1,111 research outputs found

    Internal Structure of Ariebreen, Spitsbergen, from radio-echo sounding data

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    Ariebreen (77º 01' N, 15º 29' E) is a small valley glacier (ca. 0.36 km2 in August 2007) located at Hornsund, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, ca. 2.5 km to the west of Hornsund Polish Polar Station. Ariebreen, like many other Svalbard glaciers, has experienced a significant recession at least since the 1930s, and most likely since the end of Little Ice Age (LIA) in the early part of the 20th century. Moreover, the thinning rate of western Svalbard glaciers has shown an acceleration during the most recent decades. Ariebreen follows this general retreat pattern, as is shown in another contribution to this workshop (Petlicki et al., 2008). Most investigated glaciers in Hornsund area, in the neighbourhood of Ariebreen, are known to be polythermal (e.g. Hansbreen and Werenskioldbreen, Pälli et al., 2003). It has been suggested (Macheret et al., 1992) that the thinning of polythermal glaciers may result in a switch to cold thermal structure under appropriate conditions. The strong thinning experienced by Ariebreen during the recent decades makes it an ideal candidate to undergo such change. The main aims of this contribution are to understand the internal structure of Ariebreen, in particular, its hydrothermal regime, and to determine whether the glacier is undergoing or has already experienced a transition from polythermal to cold structure. The main tool to accomplish this will be the analysis of radio-echo sounding data

    Height at the withers estimation in the horses based on the internal dimension of cranial cavity

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    The investigations were carried out on 17 modern half-breed horse skulls and their metacarpal and metatarsal bones. The basal length (BL), total length (TL), internal cranial cavity dimension and maximal length of metacarpus and metatarsus and maximal lateral length of metacarpus and metatarsus were measured according to Kiesewalter and von den Driesch. During height at the withers estimation, the Kiesewaler and Vitt methods were used. The Wyrost and Kucharczyk mathematical formula was modified for height at the withers calculation (Hestmd = 1.016 × D) in horses. All height at the withers estimation methods were statistically analysed and compared. The analysis of variance ANOVA proved the lack of significant difference between the investigated values. The results achieved using Wyrost and Kucharczyk modified method are strongly comparable to Kiesewalter methods results computed using the metacarpal and metatarsal bones measurements. The height at the withers calculated on the basis of TL slightly differs from 2 above-mentioned methods. The BL Vitt’s method was the least exact

    Megatrendy a rozwój zrównoważony

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    The last decades of the twentieth century and the beginning of the third millennium saw the significant acceleration of globalization processes, which has fundamentally changed and is still changing the world order and the face of the Earth. The qualitative changes that affect the nature of today’s global economy require measures necessary for the adjustment to the reality and the specific nature of international relations. This is of particular importance for the principle of sustainable development, which depends on the on-going civilizational change largely shaped by the social expectations. Therefore, the analysis of megatrends in the future civilizational changes becomes essential in the context of the achievement of sustainable development, which is discussed in this article. The discussion focuses on the processes of urbanization, the development of air transport, public networking, institutional changes, and the environment, which have been identified as the key elements of civilizational change in the 2050 horizon, determining sustainable development in its economic, social, and environmental dimension.Znaczne przyspieszenie procesów globalizacji obserwowane w ostatnich dekadach XX wieku i na początku trzeciego tysiąclecia zasadniczo zmieniło i zmienia porządek i oblicze świata. Zaistniałe zmiany jakościowe wpływające na naturę współczesnej gospodarki światowej wymagają działań dostosowawczych do dzisiejszych realiów i specyfiki stosunków międzynarodowych. Ma to szczególne znaczenie w odniesieniu do zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju, której realizacja uwarunkowana jest zachodzącymi zmianami cywilizacyjnymi ukształtowanymi w dużym stopniu przez oczekiwania społeczne. W związku z tym istoty nabiera analiza megatrendów przyszłych zmian cywilizacyjnych w kontekście wprowadzania zrównoważonego rozwoju w życie, co stało się przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu. Rozważania skoncentrowano wokół procesów urbanizacji, rozwoju komunikacji lotniczej, usieciowienia społeczeństwa, zmian instytucjonalnych oraz środowiska, zidentyfikowanych jako główne czynniki zachodzących zmian cywilizacyjnych w perspektywie roku 2050 i warunkujące tym samym rozwój zrównoważony w wymiarze ekonomicznym, społecznym oraz środowiskowym

    Adaptation Reduces Variability of the Neuronal Population Code

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    Sequences of events in noise-driven excitable systems with slow variables often show serial correlations among their intervals of events. Here, we employ a master equation for general non-renewal processes to calculate the interval and count statistics of superimposed processes governed by a slow adaptation variable. For an ensemble of spike-frequency adapting neurons this results in the regularization of the population activity and an enhanced post-synaptic signal decoding. We confirm our theoretical results in a population of cortical neurons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA content in relation to circulating metabolites and inflammatory markers: a population study

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content might undergo significant changes caused by metabolic derangements, oxidative stress and inflammation that lead to development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. We, therefore, investigated in a general population the association of peripheral blood mtDNA content with circulating metabolites and inflammatory markers. We examined 310 subjects (50.6% women; mean age, 53.3 years) randomly selected from a Flemish population. Relative mtDNA content was measured by quantitative real-time PCR in peripheral blood cells. Peak circulating metabolites were quantified using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The level of inflammation was assessed via established inflammatory markers. Using Partial Least Squares analysis, we constructed 3 latent factors from the 44 measured metabolites that explained 62.5% and 8.5% of the variance in the contributing metabolites and the mtDNA content, respectively. With adjustments applied, mtDNA content was positively associated with the first latent factor (P = 0.002). We identified 6 metabolites with a major impact on the construction of this latent factor including HDL3 apolipoproteins, tyrosine, fatty acid with αCH2, creatinine, β-glucose and valine. We summarized them into a single composite metabolite score. We observed a negative association between the composite metabolic score and mtDNA content (P = 0.001). We also found that mtDNA content was inversely associated with inflammatory markers including hs-CRP, hs-IL6, white blood cell and neutrophil counts as well as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (P≤0.0024). We demonstrated that in a general population relative peripheral blood mtDNA content was associated with circulating metabolites indicative of perturbed lipid metabolism and with inflammatory biomarkers

    Cytotoxic activity of proteins isolated from extracts of Corydalis cava tubers in human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Corydalis cava </it>Schweigg. & Koerte, the plant of numerous pharmacological activities, together with the studied earlier by our group <it>Chelidonium majus </it>L. (Greater Celandine), belong to the family <it>Papaveraceae</it>. The plant grows in Central and South Europe and produces the sizeable subterraneous tubers, empty inside, which are extremely resistant to various pathogen attacks. The <it>Corydalis sp. </it>tubers are a rich source of many biologically active substances, with the extensive use in European and Asian folk medicine. They have analgetic, sedating, narcotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-tumour activities. On the other hand, there is no information about possible biological activities of proteins contained in <it>Corydalis cava </it>tubers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nucleolytic proteins were isolated from the tubers of <it>C. cava </it>by separation on a heparin column and tested for DNase activity. Protein fractions showing nucleolytic activity were tested for cytotoxic activity in human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. Cultures of HeLa cells were conducted in the presence of three protein concentrations: 42, 83 and 167 ng/ml during 48 h. Viability of cell cultures was appraised using XTT colorimetric test. Protein fractions were separated and protein bands were excised and sent for identification by mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The studied protein fractions showed an inhibiting effect on mitochondrial activity of HeLa cells, depending on the administered dose of proteins. The most pronounced effect was obtained with the highest concentration of the protein (167 ng/ml) - 43.45 ± 3% mitochondrial activity of HeLa cells were inhibited. Mass spectrometry results for the proteins of applied fractions showed that they contained plant defense- and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The cytotoxic effect of studied proteins toward HeLa cell line cells has been evident and dependent on increasing dose of the protein. The present study, most probably, represents the first investigations on the effect of purified PR proteins from tuber extracts of a pharmacologically active plant on cell lines.</p

    Ecological regime shift preserved in the Anthropocene stratigraphic record

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    Palaeoecological data are unique historical archives that extend back far beyond the last several decades of ecological observations. However, the fossil record of continental shelves has been perceived as too coarse (with centennial-millennial resolution) and incomplete to detect processes occurring at yearly or decadal scales relevant to ecology and conservation. Here, we show that the youngest (Anthropocene) fossil record on the northern Adriatic continental shelf provides decadal-scale resolution that accurately documents an abrupt ecological change affecting benthic communities during the twentieth century. The magnitude and the duration of the twentieth century shift in body size of the bivalve Corbula gibba is unprecedented given that regional populations of this species were dominated by small-size classes throughout the Holocene. The shift coincided with compositional changes in benthic assemblages, driven by an increase from approximately 25% to approximately 70% in median per-assemblage abundance of C. gibba. This regime shift increase occurred preferentially at sites that experienced at least one hypoxic event per decade in the twentieth century. Larger size and higher abundance of C. gibba probably reflect ecological release as it coincides with an increase in the frequency of seasonal hypoxia that triggered mass mortality of competitors and predators. Higher frequency of hypoxic events is coupled with a decline in the depth of intense sediment mixing by burrowing benthic organisms from several decimetres to less than 20 cm, significantly improving the stratigraphic resolution of the Anthropocene fossil record and making it possible to detect sub-centennial ecological changes on continental shelves

    Sexual maturation in relation to polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons: Sharpe and Skakkebaek's hypothesis revisited.

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    Polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAHs) have been described as endocrine disruptors in animals and in accidentally or occupationally exposed humans. In the present study we examined the effect of moderate exposure to PCAHs on sexual maturation. Two hundred adolescents (mean age, 17.4 years) who resided in two polluted suburbs and a rural control area in Flanders (Belgium) participated. We measured the serum concentration of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners 138, 153, and 180 and dioxin-like compounds [chemically activated luciferase expression (CALUX) assay] as biomarkers of exposure. School physicians assessed the pubertal development of boys and girls and measured testicular volume. In one suburb near two waste incinerators, compared with the other suburb and the control area, fewer boys (p < 0.001) had reached the adult stages of genital development (62% vs. 92% and 100%, respectively) and pubic hair growth (48% vs. 77% and 100%). Also, in the same suburb, fewer girls (p = 0.04) had reached the adult stage of breast development (67% vs. 90% and 79%). In individual boys, a doubling of the serum concentration of PCB congener 138 increased the odds of not having matured into the adult stage of genital development by 3.5 (p = 0.04); similarly for PCB congener 153 in relation to male pubic hair growth, the odds ratio was 3.5 (p = 0.04). In girls, a doubling of the serum dioxin concentration increased the odds of not having reached the adult stage of breast development by 2.3 (p = 0.02). Left plus right testicular volume was lower in both polluted areas than in the control area (42.4 mL vs. 47.3 mL, p = 0.005) but was not related to the current exposure of the adolescents to PCAHs. Through endocrine disruption, environmental exposure to PCAHs may interfere with sexual maturation and in the long-run adversely affect human reproduction

    Maternal exposure to ambient black carbon particles and their presence in maternal and fetal circulation and organs : an analysis of two independent population-based observational studies

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    Funding European Research Council, Flemish Scientific Research Foundation, Kom op Tegen Kanker, UK Medical Research Council, and EU Horizon 2020. Acknowledgments The ENVIRONAGE birth cohort was initiated by the European Research Council (ERC-2012-StG 310898) and received additional funding from the Flemish Scientific Research Foundation and Kom op Tegen Kanker (KoTK). The detection equipment was funded by the METHUSALEM Program and the INCALO project (ERC-PoC). We acknowledge the Flemish Scientific Research Foundation (FWO; 1150920N to EB and G082317N). The SAFeR study was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/L010011/1 and MR/P011535/1) and the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie project PROTECTED (grant agreement number 722634) and FREIA project (grant agreement number 825100) as well as by NHS Grampian Endowments grants (16/11/056, 17/034, 18/14, 19/029, and 20/031) to PAF. We thank the midwives from the maternity ward of the East-Limburg Hospital in Genk, Belgium, for coordinating and supporting the study at the ward. We thank the Advanced Optical Microscopy Centre for the maintenance of the microscopic instruments. Moreover, we thank our colleagues from the Centre for Environmental Sciences for their hard work in collecting and processing the samples for the ENVIRONAGE birth cohort. Additionally, we thank the NHS Grampian Research Nurses and NHS Grampian R&D for their tireless recruitment work for the SAFeR study. We thank the past and present SAFeR team for their hard work with the fetuses and placentae. Finally, we thank the NHS Grampian Biorepository for their oversight role in SAFeR and assistance in processing and preparation of tissue sections.Peer reviewedPublisher PD