27 research outputs found


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    The main purpose of this study is to assess the effect of different concentrations of vermicompost, sheep manure, and cow manure on curly lettuce crop nutritional content and yield. This study was conducted using random experimental design in greenhouse conditions. The three amendments were incorporated into 2500 gr of topsoil from a wheat field in the following concentrations: 1% (25 gr), 3% (75 gr), 5% (125 gr) and 7% (175 gr). It was observed that the vermicompost had a significant effect on the germination rate. In general, application of sheep manure resulted in higher nutrition content of the plant. However, applications of cow manure resulted in higher levels of N uptake. The N content of curly lettuce increases in a linear manner reaching a high of 3.608% with an application rate of 7% cow manure

    Evaluation of Phosphorus Status of Thrace Region Soils and Suitability of Different Chemical Methods Used to Determine Plant Available Soil Phosphorus of These Soils

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    Abstract BELLITURK, Korkmaz, Fatma DANISMAN, Nazli BALDAN PAKDIL and F u a t YILMAZ, 2007. Evaluation of phosphorus status of Thrace region soils and suitability of different chemical methods used to determine plant available soil phosphorus of these soils. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., The purpose of this research is to determine the phosphorus amount of soils of Tekirdag province that have different chemical and physical properties according to the Neubauer method which is selected as a biological method and to select the method which gives highest relationship from the 3 different chemical extraction methods for determining the available phosphorus amount. For this purpose 26 samples of soil are collected from 0-20 cm's depth in Tekirdag. The greenhouse study has been performed in accordance to the Neubauer seedling method and coincidence pattern with 3 repetitions. The rye (Secale cerale L.) has been selected as the test plant. In order to determine the most suitable chemical method as related to dried matter yield, phosphorus content and total phosphorus uptake of the test plant has been taken as the biological (standard) criterion. No relationship has been found between any of the chemical extraction methods and dry matter yield of rye plant in this study. According to the research results, significant relationships have been found only with the water soluble phosphorus method and phosphorus content and total phosphorus uptake of the test plant (respectively r= 0.374*, r= 0.342*)

    Günlük uygulamada ayaktan tedavi gören bir ergen hasta popülasyonunda aripiprazolün etkinlik ve tolerabilitesi

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    Objectives: To identify the pattern of initiation for off- label use of aripiprazole among adolescent outpatients; determine whether or not aripiprazole is effective and tolerable for the treatment of adolescents with a wide range of psychiatric symptoms and disorders or not. Methods: Medical charts were retrospectively reviewed for the effectiveness and tolerability of aripiprazole. The Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI), the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), and the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale were used. Results: The data were available on 31 patients. The sample consisted of mostly females (87.1%). The mean age was 16.38;plusmn;1.14 years, and the ages range was 15-19 years. Twenty-one patients (67.8%) had at least one comorbid disorder. The most common comorbid disorder was major depressive disorder. The mean initial dosage of aripiprazole was 4.83;plusmn;3.59 mg (2.50 mg - 20.00 mg), and the mean endpoint dosage was 8.62;plusmn;3.46 mg (2.50 mg - 15.00 mg). The mean duration of aripiprazole medication was 19.56;plusmn;1.23 months (range: 4-48 months). Endpoint CGI-S scores were significantly lower compared with baseline CGI-S score (p;lt;0.001). Similarly, the difference between depression severity (z=-3.232; p=0.001), anxiety severity (z=-3.004; p=0.003), hostility severity (z=-3.207; p=0.001), psychoticism severity (z=-1.973; p=0.049), and paranoid ideation severity (z=2.733; p=0.006) scores were statistically significant. The difference between the baseline and endpoint BSI Global Indices of distress scores were found to be statistically significant (The Global Severity Index: z=-2.987; p=0.003, the Positive Symptom Distress Index: z=-3.435; p=0.001, and the Positive Symptom Total: z=-3.023; p=0.003). Six cases (20.0%) discontinued the treatment. The most frequent adverse effects were asthenia (50.0%), somnolence (42.9%), and dizziness (39.30%). The most severe extrapyramidal symptoms were: impression of slowness or weakness, difficulty in carrying out routine tasks (11.5%), and tonic muscular contractions localized to one or several muscle groups, particularly in the throat, neck or back (11.5%). None of the cases had abnormal involuntary movements (dyskinesia) of the extremities or trunk. Conclusion: Aripiprazole was well tolerated and effective in our clinical practice and appears to be a safe and efficacious alternative in adolescents. However, a prospective clinical trial with a randomized controlled design is warranted.Amaç: Ayaktan tedavi edilen ergen hastalarda aripipra- zolün endikasyon dışı kullanım özelliklerini belirlemek ve geniş bir yelpazede ruhsal belirti ve bozukluk gösteren ergenlerin tedavisinde aripiprazolün etkinliğini ve tolerabi- litesini saptamaktır. Yöntem: Hasta dosyaları geriye dönük kayıt taraması yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Klinik Global izlenim (KGİ) ölçekleri, Kısa Semptom Envanteri (KSE) ve Extrapyramidal Belirtileri Değerlendirme Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Otuz bir hastanın verisine ulaşıldı. Örneklemin çoğu kız hastadan oluşmaktadır (%87.1). Ortalama yaş 16.38±1.14’dir ve 15-19 yaş arasındadır. Hastaların %67,8’inin en az bir komorbid bozukluğu vardır. En sık komorbid bozukluk, major depresif bozukluktur. Aripiprazolün ortala- ma başlangıç dozu 4.83±3.59 mg’dır (ranj:2,5-20 mg/ gün) ve son vizitteki ortalama doz 8.62±3.46 mg’dır. (ranj:2,5-15 mg/ gün). Ortalama aripiprazol tedavi süresi 19.56±1.23 aydır (ranj:4-48 ay). Son vizit KGİ şiddet puanları, başlangıç puanlarına göre anlamlı derecede daha düşüktür (p0.001). Benzer şekilde, KSE depresyon (z: -3.232; p:0.001), KSE ank- siyete (z: -3.004; p:0.003), KSE hostilite (z:-3.207; p:0.001), KSE psikotisizm (z: -1.973; p:0.049), and KSE paranoid düşünceler (z:2.733; p:0.006) alt ölçek puanları istatiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılık göstermiştir. KSE Global Rahatsızlık Ölçek puanları arasında da, istatiksel açıdan anlamlı fark- lılık bulunmuştur (Rahatsızlık ciddiyeti indeksi: z: -2.987; p:0.003, Semptom rahatsızlık indeksi: z:-3.435; p:0.001 ve Belirti toplamı: z: -3.023; p:0.003). Altı hasta ilaç tedavisini kesmiştir. En sık istenmeyen etkiler yorgunluk (%50.0), uyuşukluk hali (%42.9) ve sersemliktir (%39.30). En şid- detli ekstrapiramidal belirtiler yavaşlık ve zafiyet olduğu izlenimi, günlük işleri yapmada güçlük (%11.5) ve bacakta, sırtta veya boyunda kramp ya da ağrı (%11.5)’dır. Olguların hiçbirinde bedende veya uzuvlarda anormal istem dışı hareketler saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Aripiprazol, hastalar tarafından klinik pratiğimiz- de oldukça iyi tolere edilmiştir ve ayaktan tedavi edilen ergenlerde güvenli ve etkili bir seçenek olarak görünmek- tedir. Ancak, ileriye dönük randomize kontrollü çalışmaların yapılması gereklidir

    A Case of Brucellosis with Recurrent Attacks of Vasculitis.

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    Brucellosis is a zoonosis that affects several organs or systems. Skin involvement is nonspecific and it is reported to range between 0,4 and 17% of the patients with brucellosis. Here, we defined a 36-year-old female patient presented to our clinic with a clinical picture of recurrent attacks of vasculitis due to brucellosis for the first time. Skin involvement and vasculitic lesions as a finding of skin involvement are nonspecific in brucellosis. Therefore, in the regions like Turkey where brucellosis is endemic, brucellosis should be kept in mind necessarily in the differential diagnosis of vasculitis

    Association of the Cylin D1 G870A Polymorphism with Laryngeal Cancer: Are they Really Related?

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    Background: Cylin D1(CCDN1) is an important regulator of the cell cycle whose alterations are thought to be involved in cancer development. There have been many studies indicating CCDN1 amplification or overexpression in a variety of cancer types. In addition to gene amplification, the G870A polymorphism may be related with altered CCDN1 activity, and therefore with cancer development. This hypothesis has been tested in different cancer types but results have been contradictory. We therefore aimed to investigate any relationship between CCDN1 A870G genotypes and laryngeal squamous cell cancer development and progression. Materials and Methods: A total of 68 Turkish patients with primary laryngeal squamous cell cancer and 133 healthy controls were enrolled. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to determine the CCDN1 genotypes. Results: No significant association was detected between CCDN1 genotypes and laryngeal squamous cell cancer (LxSCCa) development. Similarly CCDN1 genotypes were not related to clinical parameters of Lx SCCa. However, there was a very significant association between CCDN1 G allele and presence of perineural invasion (p= 0.003; OR: 1.464; CI% 1.073-1.999). CCDN1 G allele frequency was significantly higher in the individuals with perineural invasion (85.7%) when compared to those without (58.5%). The 2 patients who died of disease were both found to possess the GG genotype. Conclusions: These results pose a controversy in suggesting a protective role of the G allele against LxSCCa development and support the association of CCDN1 gene GG genotype with mortality in patients with LxSCCa

    Possible Relation between the NOS3 Gene GLU298ASP Polymorphism and Bladder Cancer in Turkey

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    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), encoded by the NOS3 gene, has been suggested to play an important role in uncontrolled cell growth in several cancer types. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of the NOS3 Glu298Asp polymorphism in bladder cancer susceptibility in a Turkish population. We determined the genotypes of 66 bladder cancer cases and 88 healthy controls. Genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. A significant association for NOS3 Glu298Asp heterozygotes genotypes and T allele were found between healthy controls and bladder cancer, respectively (p<0.001: p=0.002). There were no significant associations between any genotypes and the stage, grade, and histological type of bladder cancer. Our study suggested an increased risk role of NOS3 GT genotype in bladder cancer susceptibility in our Turkish population