8 research outputs found

    Modeling of operating history of the research nuclear reactor

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    The results of simulation of the IRT-T reactor operation history from 2012 to 2014 are presented. Calculations are performed using continuous energy Monte Carlo code MCU-PTR. Comparison is made between calculation and experimental data for the critical reactor

    Effect of high pressure on the thermoelectrical properties of single-walled and double-walled carbon nanotubes

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    The effect of high pressure on the Seebeck coefficient and temperature dependences of the electrical resistance of single-wall and double-walled carbon nanotubes was studied in order to detect phase transformations occurring in carbon nanotubes in the pressure range 4-46 GPa. Diamond anvil cells with conductive synthetic diamonds were used to create high pressures. We observed a number of features associated with the structure changes of nanotubes. Temperature dependences of the electrical resistance of single and double-walled carbon nanotubes have the form characteristic of nondegenerate semiconductors. Analysis of results indicates the destruction of the structure of carbon nanotubes at high pressure. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Conceptual Design of Experimental Facility for Large-Diameter NTD-Si at the IRT-T Reactor

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    The IRT-T reactor has been conducting research in the field of irradiation of ingots of single-crystal semiconductor materials since 1987. The article describes the existing silicon doping facility. The results of studies on the possibility of creating an additional irradiation channel for neutron-transmutation doping of silicon are presented. It is shown that the use of a graphite reflector and a thermal neutron filter based on boron makes it possible to achieve non-uniformity of irradiation up to 5 %. The principal possibility of irradiating single-crystal silicon ingots with a diameter of up to 203 mm and a length of up to 500 mm is shown. The questions of optimizing the configuration of the core and the regime of reactors operation for increasing the neutron flux in the irradiation channels are discussed. In addition, applying the facility to produce base materials for neutron dosimeter in neutron capture therapy studies is proposed


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    Aim. To estimate the results of 6-year experience of heart transplantation (HT) in Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre. Methods. From 2010 to 2015 we have performed 65 HT. Mean age was 44.3 ± 14 years old (from 10 to 64 years old). We used biventricular assist device (BIVAD, Berlin Heart Excor) support in 7 heart transplant candidates before HT. 19 patients (29%) received thymoglobulin, whereas 46 patients (71%) had basiliximab to induce immunosuppression.Results. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machines were implanted in 5 patients (7.7%) after HT due to acute right ventricular failure. Suture annuloplasty (the Batista procedure) for tricuspid valve repair was carried out in 3 cases (4.6%). Venovenous hemodiafi ltration was used in 11 patients (16.9%). A total of 598 endomyocardial biopsies (EMB) were performed after HT. Evidence of cellular rejection (R1 and R2) was presented in 286 biopsies (48%). The 30-day in-hospital mortality rate was 3.1%. The 6-month survival rate after HT was 92%, 1-year – 91% and overall survival for the 6-year period of observation – 89.2%. Maximum observation period was 71 months.Conclusions. The 6-year experience of HT in our Center has shown a high level of survival. BIVAD Excor support can be effectively used as a «bridge» to HT. Prevention of graft loss due to acute rejection in heart transplant recipients can be achieved only through regular EMB monitoring. The rate of viral infection increased in 2 months after HT.Цель исследования. Оценить результаты трансплантаций сердца (ТС), выполненных в ФГБУ «Северо-Западный федеральный медицинский исследовательский центр имени В.А. Алмазова» за шесть лет.Материалы и методы. В период с 2010-го по 2015 год в Центре было выполнено 65 ТС. Средний возраст реципиентов составил 44,3 ± 14 лет (от 10 до 64 лет). В качестве «моста» к ТС у 7 пациентов перед пересадкой были имплантированы устройства вспомогательного кровообращения (УВК) Excor. Для индукции иммуносупрессивной терапии у 19 пациентов (29%) применялся антитимоцитарный иммуноглобулин, у 46 пациентов (71%) – базиликсимаб.Результаты. У 5 (7,7%) пациентов, в связи с тяжелой правожелудочковой недостаточностью, в раннем периоде после ТС была установлена система ЭКМО. У 3 (4,6%) больных ввиду развития трикуспидальной недостаточности была выполнена пластика трикуспидального клапана по Батиста. Проведение сеансов заместительной почечной терапии после ТС потребовалось у 11 (16,9%) реципиентов. Всего за шестилетний период наблюдения у всех пациентов было выполнено 598 эндомиокардиальных биопсий (ЭМБ). В 286 (48%) случаях диагностировано клеточное отторжение трансплантата стадии R1 или R2. 30-дневная госпитальная летальность составила 3,1% (2 пациента). Выживаемость в отдаленном периоде составила: через 6 месяцев – 92%, через 1 год – 91%, общая выживаемость за 6 лет наблюдения – 89%. Максимальный срок наблюдения – 71 месяц.Заключение. Шестилетний опыт ТС в нашем Центре показал высокий уровень выживаемости после операции. Имплантация УВК является «мостом» к ТС у больных с терминальной стадией ХСН. ЭМБ остается единственным эффективным методом диагностики острого отторжения трансплантата сердца. Через два месяца после ТС в структуре инфекционных осложнений увеличивается частота вирусной инфекции

    Potentiation effect of the AMPK activator A-769662 on cardiac myocytes metabolism and survival

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    Abstract 286 van Poster session 2 Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology, London 30th March – 1st April 2012 Second Congress of the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science