7 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Ikan Hias Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Pada Media Pemeliharaan Salinitas Yang Berbeda

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    Ikan endemik Banggai cardinalfish Pterapogon kauderni (Koumans, 1933) umumnya dinilai terancam punah oleh permanfaatan sebagai ikan hias. Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menjamin kelestarian ikan dengan pola pemanfaatan berkelanjutan. Dalam rangka mendukung pengelolaan lestari ikan P. kauderni, dilaksanakan penelitian terhadap pengaruh salinitas terhadap pola pertumbuhan. Ikan uji berasal dari populasi introduksi di Teluk Palu. Penelitian terhadap pengaruh salinitas melengkapi penelitian sebelumnya pada kisaran salinitas 27-35 ppt. Kisaran ukuran awal panjang baku (SL) ikan uji berkisar antara 1,2 sampai 1,7cm, perlakuan salinitas yang diterapkan adalah: 16 ppt, 18 ppt, 20 ppt, 22 ppt, 24 ppt dan 26 ppt dengan 3 ulangan dan ikan sampel yang digunakan 5 ekor/ulangan (N=90). Berat tubuh (W) dan panjang baku (SL) diukur setiap 10 hari selama periode/masa pemeliharaan 60 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan mutlak selama periode penelitian P. kauderni juvenil terjadi penurunan seiring dengan penurunan salinitas (pada perlakuan), namun tidak berpengaruh nyata (Fhitung<Ftabel). Sintasan terjadi penurunan seiring dengan penurunan salinitas (pada perlakuan), salinitas ≤ 24 ppt berpengaruh nyata sampai sangat nyata

    Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) pada Media Biofilter Berbeda

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    Budidaya ikan secara intensif, dengan padat penebaran dan dosis pemberian pakan yang tinggi akan mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air budidaya, dimana sisa pakan dan sisa metabolisme ikan pada wadah budidaya, akan menghasilkan toksin berupa amonia sehingga dibutuhkan sistem budidaya yang dapat mereduksi toksin. Akuaponik merupakan salah satu sistem budidaya yang mampu mereduksi toksin di perairan dengan cara mempertahankan kualitas air selama periode tertentu tanpa mengganggu pertumbuhan ikan yang dipelihara dengan menggunakan tanaman sebagai biofilter. Tanaman akuaponik yang sering digunakan pembudidaya adalah tanaman yang memiliki akar serabut, antara lain kangkung air, sawi, selada. Jenis-jenis tanaman tersebut dapat memanfaatkan unsur hara yang ada dalam air media budidaya dari hasil buangan bahan organik oleh bakteri nitrifikasi berupa nitrat untuk pertumbuhan tanaman yang dibudidayakan. Adapun jenis ikan yang sering digunakan dalam sistem akuaponik adalah ikan mas, nila, lele, bawal dan patin. Ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L.) pada saat ini merupakan ikan air tawar yang paling tinggi produksinya dan sudah dibudidayakan secara komersil. Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan ikan mas (C. carpio) pada media biofilter dengan menggunakan jenis tanaman berbeda. Ikan mas yang digunakan dalam penelitian berukuran 5 – 7 cm. Penelitian didesain dengan menggunakan pola rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan (sebagai biofilter, yaitu tanaman sawi, kangkung, selada dan tanpa tanaman sebagai kontrol. Semua perlakuan diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan biofilter tanaman sawi memberikan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak tertinggi pada ikan mas

    Species Composition of Glass Eels (Anguilla Spp.) Recruiting to the Palu River, Central Sulawesi [Komposisi Spesies Glass Eels (Anguilla Spp.) Yang Beruaya Di Muara Sungai Palu, Sulawesi Tengah]

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    Demand for tropical eel seed has been increased and many tropical eel populations are under pressure. To conserve eel biodiversity and manage eel populations sustainably, it is necessary to identify eel species and their recruitment patterns at regional and watershed scales. The research objective was to determine the species composition and temporal recruitment patterns of glass eels recruiting to Palu River in Central Sulawesi. Glass eels sampling were conducted in January-April 2009, May-November 2010 and April-December 2011. Identification under anaesthetic (15-17.5 ppm clove oil solution) was based mainly on the number of ano-dorsal vertebrae (ADV). Species composition was dominated by two commercially species, Anguilla marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica with substantial variation and no clear temporal patterns. Specimens of other species that important from conservation and biodiversity aspects were present at each month but cannot be accurately identified using the ADV method. DNA analysis method is required to identify these specimens

    Pengelolaan Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Melalui Konsep Ecosystem-based Approach (Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-based Approach)

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    The Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an International issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000\u27s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management

    eDNA metabarcoding of decapod crustaceans across Indonesian seas has implications for biodiversity conservation and fisheries sustainability

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods are increasingly viewed as alternate or complementary approaches to conventional capture-based surveys for marine conservation and fisheries management purposes, especially at large spatial scales in mega-biodiversity regions such as Indonesia. Decapod crustacean distribution and diversity across Indonesia are still poorly known, even for economically important fisheries commodities. This study assessed coral reef associated decapod diversity and distribution by sampling 40 sites in three regions (West, Central, East), representing 17 provinces and 10 Fisheries Management Areas (FMAs) across Indonesia, with a special focus on the blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus. DNA sequencing (Illumina iSeq100) data were analysed in mBRAVE (Multiplex Barcode Research And Visualization Environment) yielded 406 OTUs belonging to 32 families, with 47 genera and 51 species identified. The number of families identified was highest in the Central region (25), while the most genera (31) and species (36) were identified in the West region. Alpha diversity did not differ significantly between regions or provinces, while Beta diversity differed significantly between provinces but not between regions. Our results also showed 31 species are possibility native based on the distribution meanwhile 12 species do not appear to have been recorded based of SeaLifeBase or WorMS. While providing a reference for further exploration of Indonesian coastal and small island decapod biodiversity, the high proportion of unidentified taxa calls for concerted efforts to develop and maintain reference specimen and sequence repositories and expand species conservation status assessments. The economically important decapod crustaceans identified in this study included three crabs (Charybdis anisodon, Charybdis japonica, Portunus pelagicus), a freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense), a lobster (Panulirus stimpsoni) and two penaeid shrimps (Mierspenaeopsis hardwickii and Trachysalambria aspera). For most decapod taxa, observed patterns indicate management under existing provincial and/or FMA level management structures is appropriate. Furthermore, the data can inform science-based fisheries management strategies, in particular for P. pelagicus