495 research outputs found

    Open Source Alternatives for Business Intelligence: Critical Success Factors for Adoption

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    The purpose of this research is to identify critical factors that affect the adoption of Open Source Business Intelligence (OPBI) tools and to compare the differences between OPBI and Proprietary Business Intelligence (PBI) tools. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, an organizational adoption model was designed to analyze four cases of organizations that have adopted Business Intelligence (BI) tools. The cases were documented using a tested protocol and a set of interviews. The analysis of the cases shows that organizations with fewer resources and simpler IT selection processes tend to adopt OPBI. The most cited reason for using OPBI software is cost savings. The results also reveal that for most users OPBI does not require sophisticated BI specialists and offers as many useful features as PBI tools. These findings are important to BI vendors, users, developers, and organizations interested in adopting BI technologies

    Analyzing double degrees in Spain: A proposal

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    [EN] This article reviews the situation of single and double degrees in both public and private Spanish universities. To do so, this study analyzes information from the Registry of Universities, Centers, and Qualifications (RUCT) and Universia Spain. After analyzing the programs currently available to students, we present a proposal to establish a double degree in Administration and Business Management/Industrial Management Engineering. The proposal specifies the degree’s main objectives, specific nature, and fundamental aims and benefits in terms of technical, corporate, innovative, and entrepreneurial competencies.Roig-Tierno, N.; Mas Tur, A.; Ribeiro Navarrete, B. (2015). Analyzing double degrees in Spain: A proposal. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 334-339. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD15.2015.487OCS33433

    Metabolomic evaluation of Mitomycin C and rapamycin in a personalized treatment of pancreatic cancer

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    In a personalized treatment designed for a patient with pancreatic cancer resistant to other treatments, the success of Mitomycin C (MMC) has been highlighted. This was revealed in a murine xenograft tumor model encompassing pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells extracted from the patient. The patient was found to exhibit a biallelic inactivation of the PALB2 gene, involved in DNA repair in addition to another mutation in the TSC2 gene that induces susceptibility of the tumor to therapeutic targets of the PI3K-mTOR pathway. The aim of the study was to apply metabolomics to elucidate the modes of action of each therapy, suggesting why MMC was so successful in this patient and why it could be a more popular choice in future pancreatic cancer treatment. The effectiveness of MMC compared to rapamycin (RM), another relevant therapeutic agent has been evaluated through liquid- and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomic analyses of the xenograft tumors. The relative concentrations of many metabolites in the xenograft tumors were found to be increased by MMC relative to other treatments (RM and a combination of both), including a number that are involved in central carbon metabolism (CCM). Metabolic fingerprinting revealed statistically significantly altered pathways including, but not restricted to, the pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, TCA cycle, purine metabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis, in addition to many significant lipid and amino acid alterations. Given the genetic background of the patient, it was expected that the combined therapy would be most effective; however, the most effective was MMC alone. It is proposed that the effectiveness of MMC is owed to its direct effect on CCM, a vital region of tumor metabolism

    Revisión bibliográfica: Intervenciones sanitarias en adultos con ludopatía

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    Introducción: la ludopatía es una adicción a los juegos de azar recogida en el DSM- V. Los jóvenes de sexo masculino son los más afectados por esta patología. Por ello, las intervenciones específicas para este perfil son necesarias. El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información ha trasladado el interés de los tradicionales juegos de azar de tragaperras o del póker a las apuestas en línea como actividad favorita entre los jugadores.Objetivo: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre las intervenciones en ludópatas jóvenes.Metodología: Se ha desarrollado una búsqueda bibliográfica para identificar las principales intervenciones en la ludopatía a través de bases de datos como Medline, Scielo y Scopus.Conclusión: existen diferentes intervenciones basadas en la evidencia para afrontar la ludopatía, pero la más eficaz es la terapia cognitivo conductual grupal, Complementada con conductas prosociales y advertencias de amenaza que ayudan a reducir y controlar la adicción.Palabras claves: "ludopatía", "intervenciones","terapia", "jóvenes adultos", "conducta adictiva", "terapia cognitivo conductual".<br /

    Assessing awareness of emotional intelligence skill in the learning of French language of the students attending the first year of bachelor’s degree in modern languages specialization in English and French. University of El Salvador, Eastern Campus, 2021

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    RESUMEN: Tomando como base el estudio de grandes psicólogos como Goleman, D. (1995) y sus libros Emotional Intelligence y Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Al igual que Gardner, H. (1983) y su libro Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Los mencionados autores y sus obras inspiraron fuertemente al presente trabajo de investigación, el cual tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el nivel de la habilidad Inteligencia Emocional y su influencia en el aprendizaje de la lengua francesa de los alumnos de primer año de licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas. Además, se buscó categorizar el nivel de inteligencia emocional de la muestra de interés obteniendo resultados muy interesantes y de utilidad para la investigación ya que no hay una influencia de las variables entre sí para el grupo de estudio. ABSTRACT: Based on the study of great psychologists such as Goleman, D. (1995) and his books Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Like Gardner, H. (1983) and his book Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. The aforementioned authors and their works strongly inspired this research work, whose main objective is to evaluate the level of the Emotional Intelligence skill and its influence on the learning of the French language of first-year students of the Modern Languages degree. In addition, it was sought to categorize the level of emotional intelligence of the sample of interest, obtaining very interesting and useful results for the investigation since there is no influence of the variables on each other for the study grou

    Sculptors' signatures on Iberian stone statues from Ipolca-Obulco (Porcuna, Jaén, Spain)

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    With the help of a modern mason, the authors have discovered a series of scarcely visible markings on well-known limestone statues from southern Spain dating back to the fifth century BC. Unrelated to letters or religious symbols, their best point of comparison seems to lie with the kind of signature used by masons to denote a craftsman or workshop. One can certainly forgive any sculptor an expression of pride in the elegant and complex carvings of the Iberian culture

    El trabajo de los escultores ibéricos: un ejemplo de Porcuna (Jaén)

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    El estudio de las técnicas empleadas en la manufactura de las esculturas ibéricas ha recibido escasa atención por parte de los especialistas. Sin embargo, estas investigaciones han ofrecido importantes resultados en otras áreas del Mediterráneo, proporcionando conocimientos clave no sólo sobre las técnicas, talleres y estilos, sino también sobre el papel social de los escultores y de aquellos que los sostienen. Mediante el estudio de un ejemplo concreto, el grifo-león enfrentándose a la serpiente del conjunto de Porcuna, se ofrece una visión general del proceso de trabajo de la escultura. Se ha reconocido por primera vez la presencia de lo que puede ser interpretado como una marca de escultor, y se discute la función de este tipo de signos

    Sculptors' signatures on Iberian stone statues from Ipolca-Obulco (Porcuna, Jaén, Spain)

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    With the help of a modern mason, the authors have discovered a series of scarcely visible markings on well-known limestone statues from southern Spain dating back to the fifth century BC. Unrelated to letters or religious symbols, their best point of comparison seems to lie with the kind of signature used by masons to denote a craftsman or workshop. One can certainly forgive any sculptor an expression of pride in the elegant and complex carvings of the Iberian culture.Peer reviewe

    Implementación del programa de terapia ocupacional en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en la población infantil de dos a seis años de edad que asisten al centro de estimulación temprana “José Wilfredo Salgado” en la ciudad de San Miguel. Periodo de junio a septiembre de 2003 .

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    RESUMEN: Los cambios corporales de las capacidades sensoriales y habilidades motrices, forman parte del desarrollo físico e influye sobre manera en el intelecto y personalidad. Muchos de los conocimientos que los niños tienen del mundo provienen de los sentidos y de la actividad motriz, como por ejemplo, si un niño ha perdido su capacidad auditiva puede ver retrasado su desarrollo de lenguaje. La implementación del programa de Terapia Ocupacional, en el Centro de Estimulación Temprana José Wilfredo Salgado de la ciudad de San Miguel, se realizó durante el período comprendido de junio a septiembre de 2003, dirigido a 26 niños(as) entre las edades de 2 a 6 años. Con el objetivo principal de Implementar el programa de Terapia Ocupacional en el Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje, en niños y niñas que asisten al Centro de Estimulación Temprana José Wilfredo Salgado en la ciudad de San Miguel y también Determinar de qué manera la implementación del programa de Terapia Ocupacional facilita el proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje, en la población en estudio. El tipo de metodología aplicada fue de forma prospectiva, ya que a la vez que se realizó se obtuvieron resultados mediante la implementación del programa de terapia ocupacional, en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en niños(as) y a la vez permitió la detección de dificultades que presentaban los menores, las cuales afectarían la adecuada adaptación escolar; dicha investigación se realizó en el período de junio a septiembre del año 2003. A la vez, fue analítico o explicativo, porque se exponen las causas o factores que interfieren en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en infantes de edad preescolar. Habiendo realizado dicho trabajo se pudo concluir que La implementación del programa de terapia ocupacional permitió detectar algunos trastornos o alteraciones que son bastante frecuentes entre las edades de dos a seis años, tales como: problemas de lenguaje, trastornos psicológicos, motrices, emocionales, visuales, auditivos, las cuales pueden corregirse a una temprana edad, para prepararlos e inducirlos a una fácil y placentera adaptación preescolar. ABSTRACT: The bodily changes of sensory abilities and motor abilities, are part of the physical development and influence way on the intellect and personality. Many of the knowledge that children have about the world comes from the senses and from motor activity, such as if a child has lost his or her hearing ability, his or her language development may be delayed. The implementation of the Occupational Therapy Program, at the José Wilfredo Salgado Early Stimulation Center in the city of San Miguel, was carried out during the period from June to September 2003, aimed at 26 children(s) between the ages of 2 and 6 years. With the main objective of Implementing the Occupational Therapy Program in the Learning Teaching Process, in children attending the José Wilfredo Salgado Early Stimulation Center in the city of San Miguel and also Determine how the implementation of the Occupational Therapy program facilitates the process of Teaching Learning, in the population under study. The type of methodology applied was prospective, since at the same time as it was carried out, results were obtained through the implementation of the occupational therapy program, in the teaching learning process in children(s) At the same time, it made it possible to identify the difficulties encountered by minors, which would affect the proper adaptation of schools; this research was carried out in the period from June to September 2003. At the same time, it was analytical or explanatory, because it exposes the causes or factors that interfere with the teaching learning process in preschool children. Having carried out this work, it was concluded that the implementation of the occupational therapy program made it possible to detect some disorders or alterations that are quite frequent between the ages of two to six years, such as: language problems, psychological disorders, motor, emotional, visual, auditory, which can be corrected at an early age, to prepare them and induce them to an easy and pleasant preschool adaptation