8 research outputs found

    Spatial and seasonal variation of microphytoplankton community and the correlation with environmental parameters in a hypereutrophic tropical estuary - Maranhão - Brazil

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    O estuário do rio Bacanga apresenta um comportamento hidrodinâmico com fluxo de marés limitado por uma barragem. Ele é considerado como um ambiente hipereutrófico que recebe diariamente altas cargas de esgoto doméstico sem tratamento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variação espaço-sazonal da comunidade fitoplanctônica e suas relações com parâmetros ambientais. Amostragens bimestrais foram realizadas em seis pontos fixos entre 2012 e 2013, obtendo valores dos parâmetros físico-químicos e biológicos (clorofila a, composição e abundância do fitoplâncton) para realização das análises estatísticas. Os resultados indicam que a comunidade fitoplanctônica é representada por diatomáceas, sendo Skeletonema costatum a espécie dominante responsável por pulsos de florações em abril e junho de 2012. O predomínio dessa espécie está relacionado aos elevados teores de silicato, pH e turbidez da água. Outros eventos de florações como da Euglena gracilis e Chlamydomonas sp. foram registrados em fevereiro de 2013, quando os teores de fósforo total estiveram elevados e as taxas de oxigênio dissolvido foram superiores. Os dinoflagelados, cianobactérias e a diatomácea Thallassiosira sp. apresentaram ampla distribuição no período de estiagem e estão altamente correlacionados com a salinidade, transparência da água e nutrientes. Desta forma, a distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica é mais definida sazonalmente que espacialmenteThe Bacanga River Estuary has a hydrodynamic behavior and its tidal flow is limited by a dam. It is considered as a hypertrophic environment that receives daily high loads of domestic sewage without treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton community and its relationship with environmental parameters. Bi-monthly sampling campaigns were carried out at six fixed sites between 2012 and 2013. Physical-chemical and biological parameters were collected (chlorophyll a, phytoplankton composition and abundance) to perform the statistical correlations. The results indicate that phytoplankton community is mostly represented by diatoms, with Skeletonema costatum being the dominant species responsible for bloom in April and June of 2012. The dominance of this species is related to the high silicate concentrations, pH and turbidity. Other blooms events as well as the Euglena gracilis and Chlamydomonas sp. were recorded in February 2013, when the total phosphorus concentrations were high and the dissolved oxygen concentrations were higher. Dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria and diatom Thallassiosira sp. were widely distributed in the dry period and highly correlated with salinity, water transparency and nutrients. Hence, the distribution of phytoplankton community is more defined seasonally, rather than spatially

    Reclaiming the educative power of vocational placements: Experiences from agriculture education practice in Uganda

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    Amidst the global pressure on education systems to harness youth employability and transition to the world of work, there is increased interest in vocational placements. It is evident that Uganda's tertiary education sector, like others in similar context, is struggling to optimise vocational placements for better students’ learning and labour market outcomes. This article explores the “educative” potential of vocational placements offered as a component of study programmes by a public tertiary agricultural training institution in Uganda. It draws on data generated from a qualitative case study that engaged 70 stakeholders namely students, graduates, lecturers, administrators and workplace supervisors. Undertaken between 2016 and 2019, the study reveals the complexities and prospects associated with the design and delivery of vocational placements in stressed education and labour market contexts. From a social constructivist perspective, we make contextual pedagogical propositions for unleashing the educative power of vocational placements in Uganda and similar contexts