Ispitivanja genotoksičnosti herbicida GAL-57 na Salmonella typhimurium i Escherichia coli


Genotoxicity of the herbicide GAL-57, containing two active ingredients, bentazon and dicamba, was investigated using the Ames test. Salmonella typhimurium (tester strains TA98 and TA100) and Escherichia coli (strain WP2uvrA) were used. Nine product concentrations were tested at a range of 19.53-5000 μg/plate and each concentration, as well as the controls, in triplicate. Testing was done with and without metabolic activation (liver microsomal fraction, S-9 mix). The results of our investigation revealed no biological or statistically significant increase in mutagenic factors, and this offered a basis for our conclusion that the herbicide GAL-57 has no genotoxic properties (with or without metabolic activation) under experimental conditions in the Ames test.Genotoksična svojstva herbicida GAL-57, koji u svom sastavu ima dve aktivne materije, bentazon i dikambu, ispitivana su primenom Ames-ovog testa. Korišćene su bakterije Salmonella typhimurium (sojevi TA98 i TA100) i Escherichia coli (WP2uvrA soj). Ispitivano je devet koncentracija preparata u opsegu 19.53-5000 μg/ploča pri čemu je svaka koncentracija, kao i kontrole, testirana po tri puta. Ispitivanje je obavljeno sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije (mikrozomska frakcija jetre, S-9 mix). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da nema ni biološki ni statistički značajnog povećanja faktora mutacije na osnovu čega se zaključuje da herbicid GAL-57, u eksperimentalnim uslovima Ames-ovog testa, ne poseduje genotoksična svojstva (sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije)

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