18 research outputs found

    Detection of Haemoparasites of Blood Donors in 9 Locations in and Around Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Haemoparasites in the tropics are also endemic in Nigeria. Asymptomatic infections may abound, due to resistance to these infections. This asymptomatic infection has been one of the factors, which has maintained transmission of these pathogens, through many ways, including blood donation and transfusion. In this report, haemoparasitic infections in blood donors have been described, from blood donors within Plateau State, Nigeria. Five hundred and twelve blood donors were selected by means of a random sampling method and their blood samples collected. Serological assay was done using rapid test kits to check for presence of antibodies (in the case of microfilariae) or antigens (in the case of malaria) to the different haemoparasites. Also, Elisa technique was used for the microfilariae. Thick and thin films were made from each blood sample on grease-free slides allowed to dry and stained by 3% Giemsa solution for 45 min which is the Giemsa technique. Results indicate that 270 (52.7%) of the sample population had no infection; 121( 23.6%) of the population were infected with Plasmodium falciparum; 11 (2.1%) were infected with Plasmodium malariae; 69 (13.5%) were infected with HBsAg; 29 (5.7%) were infected with HCV; 7 ( I.4% ) were infected with Trypanosoma brucei gambiense; 1% were infected with microfilariae, 4( 0.8% ) of the 1% were unsheathed and identified to be Mansonella perstans, while 1(0.2%) were sheathed and identified to be Loa loa. Most blood group types were susceptible to haemoparasitic infections. The result of the study therefore stresses the need to screen blood for haemoparasites before transfusion, owing to the dangers of doing otherwise. The occupations and dwelling places of the donors are predisposing factors to these haemoparasitic infections. Since they have the passion to save lives through blood donation, they should therefore make the necessary adjustments that will make them more suitable lifesavers. It is recommended that the basic transmission factors of these parasites are explained to donors to reduce further incidences. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-22-01 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Organizational Culture and Relationship Skills

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    While both the strategic management and the network literature recognize the importance of inter-firm relationships for explaining competitive advantage, the question why firms differ in their ability to benefit from these relationships is rarely addressed.This paper aims to begin to fill this gap in the literature. We argue that organizational culture is an important factor influencing the relationship skills of a firm, defined as a firm s ability to manage its ties with other firms, whether these are customers, suppliers, or service providers. We assume relationship skills to be especially relevant for the formation and maintenance of close and durable transaction ties.We test our model on a dataset of 127 Dutch inter-firm relations and find general support.Specifically, we find that firms with organizational cultures characterized by an orientation towards stability and predictability, a positive orientation towards innovation, and not characterized by a strong focus on immediate results, score high on relationship skills.Relationship skills, in turn, are found to have a positive influence on the outcomes of inter-firm relationships in terms of learning, achieving innovations and gaining new contacts, but not in terms of immediate (financial) results.