. Praćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: broj eritrocita, leukocita i trombocita, koncentracija hemoglobina, hematokrit i eritrocitni indeksi (prosečna zapremina eritrocita, srednja vrednost hemoglobina po eritrocitu i prosečna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitima). Rezultati ovih ispitivanja su pokazali da herbicid Avalon kod oba pola izaziva smanjenje vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa, dok kod drugih ispitivanih pokazatelja (broj leukocita, eritrocita i trombocita) nisu registrovane promene u odnosu na kontrolu. Sve promene su, najčešće, u korelaciji sa primenjenim dozama a uočena je, u najvećem broju slučajeva, i nešto manja osetljivost ženki u odnosu na mužjake. Rezultati ispitivanja su, takođe, pokazali da Avalon izaziva blagu anemiju kod ispitivanih životinja s tim da je efekat reverzibilnog karaktera; nakon isteka perioda oporavka od 28 dana vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre se vraćaju na normalu i ne razlikuju se značajnije u odnosu na kontrolu

    Two years (1987-1988) examination of pesticide residues in milk and dairy products

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    U radu je istraživan sadržaj ostataka pesticida u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima različitih proizvođača i iz različitih područja Jugoslavije. Rezultati su pokazali da više od 90% istraživanih proizvoda sadrži ostatke jednog ili više pesticida. U najvećem hroju slučajeva u pitanju su bila organoklorna, a u nekim slučajevima i organofosforna jedinjenja. Konstatirane količine kretale su se od tragova do 3,6 mg/kg, zavisno od vrste proizvoda. U 10,3% istraživanih uzoraka sadržaj ostataka je bio veći od zakonski maksimalno dozvoljenog.The objective of the paper was to investigate contents of pesticide residues in milk and dairy products originating from various regions of Yugoslavia and different manufacturers. The results have shown that over 90% of articles examined contain residues of one or more pesticides. In the majority of cases those were organochlorine and sometimes organophosphorous compounds. The amounts detected ranged from trace to 3.6 mg/kg as depended on the type of product. In 10.3% of the examined samples the residual content was higher than the maximum permissible according to the law

    Acute Oral Toxicity Study of GAL-57 (Bentazon + Dicamba) Herbicide in Rats

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    An acute oral toxicity study of the herbicide GAL-57 (Avalon), a mixture of bentazon and dicamba as active ingredients, was conducted to assess its acute oral toxicity to rats, using a new method that has been used in the past several years (2001). Clinical observations were performed for all animals after different time intervals, and gross necropsy was performed at termination of examination. Clinical symptoms (decreased activity, prone position, abnormal limb position, decreased righting reflex, decreased grip and limb tone, decreased body and abdominal tone and dyspnoea) from mild to marked degree were noted after administration of 2000 mg/kg. Animals were found dead 30 minutes to one hour after the treatment. GAL-57 did not cause any clinical sings at single 300 mg/kg bw dose. The physical condition and behaviour of animals were normal during the 14-day observation period. The acute oral LD-50 value of the GAL-57 proved to be between 300 and 2000 mg/kg body weight in rats and was ranked into Poison group III according to Serbian criteria, category 4 of the Global Harmonized Classification System and Category III of the EPA classification

    Carbofuran in water: Subchronic toxicity to rats

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    Carbofuran toxicity on rats was studied during subchronic exposure. Female and male rats were administered carbofuran in drinking water in concentrations of 25, 100 and 400ppm for a period of 90 days. Clinical symptoms, water consumption, body weight gain, organ weight, pathological and histopathological changes in the liver and kidneys were observed and biochemical and haematological examinations were carried out. The results obtained show that carbofuran administered to rats caused a significant decrease in water consumption as well as in brain, serum and erythrocyte cholinesterase activities. Statistically significant increases in relation to the control were found in the serum enzyme activities. The haematological data showed that carbofuran had no significant effect on Hb concentration and total RBC, but total WBC showed a significant statistical decrease. The histopathological changes in liver and kidneys were observed. However, cell regeneration in the liver and kidneys was found in all test groups

    Toxic effects of 2,4-D herbicide on fish

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    Acute and subacute 2,4-D toxicity to carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were investigated. Acute toxicity (LC-50) was investigated in semi-static test during a 24, 48 and 96- hours exposition. Subacute toxicity was investigated by exposing to different 2,4,-D concentrations (150, 200, and 250 mg/L) for 14 days. Biochemical and morphological changes in certain organs and tissues were investigated. LC- 50 values at 24 hours exposure was 310.0 mg/L, 295.0 mg/L for 48 hours, and 270.0 mg/L for 96 hours exposure. Subacute toxicity tests show that 2,4-D induce changes in the enzyme activities (AP, GOT, GPT) and morphological changes in the gills, liver and kidneys, but changes are of limited biological importance.Acute and subacute 2,4-D toxicity to carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were investigated. Acute toxicity (LC-50) was investigated in semi-static test during a 24, 48, and 96- hours exposition. Subacute toxicity was investigated by exposing fish to different 2,4,-D concentrations (150, 200, and 250 mg/L) for 14 days. Biochemical and morphological changes in certain organs and tissues were investigated. LC-50 values at 24 hours exposure was 310.0 mg/L, 295.0 mg/L for 48 hours, and 270.0 mg/L for 96 hours exposure. Subacute toxicity tests show that 2,4-D induce changes in the enzyme activities (AP, GOT, GPT) and morphological changes in the gills, liver and kidneys, but changes are of limited biological importance

    Genotoxicity of GAL-57 Herbicide in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli

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    Genotoxicity of the herbicide GAL-57, containing two active ingredients; bentazon and dicamba, was investigated using the Ames test. Salmonella typhimurium (tester strains TA98 and TA100) and Escherichia coli (strain WP2uvrA) were used. Nine product concentrations were tested at a range of 19.53-5000 μg/plate and each concentration, as well as the controls, in triplicate. Testing was done with and without metabolic activation (liver microsomal fraction, S-9 mix).The results of our investigation revealed no biological or statistically significant increase in mutagenic factors, and this offered a basis for our conclusion that the herbicide GAL-57 has no genotoxic properties (with or without metabolic activation) under experimental conditions in the Ames test

    Acute and subacute toxicity of atrazine to carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)

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    Investigations of acute and subacute atrazine toxicity in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were carried out. Acute toxicity was investigated in a semi-static test during a 96-hr exposition. The estimated LC-50 value was 18.8 mg/l. Subacute toxicity was investigated by exposing fish (carp) to different atrazine concentrations (1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 mg/l) for 14 days. Biochemical and histopathological changes in certain organs and tissues were investigated. The results show that atrazine leads to changes of varying intensity depending on the parameter tested, the organs and tissues examined, as well as the atrazine concentration. Biochemical changes were most prominent in the alkaline phosphatase, glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, and glutamic-pyruvic tranaminase activities whereas the most severe histopathological changes were observed in the gills