103 research outputs found

    Electrically charged finite energy solutions of an SO(5)SO(5) and an SU(3)SU(3) Higgs-Chern-Simons--Yang-Mills-Higgs systems in 3+13+1 dimensions

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    We study spherically symmetric finite energy solutions of two Higgs-Chern-Simons--Yang-Mills-Higgs (HCS-YMH) models in 3+13+1 dimensions, one with gauge group SO(5)SO(5) and the other with SU(3)SU(3). The Chern-Simons (CS) densities are defined in terms of both the Yang-Mills (YM) and Higgs fields and the choice of the two gauge groups is made so they do not vanish. The solutions of the SO(5)SO(5) model carry only electric charge and zero magnetic charge, while the solutions of the SU(3)SU(3) model are dyons carrying both electric and magnetic charges like the Julia-Zee (JZ) dyon. Unlike the latter however, the electric charge in both models receives an important contribution from the CS dynamics. We pay special attention to the relation between the energies and charges of these solutions. In contrast with the electrically charged JZ dyon of the Yang-Mills-Higgs (YMH) system, whose mass is larger than that of the electrically neutral (magnetic monopole) solutions, the masses of the electrically charged solutions of our HCS-YMH models can be smaller than their electrically neutral counterparts in some parts of the parameter space. To establish this is the main task of this work, which is performed by constructing the HCS-YMH solutions numerically. In the case of the SU(3)SU(3) HCS-YMH, we have considered the question of angular momentum, and it turns out that it vanishes.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Charged Rotating Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    In recent years higher-dimensional black holes have attracted much interest because of various developments in gravity and high energy physics. But whereas higher-dimensional charged static (Tangherlini) and uncharged rotating (Myers-Perry) black holes were found long ago, black hole solutions of Einstein-Maxwell theory, are not yet known in closed form in more than 4 dimensions, when both electric charge and rotation are present. Here we therefore study these solutions and those of Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory, by using numerical and perturbative methods, and by exploiting the existence of spacetime symmetries. The properties of these black holes reveal new interesting features, not seen in D=4. For instance, unlike the D=4 Kerr-Newman solution, they possess a non-constant gyromagnetic factor.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010 (ERE 2010) held in Granada, Spai

    Non Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs solutions in (2+1) dimensions

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    Non Abelian vortices of a SU(2) Chern-Simons--Higgs theory in 2+1 dimensions are constructed numerically. They represent natural counterparts of the U(1) solutions considered by Hong, Kim and Pac, and, by Jackiw and Weinberg. The Abelian embeddings are identified, for all values of the Higgs selfinteraction strength ν\nu, resulting in both attractive and repulsive phases. A detailed analysis of the properties of the solutions reveals the existence ofa number of unexpected features. For a certain range of the parameter ν\nu, it is shown that the non Abelian vortices have lower energy than their topologically stable Abelian counterparts, resulting in an effective energy lower bound on the SU(2) configurations. The angular momentum of these vortices is analysed and it is found that unlike the Abelian ones, whose angular momentum and energy are unrelated, there is a nontrivial mass--spin relation of the non Abelian vortices.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Generalized dyons and magnetic dipoles: the issue of angular momentum

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    It is known that a non-Abelian magnetic monopole cannot rotate globally (although it may possess a nonzero angular momentum density). At the same time, the total angular momentum of a magnetic dipole equals the electric charge. In this work we question the generality of these results by considering a number of generalizations of the Georgi-Glashow model. We study two different types of finite energy, regular configurations: solutions with net magnetic charge and monopole-antimonopole pairs with zero net magnetic charge. These configurations are endowed with an electric charge and carry also a nonvanishing angular momentum density. However, we argue that the qualitative results found in the Georgi-Glashow model are generic and thus a magnetic monopole cannot spin as long as the matter fields feature the usual "monopole" asymptotic behaviour independently of the dynamics of the model. A study of the properties of the dyons and magnetic dipoles in some generalizations of the Georgi-Glashow model supplemented with higher order Skyrme-like terms in the gauge curvature and Higgs fields is given quantitatively.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Angular momentum-area proportionality of extremal charged black holes in odd dimensions

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    Extremal rotating black holes in Einstein-Maxwell theory feature two branches. On the branch emerging from the Myers-Perry solutions their angular momentum is proportional to their horizon area, while on the branch emerging from the Tangherlini solutions their angular momentum is proportional to their horizon angular momentum. The transition between these branches occurs at a critical value of the charge, which depends on the value of the angular momentum. However, when a dilaton is included, the angular momentum is always proportional to the horizon area.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Vortices of SO(2)SO(2) gauged Skyrmions in 2+12+1 dimensions

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    Vortices the SO(2)SO(2) gauged planar Skyrme model, with a) only Maxwell, b) only Chern-Simons, and c) both Maxwell and Chern-Simons dynamics are studied systematically. In cases a) and b), where both models feature a single parameter λ\lambda (the coupling of the potential term), the dependence of the energy on λ\lambda is analysed. It is shown that the plots of the energy vs.vs. λ\lambda feature discontinuities and branches. In case c), the emphasis is on the evolution of the topological charge, taking non-integer values. Throughout, the properties studied are contrasted with those of the corresponding Abelian Higgs models.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Stationary axisymmetric SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills fields with restricted circularity conditions are Abelian

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    In this paper we prove that in a stationary axisymmetric SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory the most reasonable circularity conditions that can be considered for the Yang-Mills fields imply in fact that the field is of embedded Abelian type, or else that the metric is not asymptotically flat

    Non-Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs vortices with a quartic potential

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    We have constructed numerically non-Abelian vortices in an SU(2) Chern-Simons-Higgs theory with a quartic Higgs potential. We have analyzed these solutions in detail by means of improved numerical codes and found some unexpected features we did not find when a sixth-order Higgs potential was used. The generic non-Abelian solutions have been generated by using their corresponding Abelian counterparts as initial guess. Typically, the energy of the non-Abelian solutions is lower than that of the corresponding Abelian one (except in certain regions of the parameter space). Regarding the angular momentum, the Abelian solutions possess the maximal value, although there exist non-Abelian solutions which reach that maximal value too. In order to classify the solutions it is useful to consider the non-Abelian solutions with asymptotically vanishing AtA_t component of the gauge potential, which may be labelled by an integer number mm. For vortex number n=3n=3 and above, we have found uniqueness violation: two different non-Abelian solutions with all the global charges equal. Finally, we have investigated the limit of infinity Higgs self-coupling parameter and found a piecewise Regge-like relation between the energy and the angular momentum.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure