273 research outputs found

    Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Measurements of the Normal Thickness for the Ciliary Body and the Iris in a Middle East Population

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    Purpose: Ciliary body (CB) and iris thicknesses may change with certain eye diseases as well as between different populations. Here, we report Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Measurements (UBM) of the normal thickness for the CB and the iris from a homogenous population in the Middle East. Patients and Methods: Sonomed 35-MHz (SONOMED, INC. New York, USA) images were obtained at 4 radial meridians, and the thickness was measured at 3 locations along the radial length of the iris and at the thickest part of the CB. Parameters included mean thickness, median thickness, range, and standard deviation. Results: Of 46 adult patients, 83 normal eyes were included in this analysis. The overall mean, median iris thicknesses at the iris root, midway along the radial length of the iris, and at the juxtapupillary margin in mm were 0.42, 0.41 ± 0.08, 0.52, 0.51± 0.08, and 0.72, 0.71± 0.1, respectively. The overall mean, median thicknesses of the CB and CB + ciliary processes in mm were 0.72, 0.71 ± 0.1, and 1.42, 1.37 ± 0.2 respectively. Gender, age, side, and height had no impact on iris and/or CB thickness (p>0.05). However, the iris thickness was significantly thicker in the superior quadrant than inferiorly, and in the nasal quadrant than the temporal quadrant (p=0.04), and the CB thickness and the CB + ciliary processes thickness were significantly thicker in the superior quadrant than inferiorly (P = 0.04 and 0.02 consecutively). Conclusion: We measured in this study the normal thickness of the CB and the iris in normal eyes from homogenous population in the Middle East using ultrasound biomicroscopy. Our findings are essential for the ophthalmic community worldwide and in the Middle East region and can be used as a normative thickness data for the iris and CB in healthy eyes

    An Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Characteristics of Posidonius Floor Fractured Lunar Impact Crater Using Lunar Remote Sensing Data

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    Lunar floor‐fractured craters (FFCs) are a distinguished type of crater found on the surface of the Moon with radial, concentric, and/or polygonal fractures. In the present study, we selected the Posidonius FCC to explore the mineralogy, morphology and tectonic characteristics using remote sensing datasets. The Posidonius crater is vested with a wide moat of lava separating the crater rim inner wall terraces from the fractured central floor. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) images and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data were used to map the tectonics and morphology of the present study. The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data of Chandrayaan‐1 were used to inves-tigate the mineralogy of the region through specified techniques such as integrated band depth, band composite and spectral characterization. The detailed mineralogical analysis indicates the nor-itic‐rich materials in one massif among four central peak rings and confirm intrusion (mafic pluton). Spectral analysis from the fresh crater of the Posidonius moat mare unit indicates clinopyroxene pigeonite in nature. Integrated studies of the mineralogy, morphology and tectonics revealed that the study region belongs to the Class‐III category of FFCs. The lithospheric loading by adjacent volcanic load (Serenitatis basin) generates a stress state and distribution of the fracture system

    Bi-allelic CAMSAP1 variants cause a clinically recognizable neuronal migration disorder

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    Non-centrosomal microtubules are essential cytoskeletal filaments that are important for neurite formation, axonal transport, and neuronal migration. They require stabilization by microtubule minus-end-targeting proteins including the CAMSAP family of molecules. Using exome sequencing on samples from five unrelated families, we show that bi-allelic CAMSAP1 loss-of-function variants cause a clinically recognizable, syndromic neuronal migration disorder. The cardinal clinical features of the syndrome include a characteristic craniofacial appearance, primary microcephaly, severe neurodevelopmental delay, cortical visual impairment, and seizures. The neuroradiological phenotype comprises a highly recognizable combination of classic lissencephaly with a posterior more severe than anterior gradient similar to PAFAH1B1(LIS1)-related lissencephaly and severe hypoplasia or absence of the corpus callosum; dysplasia of the basal ganglia, hippocampus, and midbrain; and cerebellar hypodysplasia, similar to the tubulinopathies, a group of monogenic tubulin-associated disorders of cortical dysgenesis. Neural cell rosette lineages derived from affected individuals displayed findings consistent with these phenotypes, including abnormal morphology, decreased cell proliferation, and neuronal differentiation. Camsap1-null mice displayed increased perinatal mortality, and RNAScope studies identified high expression levels in the brain throughout neurogenesis and in facial structures, consistent with the mouse and human neurodevelopmental and craniofacial phenotypes. Together our findings confirm a fundamental role of CAMSAP1 in neuronal migration and brain development and define bi-allelic variants as a cause of a clinically distinct neurodevelopmental disorder in humans and mice

    What the future holds for regenerative endodontics: novel antimicrobials and regenerative strategies

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    Regenerative/revitalisation endodontic techniques are increasingly used as a treatment approach for the management of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps. Different chemical irrigants and medicaments are routinely used clinically for intra-canal disinfection. However, despite remarkable progress in this field, coronal discolouration, cell cytotoxicity, difficulty of removal of organic biofilm from the root canal, development of sensitisation and antimicrobial resistance are still challenges to this line of treatment. This review critically discusses and challenges the current status quo of antimicrobials used in regenerative endodontics and sheds the light on future alternative antimicrobial materials with regenerative potential

    Seroepidemiološko istraživanje infekcije virusom srednjoistočnog respiratornog sindroma (MERS) u iračkih jednogrbih deva

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the presence of MERS-CoV antibodies in Iraqi camels, to assess the prevalence and interpret the results according to the epidemiological information. A total of 180 dromedary camel plasma samples from healthy animals of different sexes and ages were collected from the provinces Najaf, Muthanna and Basrah. All the camels appeared healthy on clinical examination. Blood plasma was analysed using the ELISA technique. A large proportion (153/180, 85%) of the dromedary camels sampled had antibodies to MERS-CoV. There was no significant differenece in seropositivity to MERS-CoV according to the location and sex of the camels. The prevalence of antibodies was higher in camels less than 2 years old (39/44, 88.6%) than in camels aged 2-4 years; (47/58, 81%). In addition, the percentage of camels with antibodies was 85.9% (67 of 78) in camels older than four years. These results suggest that MERS-CoV is widespread in the camel populations throughout Iraq.Istraživanje je poduzeto s ciljem da se iračke jednogrbe deve pretraže na prisutnost protutijela specifičnih za virus srednjoistočnog respiratornog sindroma (MERS-CoV) kako bi se na temelju rezultata mogla donijeti epidemiološka procjena o širenju infekcije. Ukupno je pretraženo 180 uzoraka krvne plazme klinički zdravih jednogrbih deva različita spola i dobi na područjima Najaf, Muthanna i Basrah. Za pretragu plazme rabljen je komercijalni ELISA komplet. U većine pretraženih deva (153/180, 85 %) dokazana su protutijela za MERS-CoV. U serološki pozitivnih deva nije ustanovljena značajna razlika s obzirom na lokaciju i spol. Prevalencija je bila veća u deva starosti do dvije godine (39/44, 88,6 %) nego u onih u dobi od 2 do 4 godine (47/58, 81 %). U deva starijih od četiri godine postotak pozitivnih iznosio je 85,9 % (67 od 78). Rezultati pokazuju da je MERS-CoV proširen u populaciji deva diljem Iraka