9 research outputs found

    Preliminary Context Analysis of Community Informatics Social Network Web Application

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    Preliminary context analysis is always part of the feasibility study phase in the development of information system for Community Development (CD) purposes. In this paper, a context model and a preliminary context analysis are presented for Social Network Web Application (SNWA) for CD in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The context model helps CD facilitators to visualize how SNWA fits into the wider information system for CD and also shows the essential context factors that must be considered in order to tailor the SNWA for CD purposes. Furthermore, the preliminary context analysis used case study research method to provide answers to pertinent questions concerning the situated context of use for the niche SNWA. In all, the context model and context analysis are useful for setting research agenda for the development and diffusion of niche social network for local CD purposes

    Illustration of decimation in digital signal processing (DSP) systems using matlab

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    Digital Signal Processing (DSP) has become one of the most powerful technologies in reshaping science and engineering, especially in the areas of communication and medicine. In this study, DSP applications where the signal at a given sampling rate needs to be converted into another signal with a different sampling rate known as multirate systems were investigated. This multirate DSP had been found useful in application like digital audio, video and even GSM technology. The work is implemented using MATLABTM software. Several plots obtained showed that decimator structures reduce the number of operations required for a particular application. With the sampling rate reduced, the number of filters required for any particular operation will be reduced drastically thereby reducing cost of such operations.Keywords: Digital Signal Processing, digital audio tape, compact disc, multirate, MatlabT

    Design of a data-link-control for FUTO campus wide alert system (CAWAS)

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    Data link control (DLC), in this paper, is described as software that transmits and receives data over a communications line and further monitors this transmission and reception, for error recovery. Here a FUTO campus wide Alert system's (CAWAS) DLC was designed using the standard structured programming method for data communication networks. Also, the network specification components are showcased and the internal operational mechanisms are duly explained. Furthermore, the FUTO CAWAS system DLC designed took care of numerous problems associated with data transfers in network: deadlocks, undefined errors, queuing problems, and data synchronization. However, the DLC designed adopted IO socket connection technique which is easy to program, practically oriented and gives room for all computer operator users to exploit, as all data transfers are treated as file- handle functions.IJONAS Vol. 3 (1) 2007: pp. 29-3

    Design issues and applications of wireless sensor networks

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    This paper discusses the emerging protocol of environmental monitoring using tiny wireless sensor motes known as “smart dusts”, which have been made possible by advances in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, wireless communications and digital electronics. Design considerations for the hardware and the topology necessary to realize these networks were evaluated. Potential application areas to justify huge investment in research into this area were equally highlighted. The paper concludes by giving brief description of some researches already going on in this area. IJONAS Vol. 3 (1) 2007: pp. 1-1

    Algorithm for applying interpolation in digital signal processing systems

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    In many practical applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), one is faced with the problem of changing the sampling rate of a signal, either increasing it or decreasing it by some amount. Software-defined radios and test equipment use a variety of digital signal processing techniques toimprove system performance. Interpolation is one technique that can be used to increase the sample rate of digital signals. In this work, we illustrated interpolation in the time domain by writing appropriate codes using MatlabĂ’. Several plots generated by running these programs were presented. Analysis of the plots showed that the output signals were exact replicas of the inputsignals

    Design and construction of a solar energy tracking device

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    A solar tracking device using PIC16F873 microcontroller was developed to solve the problem of adjustment of solar panels for optimum solar reception. MPLAB software was used to develop sets of instructions in an assembly language. The choice of PIC16F873 microcontroller stemmed from its flexibility in producing a complete computer system necessary for achieving the objective of the study. The design was tasted and found to be working within the design limits. The total output was compared with the fixed equivalent and found to yield better result.Keywords: Solar energy, renewable energy, sunlight, tacking device, microcontrolle