74 research outputs found

    Intermittent Microwave Drying of Apple Slices: Drying Kinetics, Modeling, Rehydration Ratio and Effective Moisture Diffusivity

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    In this research, thin layer drying characteristics, rehydration ratio and effective moisture diffusivity of apple were investigated using microwave dryer which has intermittent and continuous modes. Drying time varied between 25 and 215 minutes and they declined with the rise in microwave power and reduction in pulsing ratio. In an attempt to pick the optimum thin layer models for the drying applications, 8 mathematical models suited to the experimental results. On the grounds of the statistical tests evaluation, Midilli et al model which represent drying characteristics are optimally suited than other models. The highest rehydration ratio was recorded for the samples dried at 100W continuous mode and the lowest ratio at 300W continuous application. Effective moisture diffusivity values were computed by the 2nd law of Fick and changing between 3.04x10-9 and 2.53x10-8 m2 s-1. Consequently, the intermittent microwave method could be used as a favorable drying method for obtaining high-quality fruit slices or processing valuable material and continuous microwave drying can be taken as another drying approach for apple samples


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    U ovom radu prikazana je nova pojava babuške C. gibelio koja pripada rodu Carassius u jezerima Ulugöl Plateau (Mesudiye-Ordu, Turska) Perşembe Plateau (Aybastı-Ordu, Turska) u regiji srednjeg Crnog mora (Turska). Podaci o distribuciji babuške ažurirani su u usporedbi s ranije poznatim podacima u srednjem crnomorskom području Turske. Prikaz rezultata nekih morfoloških podataka uzoraka, prikupljenih s dva različita područja u regiji srednjeg Crnog mora, može doprinijeti utvrđivanju trenutnog statusa rasprostranjenosti ove invazivne vrste i određivanju potencijalnih područja rasprostranjenosti.In this study, the new occurrence of Carassius gibelio belonging to the genus Carassius in Ulugöl Plateau Pond (Mesudiye-Ordu, Turkey) and Perşembe Plateau Pond (Aybastı-Ordu, Turkey) in the Middle Black Sea Region (Turkey) is reported. The distribution data of Prussian carp was updated in the Middle Black Sea Region of Turkey in comparison to the previously known data. Presenting morphological data of samples collected from two different areas in the Middle Black Sea Region may contribute to revealing the current distribution status of this invasive species and determining the potential distribution areas

    Standard immunosuppressive treatment reduces regulatory B cells in children with autoimmune liver disease

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    Introduction: Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic liver disease caused by a perturbed immune system. The scarcity of short- and long-term immune monitoring of AIH hampered us to comprehend the interaction between immunosuppressive medication and immune homeostasis. Methods and patients: We recruited children with AIH at the time of diagnosis and at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th, 18th, and 24th months of immunosuppression (IS). We also enrolled children with AIH being on IS for >2 years. Children with drug-induced liver injury (DILI), and those receiving tacrolimus after liver transplantation (LT), were enrolled as disease/IS control subjects. Healthy children (HC) were also recruited. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from all participants. Healthy liver tissue from adult donors and from livers without inflammation were obtained from children with hepatoblastoma. By using flow cytometry, we performed multi-parametric immune profiling of PBMCs and intrahepatic lymphocytes. Additionally, after IS with prednisolone, tacrolimus, rapamycin, or 6-mercaptopurine, we carried out an in vitro cytokine stimulation assay. Finally, a Lifecodes SSO typing kit was used to type HLA-DRB1 and Luminex was used to analyze the results. Results: Untreated AIH patients had lower total CD8 T-cell frequencies than HC, but these cells were more naïve. While the percentage of naïve regulatory T cells (Tregs) (CD4+FOXP3lowCD45RA+) and regulatory B cells (Bregs, CD20+CD24+CD38+) was similar, AIH patients had fewer activated Tregs (CD4+FOXP3highCD45RA-) compared to HC. Mucosal-associated-invariant-T-cells (MAIT) were also lower in these patients. Following the initiation of IS, the immune profiles demonstrated fluctuations. Bregs frequency decreased substantially at 1 month and did not recover anymore. Additionally, the frequency of intrahepatic Bregs in treated AIH patients was lower, compared to control livers, DILI, and LT patients. Following in vitro IS drugs incubation, only the frequency of IL-10-producing total B-cells increased with tacrolimus and 6MP. Lastly, 70% of AIH patients possessed HLA-DR11, whereas HLA-DR03/DR07/DR13 was present in only some patients. Conclusion: HLA-DR11 was prominent in our AIH cohort. Activated Tregs and MAIT cell frequencies were lower before IS. Importantly, we discovered a previously unrecognized and long-lasting Bregs scarcity in AIH patients after IS. Tacrolimus and 6MP increased IL-10+ B-cells in vitro


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    U radu su istraživani odnosi između veličine otolita i dužine tijela sjevernoafričkog soma Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) uzorkovanih iz vodotoka Sakaryabaşı (glavno područje izvora rijeke Sakarya) u razdoblju od srpnja do studenog 2014. godine. Također, izračunat je i dužinsko-maseni odnos za ukupan uzorak. Divlje ribe su ulovljene elektroribolovom koristeći elektroagregat SAMUS 725MP. Analizirano je ukupno 132 jedinke totalne dužine od 13,6 – 59,0 cm i mase raspona 15,9 - 1755,0 g. Svakoj ribi je zabilježena dužina i visina lagenarskog (asteriscus) otolita te dužina i širina utrikularnog (lapillus) otolita. Odnos između izmjerenih otolitnih vrijednosti i somatskog rastariba opisan je nelinearnom funkcijom. T test nije ukazao na značajne razlike u navedenim odnosima između lijevih i desnih otolita. ANCOVA test odnosa između totalne dužine i otolitnih varijabli nije ukazao na značajne razlike između ženki i mužjaka riba. Svi odnosi su bili visoko značajni, a prosječna pogreška predviđanja postotka bila je manja od 7%. Rezultati istraživanja su indicirali daotolitni rast odražava rast tijela.The relationships between otolith size and body length of North African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), collected from Sakaryabaşı (the main spring area of the Sakarya River) between July 2014 and November 2014, were examined. Length-weight relationship was also calculated for overall specimens. The wild fish were captured by electrofishing using SAMUS 725MP. A total of 132 individuals ranging from 13.6 to 59.0 cm in total length and from 15.9 to 1755.0 g in weight were sampled. The lagenar otolith (asteriscus) length and height, and the utricular otolith (lapillus) length and width were recorded for each fish. The relationships between otolith measurements and fish somatic growth were described by a non-linear function (power model). The t test revealed no considerable differences in these relationships between left and right otoliths. The ANCOVA test on the relationships between total length and otolith variables did not show significant differences between females and males. All relationships were highly significant and the mean percent prediction errors were less than 7%. The results showed that otolith growth reflected body growth


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    A total of 1329 samples were collected from monthly sampling between November 2009 and October 2010 in order to analyze growth features and population structure of rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus living in Lake Ladik which has eutrophic character. The fork length (FL) ranged from 9.8 to 21.4 cm and the body weight (W) ranged from 13.62 to 200.68 g. Based on lapillus readings, the maximum age was 7 years. The overall ratio of female to male was 1:0.16. The von Bertalanffy growth equation parameters were calculated as L∞ = 39.32 cm, W∞ = 1504.92 g, k = 0.08, t0 = -1.08 for females, and L∞ = 28.19 cm, W∞ = 448.03 g, k = 0.13, t0 = -1.19 for males. Length-weight relationship for females and males was found as W = 0.0060 FL3.386 and W = 0.0078 FL3.282, respectively. The Fulton’s condition factor (K) showed an upward trend with reference to age and length groups in both sex. The value of mean K was computed as 1.737 for females, 1.667 for males and 1.727 for combined sexes. This study provides the initial data on population structure, growth features and condition of rudd in Lake Ladik. Obtained data have shown that population is comprised of young individuals and that the growth rate of the species is slow.Prikupljeno je ukupno 1329 uzoraka mjesečnim uzorkovanjem između studenog 2009. i listopada 2010. radi analize mogućnosti rasta i strukture populacije crvenperke, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, koja obitava u eutrofnom jezeru Ladik. Dužina do vilice (FL) kretala se u rasponu od 9,8 do 21,4 cm, a tjelesna težina (W) u rasponu 13,62-200,68 g. Na temelju čitanja otolita (lapillus), maksimalna dob iznosila je sedam godina. Ukupni omjer ženki i mužjaka je iznosio 1: 0,16. Von Bertalanffy-evi parametri rasta su izračunati kao L∞ = 39,32 cm, W∞ = 1504,92 g, k = 0,08, t0 = -1,08 za ženke i L∞ = 28,19 cm W∞ = 448,03 g, k = 0,13, t0 = -1,19 za mužjake. Dužinsko maseni odnos prikazan je jednadžbom W = 0,0060 FL3,386 za ženke i W = 0,0078 FL3,282za mužjake. Fultonovim kondicijskim faktorom (K) prikazan je uzlazni trend s obzirom na dob i duljinu skupina u oba spola. Srednja vrijednost K iznosila je 1,737 za ženke, 1,667 za mužjake i 1,727 za oba spola. Ova studija daje podatke o strukturi populacija, mogućnosti rasta i kondicije crvenperke iz jezera Ladik. Dobiveni podaci pokazali su da se populacije sastoje od mlađih individua, a stopa rasta vrste je spora

    Orta Karadeniz’den Örneklenen Merlangius merlangus‘un Dört Otolit Karakterinin Dalgalı Asimetrisinin İncelenmesi

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    Fluctuating asymmetry was calculated for the otolith width, length, area and perimeter of Merlangius merlangus caught in the Middle Black Sea. In the present study, M. merlangus samples were divided nine-total length groups. All total length groups were examined for asymmetry values in the otolith characters, the highest asymmetry values were found in the Group III. The lowest asymmetry values in four otolith characters such as area, length, perimeter, and width were calculated in the Group I and Group IX. In this study, it was determined that the otolith asymmetry levels of M. merlangus in the Middle Black Sea were varied between the four otolith characters, the otolith area has the highest and the otolith length has the lowest asymmetric feature. In addition, there was no significant relationship between the asymmetry values of the four otolith characters and total length. The asymmetry in these otolith characters may be a result of the stress from different pollutants in the Black Sea.Orta Karadeniz'den yakalanan Merlangius merlangus’un otolit genişliği, uzunluğu, alanı ve çevresi için dalgalı asimetri değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen M. merlangus örnekleri dokuz total boy grubuna ayrılmıştır. Tüm total boy grupları, otolit karakterlerindeki asimetri değerleri açısından incelenmiş ve en yüksek asimetri değerleri Grup III'de bulunmuştur. Alan, uzunluk, çevre ve genişlik gibi dört otolit karakterindeki en düşük asimetri değerleri Grup I ve Grup IX'de hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Orta Karadeniz'deki M. merlangus'un otolit asimetri düzeylerinin bu dört otolit karakteri arasında farklılık gösterdiği, otolit alanının en yüksek ve otolit boyunun ise en düşük asimetrik özelliğe sahip oluğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu dört otolit karakterinin asimetri değerleri ile total boy grupları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki yoktur. Bu türün otolit karakterlerinde gözlenen asimetri Karadeniz’deki farklı kirleticilerden kaynaklı stresin bir sonucu olabilir

    Standard immunosuppressive treatment reduces regulatory B cells in children with autoimmune liver disease

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    IntroductionAutoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic liver disease caused by a perturbed immune system. The scarcity of short- and long-term immune monitoring of AIH hampered us to comprehend the interaction between immunosuppressive medication and immune homeostasis.Methods and patientsWe recruited children with AIH at the time of diagnosis and at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th, 18th, and 24th months of immunosuppression (IS). We also enrolled children with AIH being on IS for >2 years. Children with drug-induced liver injury (DILI), and those receiving tacrolimus after liver transplantation (LT), were enrolled as disease/IS control subjects. Healthy children (HC) were also recruited. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from all participants. Healthy liver tissue from adult donors and from livers without inflammation were obtained from children with hepatoblastoma. By using flow cytometry, we performed multi-parametric immune profiling of PBMCs and intrahepatic lymphocytes. Additionally, after IS with prednisolone, tacrolimus, rapamycin, or 6-mercaptopurine, we carried out an in vitro cytokine stimulation assay. Finally, a Lifecodes SSO typing kit was used to type HLA-DRB1 and Luminex was used to analyze the results.ResultsUntreated AIH patients had lower total CD8 T-cell frequencies than HC, but these cells were more naïve. While the percentage of naïve regulatory T cells (Tregs) (CD4+FOXP3lowCD45RA+) and regulatory B cells (Bregs, CD20+CD24+CD38+) was similar, AIH patients had fewer activated Tregs (CD4+FOXP3highCD45RA-) compared to HC. Mucosal-associated-invariant-T-cells (MAIT) were also lower in these patients. Following the initiation of IS, the immune profiles demonstrated fluctuations. Bregs frequency decreased substantially at 1 month and did not recover anymore. Additionally, the frequency of intrahepatic Bregs in treated AIH patients was lower, compared to control livers, DILI, and LT patients. Following in vitro IS drugs incubation, only the frequency of IL-10-producing total B-cells increased with tacrolimus and 6MP. Lastly, 70% of AIH patients possessed HLA-DR11, whereas HLA-DR03/DR07/DR13 was present in only some patients.ConclusionHLA-DR11 was prominent in our AIH cohort. Activated Tregs and MAIT cell frequencies were lower before IS. Importantly, we discovered a previously unrecognized and long-lasting Bregs scarcity in AIH patients after IS. Tacrolimus and 6MP increased IL-10+ B-cells in vitro

    Goodbye Hartmann trial: a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study on the current use of a surgical procedure developed a century ago

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    Background: Literature suggests colonic resection and primary anastomosis (RPA) instead of Hartmann's procedure (HP) for the treatment of left-sided colonic emergencies. We aim to evaluate the surgical options globally used to treat patients with acute left-sided colonic emergencies and the factors that leading to the choice of treatment, comparing HP and RPA. Methods: This is a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. A total 1215 patients with left-sided colonic emergencies who required surgery were included from 204 centers during the period of March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2020. with a 1-year follow-up. Results: 564 patients (43.1%) were females. The mean age was 65.9 ± 15.6 years. HP was performed in 697 (57.3%) patients and RPA in 384 (31.6%) cases. Complicated acute diverticulitis was the most common cause of left-sided colonic emergencies (40.2%), followed by colorectal malignancy (36.6%). Severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ 3b) were higher in the HP group (P < 0.001). 30-day mortality was higher in HP patients (13.7%), especially in case of bowel perforation and diffused peritonitis. 1-year follow-up showed no differences on ostomy reversal rate between HP and RPA. (P = 0.127). A backward likelihood logistic regression model showed that RPA was preferred in younger patients, having low ASA score (≤ 3), in case of large bowel obstruction, absence of colonic ischemia, longer time from admission to surgery, operating early at the day working hours, by a surgeon who performed more than 50 colorectal resections. Conclusions: After 100 years since the first Hartmann's procedure, HP remains the most common treatment for left-sided colorectal emergencies. Treatment's choice depends on patient characteristics, the time of surgery and the experience of the surgeon. RPA should be considered as the gold standard for surgery, with HP being an exception

    Otolith shape analyses and dimensions of the Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L. in the Black and Marmara Seas

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    Otoliths, which can be used for the evaluation of relationships between the environment and organisms, are structures consisting of calcium carbonate. The aim of this study was to realize the shape analysis. In addition, it is to detect the characteristics of otolith biometrics in order to determine the relationship between the fish size of Engraulis encrasicolus L. from the Black and Marmara Seas. The samples were obtained from the Black and Marmara Seas between December 2013 and February 2014. The relationships between the TL (Total length) and OL (Otolith length), TL and OB (Otolith breadth), and TL and OW (Otolith weight) were determined using the linear regression equation. Form factor, roundness, circularity and rectangularity were used for shape analyses. According to the data, there was no difference between localities (p>0.05). Moreover, there was no difference between the left and right otoliths of the individuals sampled from the same locality (p>0.05). According to the regression coefficient for relationships of TL-OL, TL-OB and TL-OW, otolith length was identified as the best index for estimating fish length (r2>0.70). It showed that index values were statistically different between two populations (p<0.001)

    Remote laboratory trends for Distance Vocational Education and Training (D-VET): A real-time lighting application

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    This research presents a web-based lighting laboratory infrastructure that allows students to access and control application tools in lighting technology education through online real-time equipment. Designed for Distance Vocational Training and Education, this system uses the LabVIEW Virtual Instrumentation Program to control lighting levels. In this program, the interface developed allows students to control and monitor applications online using cameras, sensors, and controllers. In the modeled system, the lighting levels of LED lamps are controlled through PID controllers. Furthermore, a web page was designed that provides synchronized (simultaneous) access to application instrumentation for the students. Each user can run applications in a specific period through this website. Students can also monitor the lighting level of the laboratory in real-time with a webcam. Individual storage of the data obtained in the model also supports conducting necessary analyses. Students can strengthen their theoretical knowledge by running lighting technique experiment applications with real equipment in the Distance Vocational Training and Education. In the evaluation part of the research, the answers are given by the students (95%) also stated that they increased the theoretical knowledge of doing remote experiments. In total 98.5% of students believe that the ability to repeat experiments anywhere in this system will accelerate the learning process