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    India is maybe one of the biggest makers of restorative spices and is properly thought to be the "Professional flowerbed of the world". Enormous quantities of restorative spices have been in need for millennia, in some structure, under the native frameworks of medication. Detachment and depiction of Turnera aphrodisiaca leaf includes the concentrate was subjected to HPTLC for combination portrayal and separation. HPTLC stands for high-level tender loving care, and it is used to separate and identify pieces. The differentiation between each component's adsorption coefficients determines how each component is divided, and identifiable evidence rests on the correlation of Rf values. All the experiments' solvents came from MERCK and were of the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quality. The Exact XB 12A digital balance was used to take precise measurements. Using the HPTLC method, the ethanolic extract of Turnera aphrodisiaca leaf was extracted and characterized. The ethanol extract was placed as discrete bands onto silica gel 60 F254 HPTLC plates that were 10x10 cm in size together with rutin and quercetin standards.Utilizing the HPTLC technique, Turnera aphrodisiaca leaf extract was isolated and characterized. The outcomes demonstrated that rutin was present in the crude extrac