12 research outputs found

    Seroprevalencija za vrstu Chlamydia abortus u ovaca u Bosni i Hercegovini.

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    An epidemiological study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of Chlamydia abortus (C. abortus) in sheep in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was the first systematic study of this kind carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Samples were collected during 2012 and 19 sheep flocks, located in the different parts of the country and with a recorded history of reproductive failures (abortion, stillbirths and infertility) were involved. A representative sample from each flock was taken by a simple random sampling allowing the detection of seropositive animals within a flock with 95 % confidence, with expected prevalence rates of 20 %, using the recommendations for determining the required necessary sample size to detect the presence of disease. In total 178 sheep blood sera were tested for the specific antibodies against C. abortus, with the use of enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (CHEKIT* Chlamydophila abortus Antibody Test Kit). The results showed that 77 (43.3 %) out of 178 ovine sera were seropositive for C. abortus infection, as indicated by the manufacturer’s interpretation of the results. The flock was considered to be positive if at least one animal was seropositive. The flock prevalence of C. abortus in the examined flocks was 84.2 % (16/19 flocks). The results of the present study indicate that C. abortus infection occurs frequently in sheep in Bosnia and Herzegovina.U radu je opisano epidemiološko istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja seroprevalencije protutijela za vrstu Chlamydia abortus ovaca u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). Ovo je prvo sustavno istraživanje ove vrste provedeno u BiH. Uzorci seruma bili su uzeti tijekom 2012. godine, a bilo je obuhvaćeno 19 stada ovaca s registriranim reprodukcijskim poremećajima (pobačaji, mrtvorođenja, neplodnost) diljem države. Reprezentativan uzorak iz svakog stada osigurali smo jednostavnim slučajnim odabirom kojim je omogućeno otkrivanje seropozitivnosti unutar stada na 95%-tnoj razini povjerljivosti, s očekivanom prevalencijom od 20 %, služeći se preporukama za određivanje potrebne veličine uzorka za otkrivanje prisutnosti bolesti. Pretraženo je ukupno 178 uzoraka krvnog seruma ovaca na prisutnost specifičnih protutijela protiv C. abortus pomoću imunoenzimnog testa (CHEKIT* Chlamydophila abortus Antibody Test Kit). Sukladno preporukama proizvođača za tumačenje rezultata, od ukupno 178 pretraženih uzoraka 77 (43,3 %) je bilo pozitivno na C. abortus. Stado se smatralo pozitivnim ako je sadržavalo makar jednu seropozitivnu životinju. Prevalencija obuhvaćenih stada na C. abortus iznosila je 84,2 % (16/19 stada). Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu da je infekcija vrstom C. abortus kod ovaca u Bosni i Hercegovini vrlo proširena

    Istraživanje klamidioze u populaciji pasa lutalica u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Our research describe epidemiological presence of Chlamydiosis in different categories of dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Problem of stray dogs, inordinately examined and not vaccinated dogs is one of the most complex problems among citizens, nongovernment organisations and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chlamydiosis is zoonotic disease caused by Gram-negative, intracellulare bacteria, which include strains: Chlamydophila felis, Chlamydophila abortus, Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila caviae. Disease have endemic characteristics and there is little information about natural infections in dogs, which were mostly related to conjuctivitis, encephalitis and symptoms characteristic for pneumonia. In Europe, research of clamidiosis in dogs has been conducted in a small number of countries which include Germany, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania. This was a first of its kind study of Clamidiosis in dog population, carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was conducted in twelve cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with cooperation between two departments for contagious disease in Veterinary faculty of Sarajevo and Veterinary faculty of Ljubljana. The aim of the research was to determine presence of Chlamydial infections in different categories of dogs, using modern serological and molecular diagnostic methods. Blood serum samples were taken during 2012/2013. In total, 294 samples were assessed for presence of specific Chlamydial antibodies using method of indirect immunofluorescence, while method of RT- PCR was used for determination of antigen. After assessing 294 blood serum samples, 2.04% (6 samples) were positive for Cp. psittaci. Most of the positive samples originated from stray dogs. From serology positive animals, nose swabs were taken and assessed using RT-PCR. The presence of nucleic acid from Cp. psittaci was not confirmed in any of them.Naše istraživanje opisuje epidemiološko prisuće klamidioze u različitim kategorijama pasa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Problem pasa lu- talica koji nisu redovito pregledavani i necije- pljenih jedan je od najkompleksnijih proble- ma među građanima, problema nevladinih organizacija i institucija u Bosni i Hercegovi- ni. Klamidioza je zoonotska bolest koju izazi- va Gram-negativna, intracelularna bakterija, a koja uključuje sojeve: Chlamydophilia felis, Chlamydophilia abortus, Chlamydophilia psittaci i Chlamydophilia caviae. Bolest je endemičnog karaktera i malo je dostupnih informacija o prirodnim infekcijama u pasa, koje su obič- no bile povezivane s konjuktivitisom, ence- falitisom i simptomima karakterističnim za pneumoniju. Mali je broj europskih zemalja istraživao klamidiozu u pasa. Istraživali su ju: Njemačka, Slovačka, Švedska i Litva. Ovo je prvo istraživanje ovog tipa, provedeno na psima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvanaest gradova Bosne i Her- cegovine u suradnji odjela za zarazne bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta u Sarajevu i Veteri- narskog fakulteta u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Cilj je istraživanja bio uporabom metoda serolo- gije i molekularne dijagnostike odrediti pri- suće klamidijalnih infekcija među različitim kategorija pasa. Krvni serumi su uzorkovani tijekom 2012./2013. godine. Ukupno je pre- gledavano 294 uzoraka na prisuće specifičnih klamidijalnih protutijela metodom indirektne fluoroscence, dok je RT-PCR metoda korište- na za određivanje antigena. Nakon pregleda 294 uzoraka seruma, 2,04 % (6 uzorka) su bila pozitivna na Cp. psittaci. Većina pozitivnih uzoraka je imala podrijetlo od uličnih pasa. Od serološki pozitivnih životinja, uzimani su brisevi nosne sluznice i pregledani upo- rabom RT-PCR metode. Prisuće nukleinske kiseline od Cp. psittaci nije potvrđena niti u jednoj od životinja

    Istraživanje klamidioze u populaciji pasa lutalica u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Our research describe epidemiological presence of Chlamydiosis in different categories of dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Problem of stray dogs, inordinately examined and not vaccinated dogs is one of the most complex problems among citizens, nongovernment organisations and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chlamydiosis is zoonotic disease caused by Gram-negative, intracellulare bacteria, which include strains: Chlamydophila felis, Chlamydophila abortus, Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila caviae. Disease have endemic characteristics and there is little information about natural infections in dogs, which were mostly related to conjuctivitis, encephalitis and symptoms characteristic for pneumonia. In Europe, research of clamidiosis in dogs has been conducted in a small number of countries which include Germany, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania. This was a first of its kind study of Clamidiosis in dog population, carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was conducted in twelve cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with cooperation between two departments for contagious disease in Veterinary faculty of Sarajevo and Veterinary faculty of Ljubljana. The aim of the research was to determine presence of Chlamydial infections in different categories of dogs, using modern serological and molecular diagnostic methods. Blood serum samples were taken during 2012/2013. In total, 294 samples were assessed for presence of specific Chlamydial antibodies using method of indirect immunofluorescence, while method of RT- PCR was used for determination of antigen. After assessing 294 blood serum samples, 2.04% (6 samples) were positive for Cp. psittaci. Most of the positive samples originated from stray dogs. From serology positive animals, nose swabs were taken and assessed using RT-PCR. The presence of nucleic acid from Cp. psittaci was not confirmed in any of them.Naše istraživanje opisuje epidemiološko prisuće klamidioze u različitim kategorijama pasa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Problem pasa lu- talica koji nisu redovito pregledavani i necije- pljenih jedan je od najkompleksnijih proble- ma među građanima, problema nevladinih organizacija i institucija u Bosni i Hercegovi- ni. Klamidioza je zoonotska bolest koju izazi- va Gram-negativna, intracelularna bakterija, a koja uključuje sojeve: Chlamydophilia felis, Chlamydophilia abortus, Chlamydophilia psittaci i Chlamydophilia caviae. Bolest je endemičnog karaktera i malo je dostupnih informacija o prirodnim infekcijama u pasa, koje su obič- no bile povezivane s konjuktivitisom, ence- falitisom i simptomima karakterističnim za pneumoniju. Mali je broj europskih zemalja istraživao klamidiozu u pasa. Istraživali su ju: Njemačka, Slovačka, Švedska i Litva. Ovo je prvo istraživanje ovog tipa, provedeno na psima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvanaest gradova Bosne i Her- cegovine u suradnji odjela za zarazne bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta u Sarajevu i Veteri- narskog fakulteta u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Cilj je istraživanja bio uporabom metoda serolo- gije i molekularne dijagnostike odrediti pri- suće klamidijalnih infekcija među različitim kategorija pasa. Krvni serumi su uzorkovani tijekom 2012./2013. godine. Ukupno je pre- gledavano 294 uzoraka na prisuće specifičnih klamidijalnih protutijela metodom indirektne fluoroscence, dok je RT-PCR metoda korište- na za određivanje antigena. Nakon pregleda 294 uzoraka seruma, 2,04 % (6 uzorka) su bila pozitivna na Cp. psittaci. Većina pozitivnih uzoraka je imala podrijetlo od uličnih pasa. Od serološki pozitivnih životinja, uzimani su brisevi nosne sluznice i pregledani upo- rabom RT-PCR metode. Prisuće nukleinske kiseline od Cp. psittaci nije potvrđena niti u jednoj od životinja


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    Govedarstvo kao jedna od najznačajnijih grana stočarske proizvodnje se dugosuočava sa hroničnim problemom pada reproduktivnih performansi. U 2005 godini broj govedaširom svijeta je iznosio oko 1.370.000.000 grla, dok je u 2012 taj broj iznosio tek nešto iznadmilijarde, što govori o važnosti primjene različitih reproduktivnih protokola u cilju povećanjabrojnosti proizvodnih jedinki. Toplotni stres dovodi do poremećaja fizioloških i reproduktivnihprocesa, jer rast tjelesne temperature uzrokovan toplotnim stresom ima direktne negativne posljedicena brojne ćelijske funkcije. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 54 krave Holštajn-Frizijskepasmine, 28 eksperimentalnih i 26 kontrolnih krava, uzgojenih na PD Butmir sa prosječnomiskoristljivošću od 5. laktacija. Hormonalni protokoli sinhronizacije estrusa i ovulacije su korišteniu mjesecima juni i juli 2013. godine. Krave u eksperimentalnoj grupi su podvrgavanepresynch+5dCoS2 hormonalnom protokolu. Krave koje nisu ostale gravidne nakon ovog protokolaodmah su podvrgnute resinhronizaciji sa hormonalnim protokolom Cosynch 72. Uspješnostpresynch+5dCoS2 hormonalnog protokola je bila 19%, dok je u slućaju Cosynch 72 ona iznosila33%, a što je bilo statistički signifikantno (p< 0,05). Prvi presinhronizacijski i sinhronizacijskiprotokol (5dCoS2) nisu značajnije pomogli u poboljšanju koncepcije nakon prvog osjemenjavanjapostpartum, ali na osnovu rezultata evidentno je da su imali pozitivni efekt na drugi protokol(COS72) u vidu smanjenja embrionalnog mortaliteta u ljetnim mjesecima, kada je on najizražajniji.Protokol COS72, daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u ljetnom periodu, ali preduvjeti za uspješanprogram sinhronizacije estrusa i ovulacije uoči vještačkih osjemenjavanja su dobra kondicija izdravstveni menadžment, kao i smanjenje toplotnog stresa u skladu s lokacijom i dizajnom farme


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    Cattle farming, as one of the most important branches of livestock production, has longbeen confronted with the chronic problem of the decline in reproductive performances. In 2005, thenumber of cattle around the world amounted to about 1,370,000,000 heads of cattle, while in 2012this number was just over a billion, which indicates the importance of applying differentreproductive protocols in order to increase production. Heat stress leads to disorders of thephysiological and reproductive processes, as the rise in body temperature caused by heat stress hasdirect negative consequences on numerous cell functions. The study included a total of 54 Holstein-Friesian cows, 28 experimental and 26 control cows from PD Butmir farm with 5 lactations onaverage. Hormone protocols for estrus and ovulation were used in June and July 2013. Cows in theexperimental group were subjected to a Presynch + 5dCoS2 protocol. Cows that did not conceiveafter this protocol were immediately subjected to resynchronization with Cosynch -72 protocol. Thesuccess rate of the Presynch + 5dCoS2 protocol was 19%, while in the case of Cosynch 72 it was33%, which was statistically significant (p <0,05). The first presynchronization and synchronizationprotocol (5dCoS2) did not significantly help to improve the conception rate after the firstinsemination postpartum, but it is evident that they had a positive effect on another protocol (COS72)in the form of reduction in embryonic mortality in the summer months when embryonic loss is thegreatest.The COS72 protocol provides satisfactory results in the summer, but good fitness and healthmanagement, as well as heat stress reduction in accordance with the location and farm design arethe preconditions for a successful estrus and ovulation synchronization program prior to artificialinsemination

    Distribution and size of corpora lutea in dairy cows during puerperium

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    During puerperium phase in cows, uterus goes through involution process, while ovaries restore supressed cyclicity as a result of gestation. After 10-20 days postpartum (PP) luteinizing hormone (LH) levels begin to raise and renewal of cyclicity after parturition is probably most important factor for cows to successfuly conceive again. Almost 95% of dairy cows should restore ovarian cyclicity up to 50 days postpartum. LH surge is important for ovulation and luteinisation of granulosa and theca cells into luteal cells and proliferation of blood vessels. Up to 79% of newly formed corpora lutea have central vacuola, filled with fluid. The study involved the total of 54 Holstein-Friesian cows, during first 40 days of lactation. Examinations of the ovaries, were performed in the period from 10 to 40 days postpartum. Ovaries and corpora lutea were first palpated and then examined using portable diagnostic ultrasound linear scanner MyLab®30 VETGold portable ultrasound linear scanner with endorectal linear probe LV 513, 5-7.5 MHz (both Esaote SpA, Italy). The same equipment was used to monitor BCS, while lamenes was assessed using Zinpro Locomotion Score for dairy cows. The highest number of corpora lutea was observed after 20 and 30 days postpartum in experimental and control groups. More corpora lutea were observed in multiparous cows. Higher numbers of corpora lutea with similar average size were observed in right ovaries of cows in both groups, while corpora lutea were bigger in multiparous cows. Numbers and sizes of corpora lutea, may give an insight in quality of restoration of ovarian cyclicity and a solid base for prediction on future reproductive performances


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    <p>The seasonal influence, i.e. the influence of climatic changes on the dog semen was investigated. Dog age varied between 2-4. German-shepard-type dog body weight was about 25 kg, and the other mixed breed dogs about 9 kg. All were kept in good zoo-hygienic conditions (sunny, ventilated and dry rooms). Dogs were served ready-made pellet food with the daily meals adjusted to their body mass. Experimental researches were mainly performed before and during the sexual season. Sperm from the dogs was taken manually every 5-6 days. After obtaining the ejaculate, the sperm-sampler was inserted in pre-heated cotton, and brought to the andrologic laboratory. Tools and instruments used for ejaculate sampling were heated to +35°C before use. Quality control was performed with the devices and instruments heated to  +38°C in order to avoid detrimental effect of rapid cooling to sperm movement, metabolism, etc. Sampled native ejaculates were anylized for the volume, motility, concentration, etc.</p><p>Key words: dog, sperm, sexual season</p


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    Udder health control has been conducted in three different cow breeds by comparing the California Mastitis Test results in order to justify its use in detecting subclinical mastitis. The test examined 75 cows, or 228 quarters in total. In 76% of the cows of different breeds, the results of California Mastitis Test were positive. The tests were positive in one or two quarters with the intensity level of one, two and three. The test showed much higher percentage of positive reaction in the rear quarters. According to the results of our research, the continuous application of this test enables the early detection of subclinical mastitis resulting in its prevention and also improvement in quantity and milk quality.Key words: mastitis, California Mastitis Test, cow</p


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    Goal of this research was to explore the efficiency of intrauterine application of 4% solution of Lotagen® in the treatment of chronic endometritis of different severity, and to examine the effects of therapy to the breeding-reproductive parameters in animals treated under the real field conditions. Research was conducted between May 2005 - March 2007 by analyzing the data from the protocol of artifitial insemination and treatment of sterility in the county of Sanski Most. Research included dairy cows from 95 stables when chronic endometritis was diagnosed by clinical examination (n=126) at the earliest 21 day postpartum. Animals were treated intrauterinelly with 100 to 180 ml (primiparous and multiparous) of 4% solution of Lotagen® during puerperium or in estrus, after puerperium. Out of total of 126 dairy cows with chronic endometritis treated with Lotagen® once or more times, including a group of non-treated animals, clinical healing was noted in 117 animals (92,8%), artificial insemination was performed in 115 (87,3%) and 95 animals had conception (86,3%). Due to the lack of clinical healing, fertility loss or some other reasons, 31 cows were excluded (24,6%) from breeding and this research. The treatment results as well as some fertility parameters were affected by severity of chronic endometritis and time of therapy introduction. The more time elapsed from parturition, the severity of endometritis decreased. Consequently, the percentage of cured animals after the first treatment increased from 59,5% to 79,6% (P &lt; 0,05). Percentage of healing in E 1-2 (endometritis catarrhalis et mucopurulenta) was 68,2% after the first treatment and was significant in relation to 44,4% in E 3-4 (endometritis purulenta et pyometra). Taking into consideration the conception accomplished in two examined groups, obvious differences are shown: experimental group - 91,5%, control group - 76,9% (P&lt;0,05). The effects of treatment to the breeding-reproductive parameters were also evalauted with high conception rates noticed in treated animals. Key words: chronic endometritis, dairy cows, Lotagen® </span


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    Assessment of energy reserves in the organism made through evaluation of body condition, basically represents the nutritional status of animal, valued by deposited adipose tissue, when body frame and weight have secondary importance. <br />At the farm of high producing Holstein-Friesian cows with tie stall housing and average milk yield of 7000 liters, we followed the relation between the evaluation of body score condition and the conception rate. Total of 29 Holstein-Frisean cows were included in the study, aged between the first and fifth lactation. <br />Cows were assessed on the basis of three major body areas examination (loin, pin bones and tail head). The evaluation was performed visually and ultrasonically by measuring backfat. Assessment of body condition and backfat measuring were performed at the same day as arteficial insemination. The cows were later divided into two experimental groups, pregnant and non-pregnant. <br />The success rate of conception was 34.5%. The results of ultrasound backfat measurements were compatible with the visual assessment of body condition. As such, it represents a simple and objective method. Body condition score for both groups averaged 2.75. The average thickness of backfat was 16 mm in the group of pregnant cows, and 16.8 mm in the group of non-pregnant cows. <br />Energy status of cows in this research seems to have had no significant effect on the conception rate. <br /> <br />Key words: cow, body condition, backfat, ultrasonography, conceptio