62 research outputs found

    A rare cause of acute abdominal pain in adolescence: hydrosalpinx leading to isolated torsion of fallopian tube

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    Torsion of the fallopian tube accompanying hydrosalpinx is a rare occurrence in the pediatric population. This report describes a 13 year old sexually inactive girl with isolated tubal torsion due to hydrosalpinx. The girl had lower left abdominal pain for two days. The physical examination revealed left lower quadrant tenderness with a firm round anterior mass on rectal examination. Abdominal ultrasound showed left tubal enlargement with free pelvic peritoneal fluid. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed engorgement and dilatation of the left fallopian tube without contrast enhancement suspicious of tubal torsion. At operation, torsion of the left tube on its longitudinal axis was observed, and a salpingectomy was performed. Although rare, the diagnosis of torsion of the fallopian tube should be considered when evaluating acute abdominal pain. The earlier tubal torsion is diagnosed, the greater the likelihood of salvaging the fallopian tube. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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    PS-12ANOGENİTAL VERRUKA (SİĞİL) TANISI ALANLARDA HIV TARAMA TESTİİSTENİYOR MU?Ceylan Avcı1, Arzu Nazlı21Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Anabilim Dalı2Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim DalıAmaç: Sağlık kuruluşlarında gösterge hastalıklara göre HIV testi istenmesi erken tanıya, erken antiretroviral tedavibaşlanmasına ve dolayısıyla bulaşmanın önlenmesine, hastalığın kontrol altında olmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.Bu çalışmada dermatolojik gösterge hastalıklardan biri olan verruka anogenitalis tanısı alan hastalarda rutin olarakistenmesi önerilen HIV testinin istenme oranları ile bu test sonucunda saptanan pozitiflik oranları retrospektif olarakdeğerlendirilmiştir.Yöntem: Çalışmada 1 Ocak 2017-29 Ağustos 2023 tarihleri arasında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Deri veZührevi Hastalıklar Anabilim Dalı polikliniğine başvuran ve verruka anogenitalis tanısı alan hastalar retrospektifolarak değerlendirilmiştir. Veri kayıt formuna hastaların demografik bilgileri, HIV tarama testi istenme durumu,HIV testi istenen hastaların tetkik sonuçları ile HIV doğrulaması yapılan ve pozitif saptanan hastaların viral yüklerive CD4+ T lenfosit oranları kayıt edilmiştir. Genital verruka yakınması ile başvuran hastaların retrospektif olarakanamnezleri ve verilen tedaviler incelenerek tanıları doğrulanmış olan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Hastalarınilk tanı aldıkları tarihten bir ay önceki ve 3 ay sonraki istenmiş olan tarama testleri kabul edilmiştir.Bulgular: Çalışmaya 68’i (%19,8) kadın, 275’i (%80,2) erkek, yaş ortalaması 36.4 ±13 (yaş aralığı: 18-80) olan toplam343 hasta dahil edilmiştir. 2017-2023 yılları arasında verruka anogenitalis tanısı almış olan hastaların yıllara göredağılımı Şekil.1’de verilmiştir. Verruka anogenitalis tanısı alan hastaların %74,1 ‘inden (254) HIV tarama testiistendiği belirlenmiştir. Erkek hastalardan kadın hastalara göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek oranda test istendiğitespit edilmiştir (sırasıyla %76,4; %64,7, p: 0.05). HIV tarama testi istenmiş olan hastaların ise %2 ‘sinde (5) pozitifliksaptanmıştır.</p

    Determination of the Growth and Development Different Hyacinth Cultivars

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    This study was conducted to determine morphological characteristics of different hyacinths cultivars grown without fertilizing under greenhouse conditions. For this aim, Jan Bos, Carnegie, Blue Jacket, and City of Haarlem hyacinth cultivars were used. Several traits such as leaf numbers, leaf lengthiness, leaf diameter, plant height, flower diameter, floret number, floret height, floret diameter, harvest time, first bloom time, full bloom time, flower width, flower length and stem thickness etc were investigated. The obtained data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA with three replications. In general, growing is sustainable with using minimal fertilization dozes. However, variation in flower growth and especially height may be due to greenhouse temperature and soil condition. While City of Haarlem cultivar was influenced from this limited condition, a significant reduction in size of other cultivars was observed. However, Carnegie and Blue Jacket cultivars that have the highest flower width were almost similar. Carnegie cultivar came before about of the first flowers, full of flowers, and the shortest harvest, duration was observed as the earliest cultivar. Results of the experiment reflected that varieties growing depending on short vegetation period were found sufficient without fertilization, but fertilization for improving flower quality could be required. As a result, it was concluded that statistically significant differences among cultivars were found

    Trust in buyer-supplier relations: the case of the Turkish automotive industry

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    While the topic of interorganisational trust is gaining attention in academic literature, research on developing countries remains sparse. With the premise that certain contextual elements may be more relevant for developing countries, we expand on existing models by testing the effect of initial support, use of just-in-time delivery, and informal commitment to predict the trust that Turkish automotive suppliers have towards their buyers. The results support the predictions that soft technologies and informal commitment increase trust

    Antecedents of Trust in Buyer-Supplier Relations in Developing Countries: The Case of the Turkish Automotive Sector

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    Despite the fact that academic literature on interfirm trust initially focused on US and Japanese firms, there has been an increase in studies of other nations in recent years. In particular, these studies have underlined the different dynamics of trust formation in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to develop a model demonstrating how the antecedents of trust differ as to the inherent environmental and cultural characteristics of developing nations. Based on Dyer and Chu's (2000) model, this study develops its arguments via examples from the Turkish automotive industry. The study presents a number of propositions that may constitute the foundation of future empirical studies, and offers several organizational characteristics that may be helpful as control variables