18,347 research outputs found

    Asymptotic iteration method for eigenvalue problems

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    An asymptotic interation method for solving second-order homogeneous linear differential equations of the form y'' = lambda(x) y' + s(x) y is introduced, where lambda(x) \neq 0 and s(x) are C-infinity functions. Applications to Schroedinger type problems, including some with highly singular potentials, are presented.Comment: 14 page

    Dark Energy, scalar-curvature couplings and a critical acceleration scale

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    We study the effects of coupling a cosmologically rolling scalar field to higher order curvature terms. We show that when the strong coupling scale of the theory is on the 10^{-3}-10^{-1}eV range, the model passes all experimental bounds on the existence of fifth forces even if the field has a mass of the order of the Hubble scale in vacuum and non-suppressed couplings to SM fields. The reason is that the coupling to certain curvature invariant acts as an effective mass that grows in regions of large curvature. This prevents the field from rolling down its potential near sources and makes its effects on fifth-force search experiments performed in the laboratory to be observable only at the sub-mm scale. We obtain the static spherically symmetric solutions of the theory and show that a long-range force appears but it is turned on only below a fixed Newtonian acceleration scale of the order of the Hubble constant. We comment on the possibility of using this feature of the model to alleviate the CDM small scale crisis and on its possible relation to MOND.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Star Formation and Feedback in Dwarf Galaxies

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    We examine the star formation history and stellar feedback effects of dwarf galaxies under the influence of extragalactic ultraviolet radiation. We consider the dynamical evolution of gas in dwarf galaxies using a one-dimensional, spherically symmetric, Lagrangian numerical scheme to compute the effects of radiative transfer and photoionization. We include a physically-motivated star formation recipe and consider the effects of feedback. Our results indicate that star formation in the severe environment of dwarf galaxies is a difficult and inefficient process. For intermediate mass systems, such as the dSphs around the Galaxy, star formation can proceed with in early cosmic epochs despite the intense background UV flux. Triggering processes such as merger events, collisions, and tidal disturbance can lead to density enhancements, reducing the recombination timescale, allowing gas to cool and star formation to proceed. However, the star formation and gas retention efficiency may vary widely in galaxies with similar dark matter potentials, because they depend on many factors, such as the baryonic fraction, external perturbation, IMF, and background UV intensity. We suggest that the presence of very old stars in these dwarf galaxies indicates that their initial baryonic to dark matter content was comparable to the cosmic value. This constraint suggests that the initial density fluctuation of baryonic matter may be correlated with that of the dark matter. For the more massive dwarf elliptical galaxies, the star formation efficiency and gas retention rate is much higher. Their mass to light ratio is regulated by star formation feedback, and is expected to be nearly independent of their absolute luminosity. The results of our theoretical models reproduce the observed M/LMvM/L-M_v correlation.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    A basis for variational calculations in d dimensions

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    In this paper we derive expressions for matrix elements (\phi_i,H\phi_j) for the Hamiltonian H=-\Delta+\sum_q a(q)r^q in d > 1 dimensions. The basis functions in each angular momentum subspace are of the form phi_i(r)=r^{i+1+(t-d)/2}e^{-r^p/2}, i >= 0, p > 0, t > 0. The matrix elements are given in terms of the Gamma function for all d. The significance of the parameters t and p and scale s are discussed. Applications to a variety of potentials are presented, including potentials with singular repulsive terms of the form b/r^a, a,b > 0, perturbed Coulomb potentials -D/r + B r + Ar^2, and potentials with weak repulsive terms, such as -g r^2 + r^4, g > 0.Comment: 22 page

    Spheres, Deficit Angles and the Cosmological Constant

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    We consider compactifications of six dimensional gravity in four dimensional Minkowski or de Sitter space times a two dimensional sphere, S^2. As has been recently pointed out, it is possible to introduce 3-branes in these backgrounds with arbitrary tension without affecting the effective four dimensional cosmological constant, since its only effect is to induce a deficit angle in the sphere. We show that if a monopole like configuration of a 6D U(1) gauge field is used to produce the spontaneous compactification of the two extra dimensions in a sphere a fine tuning between brane and bulk parameters is reintroduced once the quantization condition for the gauge field is taken into account, so the 4D cosmological constant depends on the brane tension. This problem is absent if instead of the monopole we consider a four form field strength in the bulk to obtain the required energy-momentum tensor. Also, making use of the four form field, we generalize the solution to an arbitrary number of dimensions (\ge 6), keeping always four noncompact dimensions and compactifying the rest in a n-dimensional sphere. We show that a (n+1)-brane with arbitrary tension can be introduced in this background without affecting the effective 4D cosmological constant.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Nature versus Nurture: The curved spine of the galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity -- temperature relation

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    The physical processes that define the spine of the galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity -- temperature (L-T) relation are investigated using a large hydrodynamical simulation of the Universe. This simulation models the same volume and phases as the Millennium Simulation and has a linear extent of 500 h^{-1} Mpc. We demonstrate that mergers typically boost a cluster along but also slightly below the L-T relation. Due to this boost we expect that all of the very brightest clusters will be near the peak of a merger. Objects from near the top of the L-T relation tend to have assembled much of their mass earlier than an average halo of similar final mass. Conversely, objects from the bottom of the relation are often experiencing an ongoing or recent merger.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Effective Hamiltonians in quantum optics: a systematic approach

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    We discuss a general and systematic method for obtaining effective Hamiltonians that describe different nonlinear optical processes. The method exploits the existence of a nonlinear deformation of the usual su(2) algebra that arises as the dynamical symmetry of the original model. When some physical parameter, dictated by the process under consideration, becomes small, we immediately get a diagonal effective Hamiltonian that correctly represents the dynamics for arbitrary states and long times. We extend the technique to su(3) and su(N), finding the corresponding effective Hamiltonians when some resonance conditions are fulfilled.Comment: 13 Pages, no figures, submitted for publicatio

    Aqueous Processes and Microbial Habitability of Gale Crater Sediments from the Blunts Point to the Glenn Torridon Clay Unit

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    A driving factor for sending the Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity rover to Gale Crater was the orbital detection of clay minerals in the Glen Torridon (GT) clay unit. Clay mineral detections in GT suggested a past aqueous environment that was habitable, and could contain organic evidence of past microbiology. The mission of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument onboard Curiosity was to detect organic evidence of past microbiology and to detect volatile bearing mineralogy that can inform on whether past geochemical conditions would have supported microbiological activity. The objective of this work was to 1) evaluate the depositional/alteration conditions of Blunts Point (BP) to GT sediments 2) search for evidence of organics, and 3) evaluate microbial habitability in the BP, Vera Rubin Ridge (VRR), and GT sedimentary rock

    The non-Gaussian tail of cosmic-shear statistics

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    Due to gravitational instability, an initially Gaussian density field develops non-Gaussian features as the Universe evolves. The most prominent non-Gaussian features are massive haloes, visible as clusters of galaxies. The distortion of high-redshift galaxy images due to the tidal gravitational field of the large-scale matter distribution, called cosmic shear, can be used to investigate the statistical properties of the LSS. In particular, non-Gaussian properties of the LSS will lead to a non-Gaussian distribution of cosmic-shear statistics. The aperture mass (MapM_{\rm ap}) statistics, recently introduced as a measure for cosmic shear, is particularly well suited for measuring these non-Gaussian properties. In this paper we calculate the highly non-Gaussian tail of the aperture mass probability distribution, assuming Press-Schechter theory for the halo abundance and the `universal' density profile of haloes as obtained from numerical simulations. We find that for values of MapM_{\rm ap} much larger than its dispersion, this probability distribution is closely approximated by an exponential, rather than a Gaussian. We determine the amplitude and shape of this exponential for various cosmological models and aperture sizes, and show that wide-field imaging surveys can be used to distinguish between some of the currently most popular cosmogonies. Our study here is complementary to earlier cosmic-shear investigations which focussed more on two-point statistical properties.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Cosmological Simulations of the Preheating Scenario for Galaxy Cluster Formation: Comparison to Analytic Models and Observations

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    We perform a set of non--radiative cosmological simulations of a preheated intracluster medium in which the entropy of the gas was uniformly boosted at high redshift. The results of these simulations are used first to test the current analytic techniques of preheating via entropy input in the smooth accretion limit. When the unmodified profile is taken directly from simulations, we find that this model is in excellent agreement with the results of our simulations. This suggests that preheated efficiently smoothes the accreted gas, and therefore a shift in the unmodified profile is a good approximation even with a realistic accretion history. When we examine the simulation results in detail, we do not find strong evidence for entropy amplification, at least for the high-redshift preheating model adopted here. In the second section of the paper, we compare the results of the preheating simulations to recent observations. We show -- in agreement with previous work -- that for a reasonable amount of preheating, a satisfactory match can be found to the mass-temperature and luminosity-temperature relations. However -- as noted by previous authors -- we find that the entropy profiles of the simulated groups are much too flat compared to observations. In particular, while rich clusters converge on the adiabatic self--similar scaling at large radius, no single value of the entropy input during preheating can simultaneously reproduce both the core and outer entropy levels. As a result, we confirm that the simple preheating scenario for galaxy cluster formation, in which entropy is injected universally at high redshift, is inconsistent with observations.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap