13 research outputs found

    Indoor Smoking Detection Based on YOLO Framework with Infrared Image

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    This study recommends combining the efficacy of YOLO with the greater visibility provided by infrared imaging to create a better indoor smoking detection system. The YOLO system divides photos into a grid and anticipates bounding boxes and class probabilities at the same time, making it an obvious choice for its real-time item detection capabilities. The approach improves its robustness by identifying heat signals associated with smoking sessions and overcoming limitations posed by low-light or blocked circumstances. The addition of infrared images significantly improved the system's performance in low-light conditions. A dual spectrum thermal camera is used in the entire indoor smoking detection system to obtain a large collection of infrared images representing various interior locations with documented smoking episodes. During the training phase, data augmentation processes such as random rotations, flips, and brightness and contrast fluctuations were used to improve the system's performance. The CIoU loss function improved the system's localization accuracy significantly, reducing false positives and improving overall detection performance. The combination of YOLO and infrared photography, in conjunction with data augmentation and the CIoU loss function, not only improves indoor smoking detection but also demonstrates the benefits of merging several technologies in the development of more effective and adaptive systems

    Design and Development of a Single-Axis Solar Tracking System

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    With solar tracking, it will become possible to generate more energy since the solar panel can maintain a perpendicular profile to the rays of the sun. Even though the initial cost of setting up the tracking system is considerably high, there are cheaper options that have been proposed over time. This research discuss the design and construction of a prototype for a solar tracking system that has a single axis of freedom. Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs) are used for sunlight detection. The control circuit is based on an ATMega328P microcontroller. It was programmed to detect sunlight via the LDRs before actuating the servo to position the solar panel. The solar panel is positioned where it is able to receive maximum light. As compared to other motors, the servo motors are able to maintain their torque at high speed. They are also more efficient with efficiencies in the range of 80-90%. Servos can supply roughly twice their rated torque for short periods. Through tracking, there will be increased exposure of the panel to the sun, making it have increased power output. The trackers can either be dual or single axis trackers. As a single tracking system is cheaper, less complex, and still achieves the required efficiency, so it was used

    Tipologi bangunan seni bina Melayu moden di Malaysia

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    Pengadaptasian nilai reka bentuk seni bina Melayu tradisional kepada bangunan moden telah diwartakan sebagai salah satu jalan di dalam membina bahasa identiti seni bina kebangsaan seperti yang telah dinyatakan di dalam ‘Seminar Ke Arah Identiti Kebangsaan Dalam Seni Bina’ pada tahun 1981. Sungguhpun mendapat galakan daripada kerajaan, jumlah pembangunan reka bentuk bangunan baru yang mengadaptasi nilai warisan seni bina Melayu tradisional masih kecil, malah daripada jumlah yang kecil ini, hanya segelintir daripadanya diklasifikasi mempunyai kualiti reka bentuk yang baik. Di dalam kajian ini, penilaian dan klasifikasi dilaksanakan terhadap 12 buah bangunan seni bina Melayu moden di Malaysia; iaitu merujuk kepada bangunan moden di Malaysia yang direka bentuk dengan mengadaptasi nilai dan karakteristik yang wujud dalam bahasa seni bina Melayu tradisional dan juga warisan kesenian dan kebudayaan Melayu. Melaluinya, tipologi bangunan seni bina melayu moden dibentuk dari kerangka seni bina moden klasikal di Barat, di mana kesemua 12 buah bangunan ini telah diklasifikasi mengikut kerangka ini. Kajian ini diharap akan dapat memberi impak di dalam merevolusi pemikiran seni bina Melayu moden di masa akan datang, seterusnya menjadi jambatan kepada pembangunan identiti seni bina nasional yang lebih mapan dan komprehensif

    The application of photogrammetry in architecture historical documentation: the measured drawing of Tanjung Sembrong Mosque and Teratak Selari Bonda

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    Architectural measured drawings refer to the process of on-site constructed building documentation in the form of presentable set architectural drawings. The drawings are produced by executing the on-site measurement before converting it into an appropriate architectural drawing scheme. Traditionally, the process begins by obtaining the measurement of the building wholly with the aid of standard measurement tools. With this method, there are issues and challenges identified in obtaining accurate measurement. The process is complicated due to human limitations in getting the measurement on the highest peak of the building. With the assistance of geomatics tools, the photogrammetry method assisting in obtaining such measurements, specifically the roof of the building. This publication explains the integration process of the traditional measurement method and photogrammetry through the measured drawing exercise of Tanjung Sembrong Mosque and Teratak Selari Bonda located at Parit Raja, Johore. The procedure involves the common measurement technique using standard measurement tools integrated with the photogrammetry methods with UAV usage to capture the coordinated aerial image of both buildings

    Smart detection and prevention procedure for DoS attack in MANET

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    A self-organized wireless communication short-lived network containing collection of mobile nodes is mobile ad hoc network (MANET). The mobile nodes communicate with each other by wireless radio links without the use of any pre-established fixed communication network infrastructure or centralized administration, such as base stations or access points, and with no human intervention. In addition, this network has potential applications in conference, disaster relief, and battlefield scenario, and have received important attention in current years. There is some security concern that increases fear of attacks on the mobile ad-hoc network. The mobility of the NODE in a MANET poses many security problems and vulnerable to different types of security attacks than conventional wired and wireless networks. The causes of these issues are due to their open medium, dynamic network topology, absence of central administration, distributed cooperation, constrained capability, and lack of clear line of defense. Without proper security, mobile hosts are easily captured, compromised, and attacked by malicious nodes. Malicious nodes behavior may deliberately disrupt the network so that the whole network will be suffering from packet losses. One of the major concerns in mobile ad-hoc networks is a traffic DoS attack in which the traffic is choked by the malicious node which denied network services for the user. Mobile ad-hoc networks must have a safe path for transmission and correspondence which is a serious testing and indispensable issue. So as to provide secure communication and transmission, the scientist worked explicitly on the security issues in versatile impromptu organizations and many secure directing conventions and security measures within the networks were proposed. The goal of the work is to study DoS attacks and how it can be detected in the network. Existing methodologies for finding a malicious node that causes traffic jamming is based on node’s retains value. The proposed approach finds a malicious node using reliability value determined by the broadcast reliability packet (RL Packet). In this approach at the initial level, every node has zero reliability value, specific time slice, and transmission starts with a packet termed as reliability packet, node who responded properly in specific time, increases its reliability value and those nodes who do not respond in a specific time decreases their reliability value and if it goes to less than zero then announced that it’s a malicious node. Reliability approach makes service availability and retransmission time

    Wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance to monitor the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in developing countries with onsite sanitation facilities

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    Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has emerged as a valuable approach for forecasting disease outbreaks in developed countries with a centralized sewage infrastructure. On the other hand, due to the absence of well-defined and systematic sewage networks, WBE is challenging to implement in developing countries like Bangladesh where most people live in rural areas. Identification of appropriate locations for rural Hotspot Based Sampling (HBS) and urban Drain Based Sampling (DBS) are critical to enable WBE based monitoring system. We investigated the best sampling locations from both urban and rural areas in Bangladesh after evaluating the sanitation infrastructure for forecasting COVID-19 prevalence. A total of 168 wastewater samples were collected from 14 districts of Bangladesh during each of the two peak pandemic seasons. RT-qPCR commercial kits were used to target ORF1ab and N genes. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic materials was found in 98% (165/168) and 95% (160/168) wastewater samples in the first and second round sampling, respectively. Although wastewater effluents from both the marketplace and isolation center drains were found with the highest amount of genetic materials according to the mixed model, quantifiable SARS-CoV-2 RNAs were also identified in the other four sampling sites. Hence, wastewater samples of the marketplace in rural areas and isolation centers in urban areas can be considered the appropriate sampling sites to detect contagion hotspots. This is the first complete study to detect SARS-CoV-2 genetic components in wastewater samples collected from rural and urban areas for monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. The results based on the study revealed a correlation between viral copy numbers in wastewater samples and SARS-CoV-2 positive cases reported by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) as part of the national surveillance program for COVID-19 prevention. The findings of this study will help in setting strategies and guidelines for the selection of appropriate sampling sites, which will facilitate in development of comprehensive wastewater-based epidemiological systems for surveillance of rural and urban areas of low-income countries with inadequate sewage infrastructure.This research was supported by Water Aid Bangladesh, North South University, Dhaka, COVID-19 Diagnostic Lab, Department of Microbiology, Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU), Noakhali, Bangladesh, the International Training Network of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (ITN-BUET) - Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. We acknowledge the sincere help and support of the staff and volunteers of NSTU-COVID-19 Diagnostic Lab, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh during the different phases of the study. PB and MTI acknowledge the Life Science Technology Platform, Science for Life Laboratory for the seed funding to initiate the wastewater-based epidemiological studies for SARS-CoV-2 in Bangladesh. We would also like to acknowledge the two anonymous reviewers for their critical comments as well as their thoughtful insights, which has significantly improved the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Tipologi bangunan seni bina Melayu moden di Malaysia

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    Pengadaptasian nilai rekabentuk seni bina Melayu tradisional kepada bangunan moden telah diwartakan sebagai salah satu jalan di dalam membina bahasa identiti seni bina kebangsaan seperti yang telah dinyatakan di dalam ‘Seminar Ke Arah Identiti Kebangsaan Dalam Seni Bina' pada tahun 1981. Sungguhpun mendapat galakan daripada kerajaan, jumlah pembangunan rekabentuk bangunan baru yang mengadaptasi nilai warisan seni bina Melayu tradisional masih kecil, malah daripada jumlah yang kecil ini, hanya segelintir daripadanya diklasifikasi mempunyai kualiti rekabentuk yang baik. Di dalam kajian ini, penilaian dan klasifikasi dilaksanakan terhadap 12 buah bangunan seni bina Melayu Moden di Malaysia; iaitu merujuk kepada bangunan moden di Malaysia yang direkabentuk dengan mengadaptasi nilai dan karakteristik yang wujud dalam bahasa senibina Melayu tradisional dan juga warisan kesenian dan kebudayaan Melayu. Melaluinya, tipologi bangunan seni bina melayu moden dibentuk dari kerangka seni bina moden klasikal di Barat, di mana kesemua 12 buah bangunan ini telah diklasifikasi mengikut kerangka ini. Kajian ini diharap akan dapat memberi impak di dalam merevolusi pemikiran seni bina Melayu moden di masa akan datang, seterusnya menjadi jambatan kepada pembangunan identiti seni bina nasional yang lebih mapan dan komprehensif

    Modelling cyber-crime protection behaviour among computer users in the context of Bangladesh

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    This study examined the impact of security champion and security training on protection behaviour in the context of IT service oriented SMEs in Bangladesh. Drawing upon protection motivation theory, this study examined the influence of security training on threat appraisal and influence of security training on coping appraisal which leads to protection behaviour via protection motivation. Data was collected from six different IT service oriented organizations with a sample size of 147 by survey questionnaire. Data was analysed using partial least squares (PLS) technique and result shows that perceived value of data, security training and threat appraisal are strong predictors of threat appraisal, protection motivation and protection behaviour. Theoretical contribution and practical implications of this research are also discussed