5 research outputs found

    The correlation between agility and performance among blind and visually impaired athletes

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    Regular physical activity has benefits on physical fitness among visually impaired athletes. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the motor fitness of agility influences the performance of the athletes. Total of 39 athletes (24 males and 15 females) were recruited for this study and were differentiate between their medical classes (totally blind athletes (B1) – male (n=10); females (n=8) and partially blind athletes (B2)- males (n=14); females (n=7). Subject?s height and weight was measured to determine the BMI level. Subjects was also required to undergo the lateral change of direction test was used to determine the agility among the athletes. Each of the subjects was required to complete 2 trials and the average score was recorded. The entire tests were analyzed using SPSS and presented as mean. Independent T-Test showed that there are significant differences in agility levels between b1 and B2 athletes. Correlation was also significant (p < 0.01; r = –.581) between classification groups and tests time scores. B1 and B2 athlete?s agility levels were slightly difference which also will affect their performance. Based on this data, future studies were suggested on non-athletes population


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    AbstractThe aim of this research was to identify the usage of drugs on athletes by focusing on gender and different categories level of athletes. The sample, which was chosen randomly consisted of 115 athletes, consisting of national athletes (N=35), state athletes (N=35), district athletes (N=19), and university athletes (N=26). Based on gender, the present research consists of 70 male and 45 female athletes. Drug Usage Questionnaire, were used to collect the data. The result showed that the main motive usage of drugsis to win. This research also showed that male athletes use more drugs than females. National or athletes who represent the country are highest in using drugs. Sport psychologists should play an important role by providing therapies to drug addicts’ athletes to curb the usage of drugs. Malaysian government also should prevent athletes who taken drugs from taking part in sport competition.Key Words: coping strategy , district, drugs, representing national, state


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    AbstractThe aim of this research was to identify the usage of drugs on athletes by focusing on gender and different categories level of athletes. The sample, which was chosen randomly consisted of 115 athletes, consisting of national athletes (N=35), state athletes (N=35), district athletes (N=19), and university athletes (N=26). Based on gender, the present research consists of 70 male and 45 female athletes. Drug Usage Questionnaire, were used to collect the data. The result showed that the main motive usage of drugsis to win. This research also showed that male athletes use more drugs than females. National or athletes who represent the country are highest in using drugs. Sport psychologists should play an important role by providing therapies to drug addicts’ athletes to curb the usage of drugs. Malaysian government also should prevent athletes who taken drugs from taking part in sport competition.Key Words: coping strategy , district, drugs, representing national, state

    Family Business and Transgenerational Model for Policy Development of Community Tourism Business and Entreprenuership

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    Entrepreneurship is an activity that brings benefits through profit-oriented business development. In family business grows and develops with two main aspects, business and family. While, tourism business creating a wide range of tourism related products [a] attractions and activities, [b] accommodation, [c] transportation, [d] tourism facilities and [e] training institutions in tourist destinations. Thus, this study will identify the opportunities and constraints of the family business sector in the tourism industry according to the four main dimensions of the family business sector, namely micro -business transgeneration, social infrastructure in family business, physical / technical infrastructure and energy consumption level. By using questionnaire, 67 entrepreneur in business tourism has been analyse using correlation and regression. Result shown that family relationship, social infrastructure and energy usage are at satisfactory level. Only physical/ technical infrastructure provided by the government is at unsatisfactory level. Hence, this study can act as a guide in formulating new policies or improving existing policies in ensuring the sustainability of family businesses in the tourism sector