826 research outputs found

    Terrorism affected regions : the impact of different supply chain risk management strategies on financial performance

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    Purpose: Current geo-political events, such as terrorism and climatologic adversities, have highlighted the potential risks to supply chains (SCs), and their disastrous financial impacts on supply chains. Within supply chains, risk management plays a major role in successfully managing business processes in a proactive manner and ensuring the business continuity and financial performance (FP). The purpose of this study is to explore the supply chain risks and strategies in a terrorism-affected region (TAR), and to examine supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategies and their impacts on FP, including the war on terror (WoT) and its impacts on the local logistics industry. In addition, this study investigates the knowledge gaps in the published research on terrorism-related risk in supply chains, and develops a framework of strategies and effective decision-making to enable practitioners to address terrorism-related risks for SCRM.Methodology: The study initially adopts a novel combination of triangulated methods comprising a systematic literature review, text mining, and network analysis. Additionally, risk identification, risk analysis and strategies scrutiny are conducted by using semi-structured interviews and Qualitative Content Analysis in a TAR. A model of strategies was developed from a review of existing studies and interviews. The model is empirically tested with survey data of 80 firms using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA).Findings: This study reveals a number of key themes in the field of SCRM linked with terrorism. It identifies relevant mitigation strategies and practices for effective strategic decision-making. This subsequently leads to development of a strategic framework, consisting of strategies and effective-decision making practices to address terrorism-related risks that affect SCRM. It also identifies key the knowledge gaps in the literature and explores the main contributions by disciplines (e.g., business schools, engineering, and maritime institutions) and countries.Further, it identifies the SC risks in a TAR, which consist of value streams: disruption risks, operational risks and financial risks. Among these, the emerging risks emcompass terrorist groups’ demand for protection money, smog, paedophilia and the use of containers to block protesters. To mitigate these risks, firms frequently implemented the following strategies: information sharing, SC coordination, risk sharing, SC finance, SC security and facilitation payment. Five strategies out of the six (except facilitation payment) are able to lead to FP, confirmed quantitatively as well. There are various equifinal configurations of SCRM strategies leading to FP. In addition, information sharing acts as a moderator in the relationship between SC security and FP. SC coordination has a mediating role in the relationship between information sharing and SC security capabilities and FP.Research limitations/Contribution: The sample size a limitation of the study, meaning that the findings should be generalized with caution. The most valuable implications is the identification of configurations of strategies that can help managers and policymakers in implementing those findings.Originality/value: No empirical study was found in the SCRM literature that specifically investigates the relationships between the identified strategies and FP with fsQCA, in particular in a TAR context; this study thus fills an important gap in the SCRM literature and contributes empirically

    Samsonite: Case Study

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    This case study aimed at shedding light on the new emerging trends of business observed in the Asian region. Today, big multinationals are learning from Asia and applying best practices, developed in this continent, in their operations worldwide spanning from USA, South America and Europe. In particular, this case study paid focus on the strategy adopted by Timothy Charles Parker, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Samsonite International S.A, incorporated in March 2011. It also focused on the turnaround strategy applied by him for the Samsonite (Luggage Company). Charles Parker is a man with a reputation for turning around companies from losses to prof itability. He was put in charge by the Board to revive Samsonite that was continuously losing its strength and market share in the year of 2009. From this perspective, this study tried to explore the methodology adopted by Timothy Charles Parker to successfully revive the company. It is also noteworthy to note how Timothy Charles Parker paid careful attention to the integration strategy by Ramesh Tainwala in India to support the Samsonite operations in American and European operations. Furthermore, Asian region was also used for tapping funds from the stock market because of damage to the brand equity of Samsonite in the developed markets. Within the period of merely seven years, Samsonite is now one of the most thriving and successful luggage companies in the world and its share is most sought after in Hong Kong stock market. Based on the studies case, it can be recommended that management practices developed in Asian region can also be adopted in order to revive

    Noninvasive monitoring intracranial pressure - A review of available modalities

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    Background: Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is important in many neurosurgical and neurological patients. The gold standard for monitoring ICP, however, is via an invasive procedure resulting in the placement of an intraventricular catheter, which is associated with many risks. Several noninvasive ICP monitoring techniques have been examined with the hope to replace the invasive techniques. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of all modalities that have been used for noninvasive ICP monitoring to date.Methods: A thorough literature search was conducted on PubMed, selected articles were reviewed in completion, and pertinent data was included in the review.Results: A total of 94 publications were reviewed, and we found that over the past few decades clinicians have attempted to use a number of modalities to monitor ICP noninvasively.Conclusion: Although the intraventricular catheter remains the gold standard for monitoring ICP, several noninvasive modalities that can be used in settings when invasive monitoring is not possible are also available. In our opinion, measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter and pupillometry are the two modalities which may prove to be valid options for centers not performing invasive ICP monitoring

    Generalization of majorization theorem via Abel-Gontscharoff polynomial

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    In this paper we use Abel-Gontscharoff formula and Green function to give some identities for the difference of majorization inequality and present the generalization of majorization theorem for the class of n-convex. We use inequalities for the Čebyšev functional to obtain bounds for the identities related to generalizations of majorization inequalities. We present mean value theorems and n-exponential convexity for the functional obtained from the generalized majorization inequalities. At the end we discuss the results for particular families of functions and give means

    The Teachers’ Loyalty and its Attributes: A Comprehensive Review

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    In the socio-economic development of every country, the education plays a significant role. In this regard, the higher education institutions (HEIs) are centers of academics where the people acquire skills in the various spheres of life. The HEIs are the main providers of educated and skilled personnel those who pursue their corresponding professions in the different sectors of economy. The nursery of these people must be nurtured by certain capable and highly experienced faculty which is the backbone of every higher education institution. In this regard, the teachers’ loyalty is the only factor behind the success of these academic institutions. The loyalty is the multi-dimensional phenomenon which originates from the employee’s empowerment, participation and socialization. All these three factors accumulatively makes a person loyal towards his/her institution which is a burning issue being discussed and analyzed by the both the employers and the employees. Keywords: Loyalty, Empowerment, Participation, Socialization, Teachers,

    The Contributing Factors towards Employees’ Loyalty

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    The commitment and loyalty occupy considerable of the similar theoretical concepts. However, loyalty spread out further than the basic philosophies of commitment in two ways, first, the personal choice paradigm adopts the literature of commitment and an employee considers rational analysis alternatives to commit or not to commit to an institution. On the other hand, loyalty brings together a normative component into the association as it is generally described as a responsibility. Researchers concern themselves with measuring the extent to which employees feels commitment toward their institutions. Loyalty, however, suggests mutuality, while commitment is generally conceptually situated inside the individual, loyalty exist in further at the connection of a relationship. Individuals must accept a fluid approach, in the workplace, to evaluating the demands of loyalty as background and associations alteration. It is difficult if not impossible, without addressing this fluidity, to predict attitudinal or behavioral outcomes of individuals’ perceptions that others have been disloyal or loyal. The loyalty has received considerable attention from philosophers; it is, of course, not simply a philosophical abstraction. It is also a cognition held by a person to characterize his or her relationship with another person. Keywords: Loyalty, Empowerment, Participation, Socialization, Employee

    The Impact of Demography upon the Employees’ Self-Esteem

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    The present study is primarily concentrated on the demography and professional self-esteem of the employees in the higher educational institution which is an effort to produce a new sense in each employee who is attached with any occupation particularly the teaching profession. In the field of education, there are numerous studies on self-esteem but no adequate work is found to explore the level of professional self-esteem of the employees in the higher educational institution of Pakistan. The current research study offers a new orientation and dimension to the higher educational system. The present work aimed at exploring the factors like confidence, performance, empowerment and the demographics in defining the self-esteem of the academicians in the higher educational institutions. Keywords: Demographics, Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Performance, Empowerment, HEIs

    The Self-Esteem: A Review of Literature

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    The development and progress of a country can be done by some professionals, among others economists, technocrats and statesmen. Through teachers, these various specialists get knowledge. It is the teachers who do well in generating professionals who develop their knowledge in their fields. Therefore, teachers should own self-confidence and self-esteem to do their jobs. The empowerment of teacher is considered frequently on the assertion that the teachers who work closely with the students are in the best position to make sympathetic decisions. The institutional management should create environment for the work value by confirming the teacher’s access to the information, resources and support necessary to achieve the tasks and that they are provided constant opportunities for development. In the university context, this is mainly important, with new professional and innovative requirements for both teaching and non-teaching employees. Keywords: Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Performance, Empowerment, Academicians, HEI