1,398 research outputs found

    Time series radiomics for the prediction of prostate cancer progression in patients on active surveillance

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    Serial MRI is an essential assessment tool in prostate cancer (PCa) patients enrolled on active surveillance (AS). However, it has only moderate sensitivity for predicting histopathological tumour progression at follow-up, which is in part due to the subjective nature of its clinical reporting and variation among centres and readers. In this study, we used a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) to develop a time series radiomics (TSR) predictive model that analysed longitudinal changes in tumour-derived radiomic features across 297 scans from 76 AS patients, 28 with histopathological PCa progression and 48 with stable disease. Using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), we found that an LSTM-based model combining TSR and serial PSA density (AUC 0.86 [95% CI: 0.78-0.94]) significantly outperformed a model combining conventional delta-radiomics and delta-PSA density (0.75 [0.64-0.87]; p = 0.048) and achieved comparable performance to expert-performed serial MRI analysis using the Prostate Cancer Radiologic Estimation of Change in Sequential Evaluation (PRECISE) scoring system (0.84 [0.76-0.93]; p = 0.710). The proposed TSR framework, therefore, offers a feasible quantitative tool for standardising serial MRI assessment in PCa AS. It also presents a novel methodological approach to serial image analysis that can be used to support clinical decision-making in multiple scenarios, from continuous disease monitoring to treatment response evaluation

    Time series radiomics for the prediction of prostate cancer progression in patients on active surveillance

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    Abstract: Serial MRI is an essential assessment tool in prostate cancer (PCa) patients enrolled on active surveillance (AS). However, it has only moderate sensitivity for predicting histopathological tumour progression at follow-up, which is in part due to the subjective nature of its clinical reporting and variation among centres and readers. In this study, we used a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) to develop a time series radiomics (TSR) predictive model that analysed longitudinal changes in tumour-derived radiomic features across 297 scans from 76 AS patients, 28 with histopathological PCa progression and 48 with stable disease. Using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), we found that an LSTM-based model combining TSR and serial PSA density (AUC 0.86 [95% CI: 0.78–0.94]) significantly outperformed a model combining conventional delta-radiomics and delta-PSA density (0.75 [0.64–0.87]; p = 0.048) and achieved comparable performance to expert-performed serial MRI analysis using the Prostate Cancer Radiologic Estimation of Change in Sequential Evaluation (PRECISE) scoring system (0.84 [0.76–0.93]; p = 0.710). The proposed TSR framework, therefore, offers a feasible quantitative tool for standardising serial MRI assessment in PCa AS. It also presents a novel methodological approach to serial image analysis that can be used to support clinical decision-making in multiple scenarios, from continuous disease monitoring to treatment response evaluation. Key Points: •LSTM RNN can be used to predict the outcome of PCa AS using time series changes in tumour-derived radiomic features and PSA density. •Using all available TSR features and serial PSA density yields a significantly better predictive performance compared to using just two time points within the delta-radiomics framework. •The concept of TSR can be applied to other clinical scenarios involving serial imaging, setting out a new field in AI-driven radiology research

    Evidence for Quasiparticle Decay in Photoemission from Underdoped Cuprates

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    I argue that the ``gap'' recently observed at the Brillouin zone face of cuprate superconductors in photoemission by Marshall et al [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4841 (1996)] and Ding et al [Nature 382, 54 (1996)] is evidence for the decay of the injected hole into a spinon-holon pair.Comment: 4 pages of ReVTeX, 3 eps figure

    Quasiparticle photoemission intensity in doped two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets

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    Using the self-consistent Born approximation, and the corresponding wave function of the magnetic polaron, we calculate the quasiparticle weight corresponding to destruction of a real electron (in contrast to creation of a spinless holon), as a funtion of wave vector for one hole in a generalized tJt-J model and the strong coupling limit of a generalized Hubbard model. The results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by exact diagonalization of a sufficiently large cluster. Only the Hubbard weigth compares very well with photoemission measurements in Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 - a revisit

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    We have investigated the lowest binding-energy electronic structure of the model cuprate Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Our data from about 80 cleavages of Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 single crystals give a comprehensive, self-consistent picture of the nature of the first electron-removal state in this model undoped CuO_2-plane cuprate. Firstly, we show a strong dependence on the polarization of the excitation light which is understandable in the context of the matrix element governing the photoemission process, which gives a state with the symmetry of a Zhang-Rice singlet. Secondly, the strong, oscillatory dependence of the intensity of the Zhang-Rice singlet on the exciting photon-energy is shown to be consistent with interference effects connected with the periodicity of the crystal structure in the crystallographic c-direction. Thirdly, we measured the dispersion of the first electron-removal states along G->(pi,pi) and G->(pi,0), the latter being controversial in the literature, and have shown that the data are best fitted using an extended t-J-model, and extract the relevant model parameters. An analysis of the spectral weight of the first ionization states for different excitation energies within the approach used by Leung et al. (Phys. Rev. B56, 6320 (1997)) results in a strongly photon-energy dependent ratio between the coherent and incoherent spectral weight. The possible reasons for this observation and its physical implications are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Single Hole Green's Functions in Insulating Copper Oxides at Nonzero Temperature

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    We consider the single hole dynamics in a modified tJt-J model at finite temperature. The modified model includes a next nearest (tt') and next-next nearest (tt'') hopping. The model has been considered before in the zero temperature limit to explain angle resolved photo-emission measurements. We extend this consideration to the case of finite temperature where long-range anti-ferromagnetic order is destroyed, using the self-consistent Born approximation. The Dyson equation which relates the single hole Green's functions for a fixed pseudo-spin and for fixed spin is derived. The Green's function with fixed pseudo-spin is infrared stable but the Green's function with fixed spin is close to an infrared divergency. We demonstrate how to renormalize this Green's function in order to assure numerical convergence. At non-zero temperature the quasi-particle peaks are found to shift down in energy and to be broadened.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 5 Postscript figure

    Comparison of 32-site exact diagonalization results and ARPES spectral functions for the AFM insulator Sr2CuO2Cl2Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2

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    We explore the success of various versions of the one-band t-J model in explaining the full spectral functions found in angle-resolved photoemission spectra for the prototypical, quasi two-dimensional, tetragonal, antiferromagnetic insulator Sr2CuO2Cl2Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2. After presenting arguments justifying our extraction of A(k,ω)A(k,\omega) from the experimental data, we rely on exact-diagonalization results from studies of a square 32-site lattice, the largest cluster for which such information is presently available, to perform this comparison. Our work leads us to believe that (i) a one-band model that includes hopping out to third-nearest neighbours, as well three-site, spin-dependent hopping, can indeed explain not only the dispersion relation, but also the quasiparticle lifetimes -- only in the neighbourhood of k=(π/2,0)k = (\pi/2,0) do we find disagreement; (ii) an energy-dependent broadening function, Γ(E)=Γ0+AE\Gamma (E) = \Gamma_0 + A E, is important in accounting for the incoherent contributions to the spectral functions.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex

    Hole photoproduction in insulating copper oxide

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    Basing on t-J model we calculate the k-dependence of a single hole photoproduction probability for CuO2 plane at zero doping. We also discuss the radiation of spin-waves which can substantially deform the shape of photoemission spectra.Comment: latex 8 pages, 3 figure

    Holes in the t-J_z model: a thorough study

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    The t-J_z model is the strongly anisotropic limit of the t-J model which captures some general properties of the doped antiferromagnets (AF). The absence of spin fluctuations simplifies the analytical treatment of hole motion in an AF background and allows us to calculate the single- and two-hole spectra with high accuracy using regular diagram technique combined with real-space approach. At the same time, numerical studies of this model via exact diagonalization (ED) on small clusters show negligible finite size effects for a number of quantities, thus allowing a direct comparison between analytical and numerical results. Both approaches demonstrate that the holes have tendency to pair in the p- and d-wave channels at realistic values of t/J. The interactions leading to pairing and effects selecting p and d waves are thoroughly investigated. The role of transverse spin fluctuations is considered using perturbation theory. Based on the results of the present study, we discuss the pairing problem in the realistic t-J-like model. Possible implications for preformed pairs formation and phase separation are drawn.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    Beyond scaling and locality in turbulence

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    An analytic perturbation theory is suggested in order to find finite-size corrections to the scaling power laws. In the frame of this theory it is shown that the first order finite-size correction to the scaling power laws has following form S(r)crα0[ln(r/η)]α1S(r) \cong cr^{\alpha_0}[\ln(r/\eta)]^{\alpha_1}, where η\eta is a finite-size scale (in particular for turbulence, it can be the Kolmogorov dissipation scale). Using data of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations it is shown shown that a degenerate case with α0=0\alpha_0 =0 can describe turbulence statistics in the near-dissipation range r>ηr > \eta, where the ordinary (power-law) scaling does not apply. For moderate Reynolds numbers the degenerate scaling range covers almost the entire range of scales of velocity structure functions (the log-corrections apply to finite Reynolds number). Interplay between local and non-local regimes has been considered as a possible hydrodynamic mechanism providing the basis for the degenerate scaling of structure functions and extended self-similarity. These results have been also expanded on passive scalar mixing in turbulence. Overlapping phenomenon between local and non-local regimes and a relation between position of maximum of the generalized energy input rate and the actual crossover scale between these regimes are briefly discussed.Comment: extended versio