3 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Laba Perbankan Dilihat dari Pengaruh Kesehatan Keuangan Bank

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the ratio of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposite Ratio (LDR), Operational Income Operating Costs (BOPO) to Bank Profit Growth both partially and simultaneously at publicly traded bank companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX ) period 2012 - 2016. The sample in this study is Commercial Banks in Indonesia which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for the period of 2012 up to 2016 totaling 14 banks. Data from this study are quantitative data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis method uses linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that simultaneously the variables CAR, BOPO, LDR have an influence on earnings growth of 84.82% and the remaining 15.18% is influenced by other factors outside this research. Partially CAR, BOPO, LDR shows a significant influence on bank profit growth. Keywords: Profit Growth, CAR, BOPO, LD

    Analisis Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Sektor Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Tahun 2012-2016

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    This study aims to examine the effect of the board of commissioner\u27s size, the board of directors, institutional ownership, independent commissioner; and firm size on financial performance. The population used in this study is a banking company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012 - 2016. The population of this study amounted to 144 companies. Sampling was done using non-random sampling technique. There are 20 companies that meet the criteria as research samples so that the research data amounted to 100. Data analysis is multiple linear regression tests. The results of this study show the board of commissioners, institutional ownernship, and independent commissioner have a positive effect, while firm size has a negative effect on financial performance.   Keywords: corporate governance, financial performanc

    The Effect of Spin-off Policy and Macroeconomic Fundamental Factors on Third Party Funds at Sharia General Banks

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    In enhancing the development of Islamic banking, the government issued Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning spin-off. With this policy, it is expected that Islamic Commercial Banks will develop. This study aims to implement panel data regression to examine in depth the influence of spin-off policy and macroeconomic fundamental factors on third party funds of Sharia General Banks. Sampling by purposive sampling, six (6) Sharia General Banks that have conducted spin-offs and financial report data from 2014-2018. The Chow Test and the Hausman Test show that the panel data regression model that matches the variable data used in 2014-2018 is the Random Effect Model (REM). Empirical results show that during the 2014-2018 period, the spin-off policy and macroeconomic fundamental factors had a significant effect on the bank's third-party funds simultaneously. Partially, only the spin-off policy has a significant effect on third party funds