54 research outputs found

    Costs of facility-based HIV testing in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Providing HIV testing at health facilities remains the most common approach to ensuring access to HIV treatment and prevention services for the millions of undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. We sought to explore the costs of providing these services across three southern African countries with high HIV burden. METHODS: Primary costing studies were undertaken in 54 health facilities providing HIV testing services (HTS) in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Routinely collected monitoring and evaluation data for the health facilities were extracted to estimate the costs per individual tested and costs per HIV-positive individual identified. Costs are presented in 2016 US dollars. Sensitivity analysis explored key drivers of costs. RESULTS: Health facilities were testing on average 2290 individuals annually, albeit with wide variations. The mean cost per individual tested was US5.03.9inMalawi,US5.03.9 in Malawi, US4.24 in Zambia and US8.79inZimbabwe.ThemeancostperHIV−positiveindividualidentifiedwasUS8.79 in Zimbabwe. The mean cost per HIV-positive individual identified was US79.58, US73.63andUS73.63 and US178.92 in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe respectively. Both cost estimates were sensitive to scale of testing, facility staffing levels and the costs of HIV test kits. CONCLUSIONS: Health facility based HIV testing remains an essential service to meet HIV universal access goals. The low costs and potential for economies of scale suggests an opportunity for further scale-up. However low uptake in many settings suggests that demand creation or alternative testing models may be needed to achieve economies of scale and reach populations less willing to attend facility based services

    2023 Faculty Research Day Report

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    "The 2023 Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) event was convened over a single day and garnered participation from 728 individuals, comprising delegates, oral presenters, and exhibitors. This marked a significant exponential growth in attendance compared to previous years. The preceding two-day 2022 Faculty Research Day drew over 500 in-person attendees and fewer than 200 online participants, while the 2021 online Faculty Research Day, conducted over one day, saw fewer than 300 virtual attendees. The notable surge in attendance over successive years underscores the heightened engagement of Faculty students in research endeavours. Furthermore, it signifies an enhanced acknowledgment of Faculty research by our esteemed partners and sponsors, a feat facilitated by our exceptional marketing endeavours for this event." T Mashamba-ThompsonFaculty Research Day stands as an inspiring annual research conference hosted by various faculties of the University of Pretoria, prominently featuring the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS). Organized by the Research Office within the FHS, this event serves as a platform for staff, students, research entities, and partner organizations to engage, exchange knowledge, and showcase their pioneering research endeavours. The theme for our 2023 Faculty Research Day, 'Co-create, Collaborate, and Innovate,' harmonizes seamlessly with the mission of the FHS Research Office. Our objective is to foster an inclusive, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research environment, continually enhancing the visibility and impact of our research. We are dedicated to promoting transformative research initiatives that drive social impact. The event features keynote addresses by experts in topical research areas, as well as thematic oral and poster presentations. Moreover, our Faculty Research Day presents educational opportunities in various forms, including keynote addresses on topical research areas by experts, as well as thematic oral and poster presentations. Furthermore, this annual gathering provides students and staff from different Schools and Departments with a platform to network, collaborate, and co-create new innovative research projects, furthering the Faculty's transdisciplinary research mandate. Traditionally, FHS Research Day involves both undergraduate, postgraduate, and postdoctoral fellows as integral members of the organizing team and key participants in the Faculty Day program alongside academics. The inclusion of undergraduate students in research and creative activities is a focal point for the Faculty of Health Science Research Office. Beyond enriching traditional learning and development, undergraduate research experiences facilitate a deeper understanding of research methods and foster participation in collaborative projects. This involvement aids students in identifying their research niche areas and accelerates their research career trajectories

    Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health facility-based and community-based index-linked HIV testing strategies for children: protocol for the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe.

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    INTRODUCTION: The number of new paediatric infections per year has declined in sub-Saharan Africa due to prevention-of-mother-to-child HIV transmission programmes; many children and adolescents living with HIV remain undiagnosed. In this protocol paper, we describe the methodology for evaluating an index-linked HIV testing approach for children aged 2-18 years in health facility and community settings in Zimbabwe. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Individuals attending for HIV care at selected primary healthcare clinics (PHCs) will be asked if they have any children aged 2-18 years in their households who have not been tested for HIV. Three options for HIV testing for these children will be offered: testing at the PHC; home-based testing performed by community workers; or an oral mucosal HIV test given to the caregiver to test the children at home. All eligible children will be followed-up to ascertain whether HIV testing occurred. For those who did not test, reasons will be determined, and for those who tested, the HIV test result will be recorded. The primary outcome will be uptake of HIV testing. The secondary outcomes will be preferred HIV testing method, HIV yield, prevalence and proportion of those testing positive linking to care and having an undetectable viral load at 12 months. HIV test results will be stratified by sex and age group, and factors associated with uptake of HIV testing and choice of HIV testing method will be investigated. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval for this study was granted by the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Institutional Review Board of the Biomedical Research and Training Institute. Study results will be presented at national policy meetings and national and international research conferences. Results will also be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and disseminated to study communities at the end of study

    Addressing the challenges and relational aspects of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents: insights from the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe.

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    INTRODUCTION: Index-linked HIV testing, targeted at sexual contacts or children of individuals with HIV, may improve yield and efficiency. The B-GAP study evaluated index-linked testing approaches in health facility and community-based settings. This paper reports on a qualitative study to understand factors that affect uptake of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents. METHODS: We conducted four focus group discussions (FGDs) with caregivers who had their children tested through B-GAP and one FGD with providers who offered index-linked HIV testing to indexes. We aimed to understand enabling and inhibiting factors in the decision-making process. Translated and transcribed transcripts were read for familiarisation. Following initial coding, analytical memos were written to identify emerging key themes across the data. RESULTS: Our findings showed there was inadequate emphasis on paediatric HIV in routine care which had a negative impact on subsequent uptake of testing for children. Once the decision to test had been made, access to facilities was sometimes challenging and alleviated by community-based testing. A key finding was that HIV testing is not a discrete event but a process that was influenced by relationships with other family members and children themselves. These relationships raised complex issues that could prevent or delay the testing process. CONCLUSION: There is a need to improve messaging on the importance of HIV testing for children and adolescents and to provide support to caregivers and their families in order to improve testing uptake. Addressing access barriers through the provision of community-based testing and implementing a family-centred approach can optimise index-linked testing

    Identifying youth at high risk for sexually transmitted infections in community-based settings using a risk prediction tool: a validation study.

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    BACKGROUND : Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) are the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) worldwide. In the absence of affordable point-of-care STI tests, WHO recommends STI testing based on risk factors. This study aimed to develop a prediction tool with a sensitivity of > 90% and efficiency (defined as the percentage of individuals that are eligible for diagnostic testing) of < 60%. METHODS: This study offered CT/NG testing as part of a cluster-randomised trial of community-based delivery of sexual and reproductive health services to youth aged 16-24 years in Zimbabwe. All individuals accepting STI testing completed an STI risk factor questionnaire. The outcome was positivity for either CT or NG. Backwards-stepwise logistic regression was performed with p ≥ 0.05 as criteria for exclusion. Coefficients of variables included in the final multivariable model were multiplied by 10 to generate weights for a STI risk prediction tool. A maximum likelihood Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) model was fitted, with the continuous variable score divided into 15 categories of equal size. Sensitivity, efficiency and number needed to screen were calculated for different cut-points. RESULTS: From 3 December 2019 to 5 February 2020, 1007 individuals opted for STI testing, of whom 1003 (99.6%) completed the questionnaire. CT/NG prevalence was 17.5% (95% CI 15.1, 19.8) (n = 175). CT/NG positivity was independently associated with being female, number of lifetime sexual partners, relationship status, HIV status, self-assessed STI risk and past or current pregnancy. The STI risk prediction score including those variables ranged from 2 to 46 with an area under the ROC curve of 0.72 (95% CI 0.68, 0.76). Two cut-points were chosen: (i) 23 for optimised sensitivity (75.9%) and specificity (59.3%) and (ii) 19 to maximise sensitivity (82.4%) while keeping efficiency at < 60% (59.4%). CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of STIs among youth, even in those with no or one reported risk factor, may preclude the use of risk prediction tools for selective STI testing. At a cut-point of 19 one in six young people with STIs would be missed

    Efficiency in PrEP Delivery: Estimating the Annual Costs of Oral PrEP in Zimbabwe.

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    Although oral PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV acquisition, optimizing continuation among beneficiaries is challenging in many settings. We estimated the costs of delivering oral PrEP to populations at risk of HIV in seven clinics in Zimbabwe. Full annual economic costs of oral PrEP initiations and continuation visits were estimated from the providers' perspective for a six-clinic NGO network and one government SGBV clinic in Zimbabwe (January-December 2018). Disaggregating costs of full initiation and incremental follow-up visits enabled modeling of the impact of duration of continuation on the cost per person-year (pPY)onPrEP.4677peopleinitiatedoralPrEP,averaging2.7follow−upvisitsperperson.AveragecostperpersoninitiatedwaspPY) on PrEP. 4677 people initiated oral PrEP, averaging 2.7 follow-up visits per person. Average cost per person initiated was 238 (183−183-302 across the NGO clinics; 86inthegovernmentfacility).Thefullcostperinitiationvisit,includingcentralanddirectcosts,was86 in the government facility). The full cost per initiation visit, including central and direct costs, was 178, and the incremental cost per follow-up visit, capturing only additional resources used directly in the follow up visits, was 22.Theaveragedurationofcontinuationwas3.0 months,generatinganaverage22. The average duration of continuation was 3.0 months, generating an average pPY of 943,rangingfrom943, ranging from 839 among adolescent girls and young women to 1219inmen.OralPrEPdeliverycostsvariedsubstantiallybyscaleofinitiationsandby durationofcontinuationandtypeofclinic.ExtendingtheaverageoralPrEPcontinuationfrom2.7to5visits(about6 months)wouldgreatlyimproveserviceefficiency,cuttingthe1219 in men. Oral PrEP delivery costs varied substantially by scale of initiations and by duration of continuation and type of clinic. Extending the average oral PrEP continuation from 2.7 to 5 visits (about 6 months) would greatly improve service efficiency, cutting the pPY by more than half

    Modeling Costs and Impacts of Introducing Early Infant Male Circumcision for Long-Term Sustainability of the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Program.

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    Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has been shown to be an effective prevention strategy against HIV infection in males [1-3]. Since 2007, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has supported VMMC programs in 14 priority countries in Africa. Today several of these countries are preparing to transition their VMMC programs from a scale-up and expansion phase to a maintenance phase. As they do so, they must consider the best approaches to sustain high levels of male circumcision in the population. The two alternatives under consideration are circumcising adolescents 10-14 years old over the long term or integrating early infant male circumcision (EIMC) into maternal and child health programs. The paper presents an analysis, using the Decision Makers Program Planning Tool, Version 2.0 (DMPPT 2.0), of the estimated cost and impact of introducing EIMC into existing VMMC programs in several countries in eastern and southern Africa. Limited cost data exist for the implementation of EIMC, but preliminary studies, such as the one detailed in Mangenah, et al. [4-5], suggest that the cost of EIMC may be less than that of adolescent and adult male circumcision. If this is the case, then adding EIMC to the VMMC program will increase the number of circumcisions that need to be performed but will not increase the total cost of the program over the long term. In addition, we found that a delayed or slow start-up of EIMC would not substantially reduce the impact of adding it to the program or increase cumulative long-term costs, which should make introduction of EIMC more feasible and attractive to countries contemplating such a program innovation

    A costing analysis of B-GAP: index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents in Zimbabwe

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    Background By testing children and adolescents of HIV positive caretakers, index-linked HIV testing, a targeted HIV testing strategy, has the ability to identify high risk children and adolescents earlier and more efficiently, compared to blanket testing. We evaluated the incremental cost of integrating index-linked HIV testing via three modalities into HIV services in Zimbabwe. Methods A mixture of bottom-up and top-down costing was employed to estimate the provider cost per test and per HIV diagnosis for 2–18 year olds, through standard of care testing, and the incremental cost of index-linked HIV testing via three modalities: facility-based testing, home-based testing by a healthcare worker, and testing at home by the caregiver using an oral mucosal transudate test. In addition to interviews, direct observation and study process data, facility registries were abstracted to extract outcome data and resource use. Costs were converted to 2019 constant US.ResultsTheaveragecostperstandardofcaretestinurbanfacilitieswasUS. Results The average cost per standard of care test in urban facilities was US5.91 and US7.15attheruralfacility.Incrementalcostofanindex−linkedHIVtestwasdrivenbytheuptakeandnumberofparticipantstested.Thelowestcostapproachintheurbansettingwashome−basedtesting(US7.15 at the rural facility. Incremental cost of an index-linked HIV test was driven by the uptake and number of participants tested. The lowest cost approach in the urban setting was home-based testing (US6.69) and facility-based testing at the rural clinic (US5.36).Testingbycaregiverswasalmostalwaysthemostexpensiveoption(ruralUS5.36). Testing by caregivers was almost always the most expensive option (rural US62.49, urban US$17.49). Conclusions This is the first costing analysis of index-linked HIV testing strategies. Unit costs varied across sites and with uptake. When scaling up, alternative testing solutions that increase efficiency such as index-linked HIV testing of the entire household, as opposed to solely targeting children/adolescents, need to be explored
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