107 research outputs found

    The Micro-Geography of Political Meeting Places in Manchester and Sheffield c.1780-1850

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    In examining the locations of meeting sites for a wide range of political and associational activity, this chapter seeks to describe and understand the micro-geographies of the political culture of the Manchester. In 1801, Manchester's population had already grown rapidly to over 70,000; by 1841, it had reached over 242,000, itself an increase of 100,000 over the previous decade. Space syntax is a micro-morphological method of urban description in that its fundamental representation, the ‘axial graph’, differentiates urban areas on the basis of the spatial configuration of its street network. Axial analysis represents the urban street network as a spatial configuration of the least and longest set of straight lines that cover all contiguous open space in an urban area. Three concepts from space syntax theory are important to the interpretation of the analytical phase of the research. They are: accessibility, foreground and background networks, and accessibility is pervasive and relative to definitions of scale

    Dynamic synchronization of the unbalanced rotors for the excitation of longitudinal traveling waves

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    The problem about the synchronization of the unbalanced rotors for the excitation of the longitudinal traveling waves in the elastic system of a bar type is examined. The steady-state regimes of motion are investigated, the conditions of their existence and stability are obtaine

    Dynamic orientation of systems for excitation of transverse and longitudinal waves

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    A theoretical and numerical analysis of dynamic systems for excitation of longitudinal and transverse waves with a self-direction is carried out. Formulas for definition of excitation frequency and a difference of phases depending on system parameters are obtained. Conditions for existence and stability of the steady-state motion regimes are define

    Evaluation of potential biogas production in Sicily

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    The aim of the present work is to predict the Sicilian potential biogas production, using the below unmarketable raw materials. The statistical data about OFMSW, the number of animals bred on medium and large farms and the amounts of by-products of food processing industries have been evaluated, in order to compute the potential biogas production and energy in the nine provinces of Sicily. In Sicily (Italy) 5.05 million inhabitants (2012), living in nine provinces, could produce 0.8 million tons of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) per year. At present only 0.07 million tons (3.17 % ca. of MSW) are actually treated (2010). This fraction would be one of the raw materials inside the mixture usable for biogas production, in a region where no co-digestion plant is nowadays available. About 1.7 million tons of animal manure might be used for biogas production on medium and big farms. From food industry about 350 thousand tons of organic by-products might be collected. The total potential of biogas production in Sicily is 156.9 millions of m3 that is equal to 941.4 GWh of energy per year. Contribution from animal manure is 402 GWh, from OFMSW - 303 GWh and food industry - 236 GWh. The best possibilities for biogas production are in the provinces of Palermo, Messina and Ragusa, having a potential energy production of 177 GWh, 133.2 GWh and 132 GWh, respectively

    Efficient preparation and detection of microwave dressed-state qubits and qutrits with trapped ions

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    We demonstrate a method for preparing and detecting all eigenstates of a three-level microwave dressed system with a single trapped ion. The method significantly reduces the experimental complexity of gate operations with dressed-state qubits, as well as allowing all three of the dressed states to be prepared and detected, thereby providing access to a qutrit that is well protected from magnetic field noise. In addition, we demonstrate individual addressing of the clock transitions in two ions using a strong static magnetic field gradient, showing that our method can be used to prepare and detect microwave dressed states in a string of ions when performing multi-ion quantum operations with microwave and radio frequency fields. The individual addressability of clock transitions could also allow for the control of pairwise interaction strengths between arbitrary ions in a string using lasers

    Sicilian potential biogas production

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    This study is aimed at predicting the Sicilian potential biogas production, using the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW), animal manure and food industry by-products, in a region where only one biogas plant using MSW and one co-digestion plant are nowadays available. The statistical data about OFMSW, the number of animals bred in medium and large farms and the amounts of by-products of food processing industries were evaluated, in order to compute the Sicilian potential biogas and energy production. The OFMSW produced in Sicily, that is 0.8 million tons ca. per year (37% of MSW), could be used in a bio-reactor, together with other raw materials, for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process, producing biogas and \u201cdigestate\u201d. Moreover, 3.03 million tons ca. of manure, collected in medium and large animal husbandry farms (where cows, pigs and poultry are bred), and 350 thousand tons ca. of by-products, collected in food processing industries (pomace from olive oil mills and grape marc from wineries), might be used for AD process. The Sicilian potential biogas production from the AD of the above raw materials is 170.2 millions of m3, that is equal to 1023.4 GWh of energy per year, of which 484 GWh from animal manure, 303 GWh from OFMSW and 236.4 GWh from food industry by-products. The highest biogas production is in the province of Palermo (35.6 millions of m3), Ragusa (30.8 millions of m3) and Catania (22.8 millions of m3), having a potential energy production of 213.8, 185 and 137 GWh, respectively

    Assessment of organic waste management methods through energy balance

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    In Italy, the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) is nowadays landfilled or processed through aerobic composting. The Italian towns currently support a high cost for OFMSW disposal and cause a high environmental impact, because of long distances travelled from towns to a few available landfills and fewer treatment places, as well as the used waste management methods. An interesting option for OFMSW is Anaerobic Digestion (AD), producing biogas and “digestate”. In this survey a theoretical biogas plant was placed near a town of Sicily Region (Italy), centralised with reference to the area considered for producing OFMSW. The distances travelled every year to transport OFMSW from the nine towns considered to the nearest composting plant and the biogas one were calculated using QGIS software. Therefore, the energy balance was computed for each of the four considered scenarios. Within the implementation of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) method, AD resulted in an energy balance much higher than that of aerobic composting. In fact, differently from composting, AD can significantly contribute to energy recovery, while retaining the nutrients in the digestate produced and reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The use of a rational network of towns for OFMSW collection and transportation results relevant, in terms of increased energy balance, only in the case of composting. Therefore, if AD would be implemented as OFMSW management method, by means of biogas plants, each of them placed in an area including some towns, e.g. that considered in this survey, it could highly reduce the cost and the environmental impact of waste disposal

    Dynamic synchronization of the unbalanced rotors for the excitation of longitudinal traveling waves

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    The problem about the synchronization of the unbalanced rotors for the excitation of the longitudinal traveling waves in the elastic system of a bar type is examined. The steady-state regimes of motion are investigated, the conditions of their existence and stability are obtaine

    Dynamic orientation of systems for excitation of transverse and longitudinal waves

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    A theoretical and numerical analysis of dynamic systems for excitation of longitudinal and transverse waves with a self-direction is carried out. Formulas for definition of excitation frequency and a difference of phases depending on system parameters are obtained. Conditions for existence and stability of the steady-state motion regimes are define

    Dynamic synchronization of the unbalanced rotors for the excitation of longitudinal traveling waves

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    The problem about the synchronization of the unbalanced rotors for the excitation of the longitudinal traveling waves in the elastic system of a bar type is examined. The steady-state regimes of motion are investigated, the conditions of their existence and stability are obtaine