55 research outputs found

    Insecticidal effect of anisaldehyde against Acanthoscelides obtectus and Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

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    In the present study, anisaldehyde, a compound found in the essential oil of Clausena anisum-olens, was tested for its insecticidal activities against Acanthoscelides obtectus and Callosobruchus maculatus. The amounts of anisaldehyde applied were 0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 ÎŒL diluted in 1mL of acetone and applied to 40 g of either beans or cowpeas corresponding to the doses of 0, 0.008, 0.016, 0.033 and 0.066 ÎŒL/g of seed. Additionally, adsorbent clay was used as a carrier of this product in order to increase the persistence of its insecticidal activity over time. This clay was mixed with the aforementioned volumes of anisaldehyde to form a powder formulation. Furthermore, to assess the insecticidal effect over time, the F1 progeny production was also evaluated. These two products caused significant mortality in the two tested insects. Nevertheless, C. maculatus was more susceptible than A. obtectus at tested doses. The progeny production decreased with the increasing doses of anisaldehyde and ACP with 0 % at the highest dose (0.066 ÎŒL/g). According to the LD50, LD95 and their confidence intervals, the toxicity of ACP was significantly different (P < 0.05) to anisaldehyde at the tested doses towards A. obtectus adults. However, there was no significant difference observed between the effects of these two products towards C. maculatus. These preliminary results suggest that anisaldehyde and ACP could be used in stored-product protection, but this needs further research. Research is also needed to determine its toxicity on rats in order to assess its potential hazards for workers and consumers.Keywords: Anisaldehyde, Clay, Contact toxicity, Bruchid

    An acetone extract of Clausena anisata may be a potential control agent for flies encountered in cutaneous myiasis

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    Clausena anisata is a medicinal plant used traditionally to treat myiasis and as an insect repellent by various communities. We have previously demonstrated the effects of C. anisata extracts on blowfly feeding and development in our laboratory. The impact of C. anisata leaf extracts on populations of different fly species on farms in Mpumalanga, South Africa was investigated in this study under field conditions. Flies were exposed to liver baits treated with acetone leaf extracts of C. anisata (150 mg/mL). Fly numbers and composition on two farms, with and without C. anisata treated liver, were compared during a period of 12 weeks when fly populations were expected to be high. Observations were made on fly behaviour and development, adult sizes and numbers. The flies exposed to liver treated with the leaf extract of C. anisata had a decreased rate of development, prolonged larval period, smaller body sizes and more sluggish behaviour compared to those subjected to the control treatment. No significant differences were, however, found between the numbers and sizes of flies on the treated and on the control farm, which was most likely due to the limited nature of the baiting programme we followed. The effects of C. anisata extracts on blowfly behaviour and development observed in previous laboratory studies were confirmed in this field evaluation. Although the extracts did not have a significant effect on the overall population size in this experiment, we believe that the C. anisata leaf extract could be useful in integrated pest management based on its effect on larval development. In addition, species such as Lucilia cuprina and Chrysomya marginalis seemed to have been repelled by the C. anisata treated liver; as a result, further work should explore this aspect and how it can be used for the protection of animals.http://www.ojvr.orgam2016Paraclinical Science

    Doing Research for and With Others : A Researcher's Relationship With Research Content

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    The chapter discusses the question of social justice in social science research by problematizing the researcher-research content relationship and its guiding principle framework Science-Society-Me. With a focus on early career researchers, the author draws on her own PhD research experience to highlight the social justice tension inherent in the normative approaches and methods for selecting research topic, collecting data and relating with research participants, and analyzing and interpreting data especially in empirical research with fellow human beings. Drawing on the theory of affect, the chapter centralizes the position, biography and experience of the researcher, and the relationship between the researcher and the research participants to balance out the privileged (power) position of ‘science’ and ‘society’ in the current framework. To this end, I make two ontological and methodological adjustment recommendations: (1) Relocating the space of research from a fixed and exclusive ‘location’ of science theories, methods, concepts etc., to the space of daily life experience and interaction, requiring a compassionate approach to research, and thus the second recommendation; (2) Developing long-term, inclusive and equal relationships with research participants augmented by constant reflexivity – as including the biographies and experiences of the researcher and the research participant – as well as political reflexivity.peerReviewe

    The Working Underclass : Highly educated migrants on the fringes of the Finnish labour market

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    Finland’s migration regime – the structures and institutions that manage migration and migrant integration such as legal status and citizenship laws - purposively ‘creates’ and ‘multiplies’ migrants as particular categories of people and resources. This research illustrates how a working underclass is structurally produced in a Nordic labour market context through a case analysis of integration experiences of highly educated third-country nationals in the Finnish labour market. Through one theoretical and three empirical studies, the dissertation explores the tension between the principally egalitarian Finnish labour market, and a growing category of highly educated and skilled third-country nationals working in low-status jobs at its peripheries. Analysis applies theories of citizenship, labour market segmentation, and disaggregated agency (resilience, reworking, and resistance) to interpret migrants’ labour market integration experiences. The main finding suggests that the Finnish migrant legal status regime helps to socially construct migrants as a different and subordinated class of workers who are often excluded from the protections and privileges of the egalitarian Finnish labour market and welfare system; and are differentially and unequally integrated in the labour market. Contingent economic citizenship principles commodify migrants and marketise integration, while legally reinforced socio-economic precariousness initiates and or reinforces occupational segmentation, with migrants subordinated to peripheral occupations. Integration responsibility is transferred to individual migrants, who counterintuitively reinforce discriminative and exploitative labour market practices through their non-counterhegemonic resilience tactics and reworking strategies. The dissertation proposes a theoretical explanation for the different and unequal integration of some migrant groups in the Finnish labour market that is unique to Finland. The argument is that a profile of essential, yet socially subordinated occupations, linked to the egalitarian promises of Finnish social welfare sustains the systematic subordination of migrants into a working underclass in the periphery of the Finnish labour market. Keywords: legal status regimes, social production, labour market segmentation, disaggregated agency, highly educated migrants, FinlandMaahanmuuttoa ja kotoutumista Suomessa ohjaava jĂ€rjestelmĂ€ – rakenteet ja instituutiot, mm. oikeudellinen asema ja kansalaisuuslaki – tuottaa ihmis- ja resurssikategorioita, joihin maahanmuuttajat jakautuvat. VĂ€itöskirja analysoi korkeasti koulutettujen kolmansien maiden kansalaisten kokemuksia kotoutumisesta ja osoittaa, kuinka vallitsevat rakenteet tuottavat työtĂ€ tekevĂ€n alaluokan pohjoismaisille työmarkkinoille. Se selvittÀÀ teoreettisen ja empiiristen tutkimusten avulla, millaisia jĂ€nnitteitĂ€ muodostuu periaatteiltaan tasa-arvoisen työmarkkinajĂ€rjestelmĂ€n ja sen periferiassa matalapalkkatöissĂ€ työskentelevien korkeasti koulutettujen siirtolaisten kasvavan joukon vĂ€lillĂ€. AnalyysissĂ€ hyödynnetÀÀn teorioita kansalaisuudesta, työmarkkinoiden segmentoitumisesta ja hajautetusta toimijuudesta selittĂ€mÀÀn maahanmuuttajien kokemuksia työmarkkinoille integroitumisesta. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat siihen, ettĂ€ suomalainen maahanmuuttajia erilaisiin laillisiin statuksiin luokitteleva jĂ€rjestelmĂ€ rakentaa heistĂ€ erillistĂ€ ja alempiarvoista työlĂ€isten luokkaa, joka on usein suljettu pois suomalaisen tasa-arvoisen työmarkkinajĂ€rjestelmĂ€n ja hyvinvointivaltion suojelusta ja etuoikeuksista. NĂ€mĂ€ henkilöt on toiseutettu ja epĂ€tasa-arvoisesti integroitu työmarkkinoille. Ehdolliset markkinakansalaisuuden periaatteet vĂ€lineellistĂ€vĂ€t maahanmuuttajia ja tekevĂ€t kotoutumisesta markkinaehtoista. Samaan aikaan jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n luoma sosioekonominen haavoittuvuus tuottaa ja yllĂ€pitÀÀ ammatillista eriytymistĂ€, jossa heidĂ€n asemansa sijaitsee työmarkkinoiden periferiassa. Kotoutumisvastuu on tĂ€llöin siirretty yksittĂ€isille henkilöille, jotka oletusten vastaisilla toimillaan ja resilienssiĂ€ vahvistavilla taktiikoillaan, itse asiassa vahvistavat diskriminoivia ja hyvĂ€ksikĂ€yttĂ€viĂ€ työmarkkinakĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€. VĂ€itöskirja ehdottaa Suomelle ainutlaatuista teoreettista selitysmallia eri maahanmuuttajaryhmien erilaiselle ja eriarvoiselle kotoutumiselle suomalaisille työmarkkinoille. Se argumentoi, ettĂ€ keskeiset vaikkakin sosiaalisesti alempiarvoiset ammatit, yhdessĂ€ hyvinvointijĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tasa-arvolupausten kanssa, yllĂ€pitĂ€vĂ€t maahanmuuttajien systemaattista alistamista työmarkkinoiden periferiassa sijaitsevaan työlĂ€isten alaluokkaan. Avainsanat: oikeudellinen asema, sosiaalinen tuotanto, työmarkkinasegmentaatio, hajautettu toimijuus, korkeasti koulutetut maahanmuuttajat, Suom

    Rationalized realities : an interpretation of the narrated lived experiences of African international student migrants staying in Finland

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    The purpose of the thesis is to find out the migrant rationality of international African migrants who make the decision of staying in Finland. The purpose is to examine these migrant’s specific framework of reasons, logic, practices and motivations. The point of view of the thesis is that theories of international migration are limited by the structure agency disunion in the social sciences. Further, the migration phenomenon is perceived as complex, dynamic and diverse thus requiring alternative approaches. This thesis applies the social constructionist approach to examine the stance of actor agency in the context of migration. The method of analysis is the data driven technique developed from Corbin and Strauss’s techniques and procedures of qualitative data analysis. The data of the thesis is composed of transcribed interview audio recordings of 20 International migrants from Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia. The data is a collection of detailed migrant accounts shared by migrants during individual semi structured in-depth interviews. My research results suggest that migration is a time and a domain specific process that undergoes key transformation over its time span. In light of my data, it can be argued that the migration trajectory of these group of migrants is influenced by a configuration of constraints emanating from the structure, and the migrants’ agency freedom. Individual transformation is pursued and achieved collectively within migrant networks. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that African migrants in Finland collectively engage in the development and acquisition of a migrant habitus that directs their migration trajectory towards perceived success

    The effects of the decisions of the CEMAC court : contribution to the study of integrative justice inspired by the Community model

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    En raison du rĂŽle jouĂ© par la Cour de Justice de l’Union europĂ©enne dans la construction de l’intĂ©gration en Europe, la CommunautĂ© Economique et MonĂ©taire de l’Afrique Centrale marque sa volontĂ© de redynamiser l’intĂ©gration en se dotant d’une Cour de Justice communautaire dont les attributions et le fonctionnement ne sont pas sans rappeler ceux de la CJUE. Les problĂšmes auxquels fait face cette cour, notamment la rĂ©sistance des États membres, la frilositĂ© des autoritĂ©s supranationales ou encore la difficile mission d’adapter le systĂšme juridictionnel de l’UE au contexte de la CEMAC, sont autant de dĂ©fis Ă  relever. Ce qui justifie sans doute que les effets dont sont dotĂ©es les dĂ©cisions de la CJCEMAC n’aient pas toujours le mĂȘme impact sur l’intĂ©gration comme c’est le cas pour l’UE. D’oĂč l’importance d’interroger le poids rĂ©el de ses dĂ©cisions sur l’intĂ©gration. L’analyse des effets des dĂ©cisions de la CJCEMAC permet ainsi d’apprĂ©cier son rĂŽle dans la consolidation de l’intĂ©gration. Cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle en fin de compte que les dĂ©cisions de justice de la CJCEMAC constituent un outil d’effectivitĂ© du droit communautaire ; confirmant ainsi l’exportabilitĂ© du systĂšme juridictionnel de l’UE. Des dĂ©cisions qui se posent par ailleurs comme des instruments normatifs sur lesquels se greffe l’intĂ©gration, dans la mesure oĂč elles protĂšgent l’ordre juridique communautaire tout en participant Ă  la rĂ©alisation de l’intĂ©gration en Afrique Centrale.Due to the role played by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the construction of integration in Europe, the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa shows its desire to revitalize integration by establishing a Court Of Community Justice whose powers and functioning are reminiscent of those of the CJEU. The challenges facing this Court, especially the resistance of member states, the reluctance of supranational authorities, and the difficult task of adapting the EU's judicial system to the CEMAC context, are all challenges. This probably justifies the fact that the effects of the decisions of that court do not always have the same effect on integration as is the case for the EU. Hence the importance of questioning the real impact of its decisions on integration. The analysis of the effects of the decisions of the CJCEMAC makes it possible to assess its role in the consolidation of integration. This study ultimately reveals that the CJCEMAC judgments constitute a tool for the effectiveness of Community law ; thus confirming the exportability of the EU judicial system. Decisions are also seen as normative instruments on which integration is grafted, insofar as they protect the community order while participating in the realization of integration in Central Africa
